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Everything posted by Mission

  1. Hey, Cap'n Pete! You may be interested in checking out this eBay seller. He seems to be offering the genuine skeletons for pretty reasonable prices. I sent him an email asking about a parrot skeleton.
  2. Thanks, Ed. I added your pirates. Do these include the people Ged had posted on the other forum? (Would you send Tony an email and see if he'll wander over here. He didn't respond to mine.) dasNdanger: Glad you like the list! It's far from belonging to me any more, however. Several people own this list, as noted at the bottom of my post. Ebanks Dive shop? It reminds me of The Firm - except there it was Abanks Dive Shop in the Caymans. Good thing ol' John took the time to disguise that! (Sorry, I'm off topic in my own topic. I'll behave from now on - this is sort of a scholarly post...I guess.) If anyone else has any pirates to add to the list, feel free to post them!
  3. If it's your money you're spending, you can be picky. Plus the AF arena is extremely competitive, so being picky breeds better products. God love the free market. :) Today, some AF manufacturers go so far as to 3-D computer scan the models for the figures. (NECA didn't do this for the POTC figs, however.) You can't really compare them to the 80's figures. The primary reason a manufacturer chooses a 7" or 8" scale instead of the traditional 4" scale is so they can incorporate more detail and provide you with better paint jobs. It's to the point where the AF market now demands this. Even Hasbro's 4" SW AFs are dramatically posed and presented...not to mention highly detailed. The progressions of the SW AF line from the '95 POTFII line to today is a lesson in modern AF market requirements. They've come up with a lot better sculpting and painting techniques since George decided to defy the fashion doll trend and make mini-figures. (Interesting (to me) side note: When presented with 12" Luke and Leia prototype figures, Lucas told Kenner something like, "No, these are too big. This movie is about vehicles. I want dolls that fit into vehicles." So Kenner borrowed a page from a line of Japanese robot toys and made figures on a 4" scale.) Don't get me wrong; the ones I have are really nice figs. The 18" Depp is probably the best pirate I've ever seen. And the best figure - I commented on him elsewhere. But he and the 7" Undead Pirate are the only two I personally liked (I haven't actually seen the 7" Depp doll).
  4. Well, I picked up Cursed Pirate to be named later at Media Play tonight. If they'd have given him dreads, it'd bear more than a passing resemblance to Koehler. With all the hoo-hah they made during the film voice overs about how much character the undead pirates had, you'd think they'd sculpt a particular pirate rather than a generic one. Anyhow...nice fig. Good detail. Lots of detail, actually, for a 7" figure. Very nice paint job. Tons of articulation, too. Every major joint moves and the shoulders have two joints so they can swivel. (They don't always go to such trouble.) The waist moves despite the small attachment point. Even the jaw opens! It doesn't stand too well, though. And the plastic is soft. I noticed the same thing with NECA's Brain Gremlin fig. Great detail and articulation, lousy cheap plastic. I'll take detail and articulation over hard plastic, I guess. The sword and gun are made of the same brittle plastic that 18" Jack's weapons are made of, so care should be taken with them or they'll probably break. I noticed that the sword is built backwards. If the poor guy uses the cross guard to protect his finger bones, the blade faces him. (Whoops! Don't go into battle like that Mr Undead Pirate to be Named!) The removable, decaying hat is a nice touch. **Edit** I was throwing away the packaging when I noticed there was something else inside...a clear base and pole that fits into Mr. Unnamed's back to make him stand properly. Beautiful! NECA really does an outstanding job on details. We're lucky we got them to sculpt this series (as opposed to someone like Playmates. Yeesh, do they make sorry figures.) ** Now for the demand report. At the local Media Play, they were sold out of Jack Sparrows, they had 1 Will, 3 Undead Pirates and 3 Barbossas. (Now they have 2 undead pirates and 3 Barbossas.) My boy and Barbossa aren't selling well from the looks of that store. Will comes with two heads! One with his hair down and another, strange disembodied version with the hair back in a pony tail that floats next to the attached head. I know the head is replaceable (pops out of its socket), but it still looks sort of creepy in the package. Something looks funny about Will's nose, too. Maybe that's just the way Orlando's nose really looks, I don't know. A decent, if dull figure other than that. The Barbossa sculpt looks weird in the package, although the splash photos on the backing looked decent...perhaps it's because the hat is not on the figure in the package. The figure's face looked elongated and slightly puffy to me for some reason. Again, maybe that's how Rush really looks, it just looked off to me. At least he comes with the monkey. Although even the monkey looked odd in the package. Of the four figs (the Jack is reportedly the same as the 18" version which I've seen several times), I think I'd personally rate them thusly: 1. Jack Sparrow 2. Undead Pirate 3. Will Turner and his floating head 4. Barbossa Of course, the only one I've seen out of the package is the 7" Undead Pirate and the 12" serious Jack.
  5. While I'm no stranger to taxidermy (I have this brown bat that I stuffed...but that's another story), I am not looking to do the job myself. I was hoping to find something pre-assembled and suitably weathered. Actually, there is a little model I found on eBay, but it's only about an inch high. Not quite what I'm looking for... Judging by your experience, it sounds like I may be out of luck, Captain Pete. I appreciate the insight. (Similar to your collection (well, sort of) I have a faux human skull collection that I built myself. Ok, they're halloween props - I had a business turning the things out many years ago.) Ah well...perhaps I could just mount my Green Parrot Inn T-Shirt in a frame and call it good. *Edit* Actually, the pigeon skeleton is only $215 at Wards...I expected worse. (Although I only paid $300 for my life-sized human skeleton. I guess pigeons are just not that big a seller.)
  6. Anyone know where I can get a parrot skeleton? (Short of committing crimes against avian-kind, that is.) I looked out on the great wide web and came up short on this. I'd prefer a replica. Anyone?
  7. Well waddaya know? We get another Jack Sparrow. Imagine that! In round 3, I'll bet we'll get another Jack Sparrow. Either that or another Will Turner. (If we're good, maybe they'll give us both. It'll probably depend partially on the sales of the each individual fig from round 1.) I'd lay 20:1 odds (for anyone but Bess who may know differently ) that the Elizabeth will be in the maroon dress. It's sort of her signature apparel from the first film. (It's akin to Amadala in the white bodysuit in Ep II: Attack of the Clowns.) My second choice would be the fancy dress (the one the corset was underneath) because of the distinct importance of that outfit to the movie's storyline. Still, its not as signature as the maroon dress which had it's own storyline significance. Me, I'll buy her in the greasy-haired RN outfit if they come out with it. Other than that...pass on this round except for the undead Jack and Barbossa in the two pack. I hope they don't make that a store exclusive... Those can be a real pain sometimes. Hum. That's a pretty static pose of ud Barbossa. Two packs are often action-posed. (They're also made of softer PVC sometimes because they're action-posed and people are inclined to leave 'em in the box.)
  8. Yes, yes, Bess has managed to convince me that he's a nice guy (not that I thought much either way about Jeffrey Rush before she and I conversed). (However, I've also heard he's very particular...perhaps bordering on anal. Or maybe he's just precise and professional. You say potato, I say potahto.) Just as in every field, there are some really good folks, some really bad folks, and a whole lot of regular folks. As far as actors I am familiar with, Sean Connery is a great example of what an actor should be IMO. Up front, unapologetically honest, professional and ready to leave the set when it's time to be left. And if you don't agree with him...he doesn't care. He still believes what he believes regardless of other people's feelings on the matter.
  9. Yes, that's been my experience. Well, maybe not scum at the core, but just regular folks with regular interests, needs, weaknesses and problems. Of course, overzealous, overbearing and delusional fans along with greedy paparazzi provide them with more than regular problems in some areas of life. Me, I like 'em fine in the movies. That's where they belong, I don't care if I meet any more "stars" or not. ______ "A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space." -Gloria Steinem
  10. May I suggest Nicole Kipar's site if you haven't already tried it? It's full of gobs of info on late 17th century clothing and it even has a section devoted to piracy.
  11. Easy. (These are in order.) 1. Raiders of the Lost Ark 2. Goldfinger 3. Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Gremlins 2: The New Batch 5. The Seven Samuri (While this isn't on my original list, if I had to watch the same movies for a year, I'd want one of them to be four hours long. I chose Yojimbo over Seven Samuri because it's shorter and I can watch it easily in one sitting.) I could watch those five movies over and over. Come to think of it...I have.
  12. I have finally decided to import this over here so that the cognoscienti on this site can have a whack at it and perhaps help expand it. I began it on piratesinfo.com about a year ago and interest in it suddenly exploded in late 2004. You can find the original post in the Scholarly forum here, but you must be registered at that site to view it. There is a great deal more info in the posts by the other posters on many of these pirates and if you are interested I highly suggest you check it out. I left all the revision notes in to honor the additions made by the scholars and wise posters at piratesinfo.com. This list would have been literally several hundred pirates shorter without their help. Also, if you see any errors, please tell me and I will fix them in this post. I cannot pretend to be an historian unparalleled, so I am always open to correction. If you would like to contribute to this list, please feel free to post info! Be sure to include at least 1) Their Full Name (or as much as you know) 2) Their Country of Origin 3) Your Source Feel free to list anything else you think would be interesting as part of your post - it adds spice to the whole thing. This list of pirates sorted by nationality and listed alphabetically by last name. -AFRICA- Cloise, Peter Grillo, Diego -BELGIUM- Carsten, Jan Rose, Jacob ++ -CANADA- ** Anderson, Alexander ** Baldwin, Captain ** Bartlett, Joseph ** Blunt, Captain ** Boag, Thomas ** Burnaby, Thomas ** Churchill, Joseph ** Collins, Benjamin ** Dean, Ephraim ** Easton/Eston*, Peter * Freeman, Joseph ** Freeman, Nathan ** Gandy, James ** Godfrey, Alexander ** Goodman, John ** Harris, John ** Jr. Barss, Joseph ** Kelly, John ** Lathan, John ** McMinn, Hugh ** McNutt, Joseph ** Nutson, Lawrence ** Parker, Thomas ** Power, John ** Pryor, William ** Reid, James ** Ross, James ** Smith, Stephen ** Taylor, James ** Tidney, John ** Young, William ** -CARIBBEAN- Cooke, John (St. Christopher) Diabolito (Cuba) Ebanks, Gideon (Cayman Islands) Grillo, Lucifer [Diego] (Havana)& Julian, John (Mosquito Coast) La Vie, Francois (St Christopher)## Lachenay, Claude (St Christopher)## North, Nathaniel (Bermuda) Plantain, James (Jamaica)# Samuel, Abraham (Jamaica)# -CHINA- Ch'i, Cheng Chih-Lung, Cheng Chui-Apoo/Cui Apu Koxinga Limahon/Dim Mhon++ Lo, Hon-cho O-po-tae Pao, Chang Pao, Liang P'o-tai, Kuo Sao, Cheng I Shang-Ch'ing, Li Shap-ng-tsai Sinsay++ T'ien-Pao, Ch'en Wu-Shih-Erh Ya-ling, Ch'ing Yih Ching, Cheng I -DENMARK- Mere, Lutkyn + Peterson, John ++ Sture, Sven + -DUTCH- Blauvelt, Abraham Brackman Daniëlsen, Cornelis Braziliano/Brasiliano, Roche/Rock Breakes, Hiram Chivers, Dirk Cordyne, Frans Corneliszoon Jol, Cornelis Corneliszoon Loncq, Hendrick Corneliszoon, Jan? Danziger/Dansker, Simon [Dali Rais/'Captain Devil']*# Dauwe, Karel * de Cordes, Baltasar de Cordes, Simon De Graff, Laurens/Baldran/de Griffe/Lorenzo Jacome/Lorencillo De Graves, Herbert Dirksen, Adnries * Dirksen, Adriaan * Esaisz de Lint, Pieter Eustace the Monk (Flemish-Dutch)* Everson, Jacob Forkbeard, Sweyn * Gijsbertszoon Booneter, Jan Herckmans, Elias Heyn, Piet Higgenberte, Courte Ita, Pieter Jansz , Jan /Murad Rais# Janszoon Van Hoorn, Jan L'Hermite, Jacques Lucas, John Mansfield/Mansvelt, Edward Neckere, Jonathan Prince, Lawrence Simonson, Simon Speirdyke, Bernard Claesen Van Spilbergen/Speilbergen, Joris Yallahs/Yellowes, Captain -ENGLAND- *** NOTE: Because of their individual significance in pirate history, I have placed Scottish and Welsh pirates in their own lists *** Alday, James * Aleyn, William * Allen, Richard Allin, Thomas (later Admiral) && Alvel, Nicholas * Amy, Thomas && Ansell , John Anstis, Thomas Atkinson, Clinton * Auger, John Axe, Samuel * Aylett, Captain Ayres, Captain && Badger, Charlotte Banter, Jonathan && Barker, Andrew * Barker, Edmund Barlycorne, Richard Barnes, Captain Barthen, Giles && Bartlett, John && Bartlett, Thomas && Baughe, William * Bellamy, Charles Bellamy, Samuel (Devonshire) Best, Richard * Bishop, William (Plymouth)&& Blake, Captain && Bodulgate, Thomas * (Cornwall) Boniton, Peter * (Cornwall) Bonnet, Stede Booth, George Booth, William ++ Borough, Robert (Devonshire) Boston, Captain && Bowden, George && Bowen, John & Boyte, Philip (Portland) Bradshaw, Captain && Bran/Brand, Captain Brewster, Adam Brown, Nicholas * Bull, Dixey (London) Bunce, Phineas Burgess, Samuel Burley, Barnaby Bury, Mark Bushell, Browne && Butler, Nathaniel * Carder, Peter Carew, Sir Peter (Devonshire) Cary, Gregory Cavendish, Thomas (Suffolk) Chester, John Chidley, John * (Devon) Clark, William Clarke, Thomas Clifford, George (Earl of Cumberland) Clifts, Peter && Coates, Edward * Cobb, William Cobham, Thomas * Cocke, Abraham Cocklyn, Thomas Coleman, Francis && Collier, Edward Condent, Christopher (Devonshire) Cook, John Cooke, Captain && Cooke, William (East Exmouth) Cooke/Cook, Edmund * Coope, William && Cooper, Captain && Cotton, Randolph Courtenay, Sir Hugh (Cornwall) Cowley, William Coxe, William Coxere, Edward Coxon, John /John Rose Archer Crane, Thomas * (Norfolk) Craston, William * Crosse, John * (Plymouth) Crosse, Sir Robert (Probably Plymouth) Culliford, Robert (Looe) Cunningham, William Cuttle, Thomas Dampier, William (East Coker) Dann, John Darcy, Captain && Dasset, John && Davis, Edward (possibly of Flemish origins) Davis, John de Briggeho, William * Deane, John Deenes, Isaac Delander, Robert Dempster, Edward Denball, Sampson Derrick, Captain Dobson, Richard Doughty, Thomas Douglas, Saunders Downes, John Drake, Bernard * Drake, Francis (Devonshire) Drake, John Drake, Joseph Drake, Thomas Dremer, Patrick Duppa, Michael * Easton, Peter (Bristol) Eaton, John Elfrith, Daniel Eliot, Lawrence Essex, Cornelius Evans, Micijah Every, Henry /John Avery [Long Ben/Benjamin Bridgeman] (Devonshire) Fenn, John Fenner, Edward (Sussex) Fenner, George (Sussex) Fenner, Thomas * Fenner, William * (Sussex) Fielding/Felding, Ferdinando * Fletcher, Francis Fly, William Fortescue, George Fourther/Fawether, Francis && Foxcroft, Samuel (London) Francke, Thomas Franks, Benjamin Freeman, Captain Fresshowe/Frychowe, Nicholas (Falmouth) Frobisher, Martin Funnell, William * Geare, Sir Michael Gentleman, James * Gifford, Richard Glanham/Glenham/Glemham, Edward (Suffolk) Glub, Charles Gopson, Richard Grayham, Edward Green, Captain && Green, Tom * Grenville, Sir Richard (Cornwall) Hagerty, Catherine * Hands, Israel Harris, Charles * (London) Harris, Peter * (Kent) Hatley, Simon Hatsell, Captain Hawkins, Richard * (Plymouth) Hawkins, Sir John (Plymouth) Hawkins, William the younger Hawley, John (Dartmouth) Herriot, David Heynes, Stephen Hicks/Hickes, Robert (Cornwall) Hill, R. && Hingson/Hinset, John Hixon, Ellis Hoar, John Holland, William (Dartmouth) Horne, Captain && Hout, George * Howard, Thomas Inglis, Peter? Irish, William (Isle of Wight) Isebrant, Captain && Jackman, Captain Jackson, William James, Michael (Bristol) Jamieson, Harry ++ Jeffrey, Robert Jenkins, William Jewel, Captain && Johnson, Dolish && Johnson, Lawrence && Jones, Joseph Kelley, James Kelley, Thomas Kelly, Benjamin Kennels, Samuel Killigrew, Lady Mary (Falmouth) Killigrew, Peter (Falmouth) Killigrew, Sir John (died 1580) (Falmouth) Killigrew, Sir John (died 1603) (Falmouth) Killigrew, Sir William (Falmouth) Killigrew, Thomas (Falmouth) King, Captain && Knight, William * Knollys, Francis Kyd , William (Devonshire) Kyghley, John Lamley, Robert Lancashire, John Lewis, William Lodge, Thomas (London) Lovell, John Low, Edward (Westminster) Lowther, George Mainwaring, Sir Henry (Shropshire) Markham, William May/Mues/Mace/Maze/Mason, William Mead, Henry Merritt, Joseph && Michell, Stephen Middleton/Myddelton, David (London) Minivy, Richard Mixtow, John (Cornwall) Mixtow, Mark (Cornwall) Modyford, Sir Thomas Moone, Thomas Moore, William Morris, John Mucknell, John && Myngs, Sir Christopher (Norfolk) Nesson, Richard && Newport, Christopher (London) Nutt, John (Lympstone) Oloard, Christopher Owen, Abeel Oxenham, John Pell, Ignatius Phillips, John Phinnes, John (Stepney )++ Pike, Robert Plunkett, Thomas && Polhill, Captain && Rackham, John /Calico Jack Raleigh, Sir Walter (Devon) Raunse/Rance, John Read, John * (Bristol) Read, Mary (Devonshire) Rogers, Woodes Rounsivil/Rounsevell, George (Dorset) Sadlington, William && Sawkins, Richard Sayer, Ambrose (Cornwall) Scot, Roger (Bristol) Sharp, Bartholomew Shelvocke, George Sherley, Sir Thomas Sherley/Shirley, Anthony Skinner, Captain && Smith, Hugh Smith, John (Dartmouth) && Spriggs, Francis Stout, Ralph * Swain, John * Swan, Charles Symonson, Captain && Taylor, John Teach, Edward /Blackbeard (Bristol or London?) Teale, Richard && Townley, Captain * Trelase, Captain && Turner, Captain && Tyssen, Captain && Verney, Sir Francis * Vicary, Leonard Wade, C && Wake, Thomas * Wakeman, William Walbank, Captain && Walker, John Want, William * Ward, John /Yusuf Reis Watling, John * Whitings, Richard && Whitty, Captain && Wilday, Richard Wilkinson, Daniel && Williams, Paul Winter, Christopher Wynter, John Yeats, Captain -FLEMISH- Adrian Van Dieman [de Sivert ] Bollaert, Jacot && Haling, Eustathius && Ladone, Elias && Peter Clinkaer,t && Van Haesdonck, Jan && Van Voolen, Daniel && -FRANCE- Allard, Francois ++ Andrieszoon, Michiel (possibly French) Ango, Jean * Archembeau* Baptist de Tosac, Jean ++ Baptist Jedre, John, [Laverdure]## Baptist Jedre, John, Junior## Bart, Jean * Beluche, Renato & Bernard, Antoine Bidall, John ## Blaine, Francis ## Blanc, Captain Blondel, Robert * Blout, Captain Bois, Peter ## Bonetemps, Jean * Bonfiglio, Nicolo * Bonsou, Lewis ## Boy, Charles ## Boye, Francois ## Capdeville, Jean Carol, Jaques && Champon, Peter ## Chatillon, Nicolaas Joseph ++ Chevallier, Peter ## Claas, Pieter /Francois Basine++ Clerge, Peter ## Cottuy, Captain Couhison, Isaac ## Croese, Alonso ++ Croisier, Isaac ## Daniel, Captain Daniell, Michel ## de Belleville, Jane de Bleaux, Judoc ++ de Borras, Chevalier * De Grammont, Michel /Chevalier De Grammont De L'isle, Captain de Lussan, Raveneau de Maaster, Jeost ## de Mauleon, Savary de Neekerke, Pierre Jean /Pieter Bart++ de Saumur, Paul de Savoisy, Charles de Trevot, James ## Delavigne, Francis ## Delcamp, Charles Joseph ++ Desmarais, Captain Deymouth, Charles ## Dogler/Doglar, Jean d'Orange, Pierre du Pompian, Peter ## Dubois, Jean ## Duchesne, Captain Duguay-Truoin, Rene * Dupois, Elias ## Exquemelin, Alexandre/John # Fleury, Jean Foutmont, John ## Francois Chambray, Jean Francois du Chelle, Jean ++ Francois, Pierre /Peter Francis Fuet, Antiono /Captain Moidore* Galer, Captain Gaspard* Germain, Jacques Gill, Christopher ## Gill, Germain ## Gourdet, John ## Gow, Peter ## Grogniet, Francios Guittar, Lewis ## Hamlin, Jean Heaman, Peter Heelmond, Thomas Joseph?++ Hubart, Francois ## Hugues, Victor * Hunco, Reynol ## Imber, Raphael ## Issant, Captain && Jollyboy, Peter ## Jurang, John ## Jusme, Francis ## Kirjean, Laurence ## la Bouche, Oliver /la Bouse/Levasseur ['The Buzzard']^ la Chapaille, Jerome ## La Veven, Captain L'Abbe, Albert ## Lacroy, Peter ## Landy, John Lashorn, Julien ## Latout, James ## le Clerc, Francois /Jambe de Bois [pegleg] le Conte, Francois ## Le Grand, Pierre Le Pain, Peter Le Picard, Captain Le Picard, Pierre Le Pontaine, Peter ## Le Sage, Captain le Sansoir, Francois ## Le Tetu, Guillaume Le Vasseur, Jean Le Vigne, John ## Lescuyer, Captain Lessone, Captain Lester, Peter ## Lion de Lisle, Jacques ## l'Olonnais, Francios/Jean David Nau Loumer, Peter [Grand Maison]## Macary, Captain Mainguenau, Peter ## Mesmyn, Guillaume Mondy, Soi ## Monepacier, Peter ## Moraille, John ## Moriset, Abraham ## Morreau, Jacques ## Mosieres, Peter ## Mourean, John ## Navarro, Pedro Nicolaas, Claude ++ Paris, Francis ## Pelletier, Benoit ## Pelletier, Michel ## Penche, Rene ## Perraud, Jacques * Pierre, Jacques Poullard, Leonard ## Proue, Claude ## Prouslin, Francis ## Provensall, Peter ## Randon, Jacques ## Ranou, John ## Raveneau de Lussan, Le Sieur Robert, John ## Rodding, Andrew ## Rose, Francois ++ Rose, Jean Roulier, Jean ## Sallon, William ## Silvester, Oliver ## Sonnier, Francis ## Surcouf, Richard * Surcouf, Robert * Tottmar, Phillippe ## Tramon, John ## Trouin, Duguay * van Daalen, Pieter ++ Waamore/Armann, Francois ## Wynne, Emanuel & -GENOA- da Verrazano, Giovanni * -GERMANY- Adolf, Frederik ++ Ahlberg, Simon ++ Behr, Jan Christoffel ++ Berkelich+ Bernevor+ Beydenstorp+ Bodijn, Jean ++ Boniface, Klaus + Boos, Jacob ++ Brouwer, Johan Jacob ++ Crabbe, Henning + Cramer, Frans ++ Crekauwe+ Cremer, George ++ Croos, Johann ++ de Ruyter, Paulus ++ Degenert+ Eksteyn, Albert Anthonie ++ Everhardi, Anthonie ++ Felt, Koenraad ++ Femeer, Nicholas + Foucquet, Anthonie ++ Frantsz, Paulus ++ Fronder, Jacob ++ Gebhardt, Godfried ++ Grubendal, Fikke + Grubendal, Henneke + Gunnar+ Gylge, Nicolaus + Hanslein/Henszlein, Klaus [Little Jack]* Henszlein , Klein Heydigsvelt, Jan Michel ++ Heysler, Hans Jürgen ++ Heyzer, Frederik ++ Hoebert, Hendrik ++ Hoffmann, Hans + Hovenschild, Kord + Howfoote, Hans + Howfoote, Peter + Ihsle, Johan Sigismund ++ Ketelheud+ Kieffer, Peter ++ Knut, Dietliff + Koot, George Jacob ++ Kraseke+ Kremer, Rode + Kule+ Liep, Jan Otto ++ Meygendorp, Hans + Milies, Nicholas + Myres, Klaus + Norman, Henning + Pacqué, Johannes ++ Pilgrimson, Everade + Poelij, Cornelis ++ Prybe+ Rainbek+ Ransouwe, Luder + Rantzow, Eler + Sanewitze, Rambold + Scharbouwe, Henneke + Scheld, Klaus + Schenk, August ++ Schiffer, Josef + Schneider, Jacob ++ Scholtz, Karel ++ Schonenberg+ Schutke, Heyno + Schutke, Olav + Sedorp, Hartwich + Skinkel, Lydeke + Sleyre, Gerhardt + Sprokkel, Joseph ++ Staal, Hendrik ++ Stijssel, Frederik ++ Stokeled, Bertram + Störtebeker, Klaus Talong, Jean Louis ++ Tewinger, Adam ++ Tidemanns, Heinrich + Tymme, Klaus + Valck, Joseph ++ van den Berg, Heinrich + van Gelder, Hans + van Mezee, Bertholt + van Mezee, Henneke + van Pomeren, Heinrich + Voet, Bartolomaeus + von der Loewe, Johann + von der, Heinrich Luhe+ von Kaland, Bosse + von Luchow, Heinrich + von Luchow+ von Manteuffel, Henning + von Moltke+ von Preen, Gottschalk + von Rumpshagen, Leopold + von Stuck, Arnold + von Wethemonkule, Hans + Wedeking, Coenraad ++ Wedige, Schiffer + Wessels, Godeke /Godeke Michels Wigbold+ Wijant, Johannes ++ Wilmer+ Wisle, Godekin + Wolman, Johan Godfried ++ Wrede, Volmer + Wyttekop+ Zilkauw+ Zirchel, Andreas ++ Zwarte, Klaus + -GREECE- Andron Amenias of Phocis The Barbarossa Brothers (Aruj and Hizir) Biciaki, Captain * Charidemus of Oreus Demetrius of Pharos Dionysus of Phocaea Genthus of Illyria * Hybristas Kryvitziotes of Rhodes -GRENADA- Jean Baptist Aparée ++ -INDIA- Angria, Conajee Angria, Kanhoji # Angria, Sumbhajee Angria, Toolajee -IRAN/PERSIA- bin Jabr, Rahmah # Merodach-Baladan (King of Elam)+ -IRELAND- Baughe, William Bonney/Brennan, Anne Booth, Captain && Buckson, Manuel && Capdeville/Cadouilh/Nepeville, Jean Casey, Michael && Clipperton, John Constant John, possibly Joseph && Criss, John Deferterue, Peter && Dobson , George ++ England, Edward Glover, Robert Handemark, Captain && Hayes, William && Holt, Nicholas && Johnson, Henry /Henriques the Englishman Kennedy, Walter Lushingham, Captain McCarthy/MaCarty/MaCarthy, Dennis M'Kinlie, Peter Moor, Michael ++ Mullins , Darby Murphy, Timothy ++ Newport, James ++ Noland, Richard O'Doran, William && Oliver, Francis && O'Malley, Grace /Gráinne Ni Mháille or Granuaile Peterson, Simon && Roche, Philip Rollester, John && Wheatley, Joseph ++ -ITALY- Adorno, Giorgio * Assanti, Ligorio Balbo, Michele * Bianco, James Blestrier, Captain * Centurione, Niccolo Cerisola, Bettino Chighizola , Louis ['Nez Coupe- short nose] Cigala Cossa, Baldassare & da Costa, Alamanno D'Anaia, Bulgarino D'Aragona, Ferdinando * de lo Cavo, Giovani de Lomellini, Andrea de Marino, Manuel de Santo Hizo, Giuseppe Del Mar, Napoleone Dell Isola, Ferrando Di Faffaele, Angelo di Marco, Antonio Emo, Pietro Foscolo, Bartolommeo * Gafforio, Andrea Galerati, Fabio * Gambi Grasso, Guglielmo Grimaldi, Franceschino Majorean* Marinello, Captain Martelli, Baccio Pompeius, Sextus Postumius Rolando of Thessalonica, Sir -LUXEMBOURG- Mariga, Francois ++ Pomier, Jean Pierre ++ -MAJORCA- Balestrier, Captain -MALAYA- Abbas, Tuanku -MALAYSIA- Raga# -MALTA- Abbas-Malaya, Tunaku * Borg, Eugenio * Corbelli, Vittorio de la Barre, Chevalier de Malta, Michele Di Giovanni, Christoforo di Natale, Francesco di Natale, Giacomo Faenzo, Agostino * Fiamengo, Giorgio * Gamarra, Aloisio Grech, Giancinto Guglielmo, Lorenzi Juvara, Carlo Lia, Joseph Martin, Captain Maurizzi, Captain Preziosi, Geronimo Rizzo, Antonio -MOROCCO- Ben Aissa, Sidi Abdulla * -NORWAY- Erlingsson, Alf + -PERU- le Brune, Claude ++ -PORTUGAL- Bartolomeo ['el Portugues'] # da Silva, Nunho de Soto, Benito Paradijs, Jean Baptist ++ Rivero, Manuel Pardal Simao, Fernandes/Fernandez/Fernando -SANTO DOMINGO- You, Dominique /Frederic Youx _SCOTLAND (UK)- Alexander, David + Alexander, John + Allison, Robert + Anakol+ Andresson, Sigmund [Fish-Hook]+ Asleifarson, Sveinn + Balfour, Harry + Barton, Andrew + Barton, John + Barton, Robert + Bennet, James + Blackadder, Patrick + Brown, John + Brown, Robert + Browne, James Browne, John + Brusason, Rognvald + Campbell, Hugh + Campbell, Matthew + Canochson, Alexander John + Canochson, Angus + Clouston, William ++ Cockburn, James + Cockburn, John + Cowsland, Walter + Cross, William + Dalziel, Alexander + Davidson, John + de Barclay, Sir William (possibly fictional)+ Dowie, David + Duff, Robert + Dunbar, Patrick + Dunbar, Robert + Einarsson, Arnkel, Earl of Orkney+ Eiriksson, Eirik, [stay-Brails]+ Fergusson, Dr. James Fullarton, John (possibly fictional)+ Gibson, Ninian + Gille-Odhrain+ Glass, Dr. John + Gow, John + Grieg, Charles + Gunn, Edward ++ Hamilton, James + Hamilton, William + Haraldarson, Erlend, Earl of Orkney+ Haraldarson, Hakon + Havardsson, Dufnjall + Herriott+ Hincher, Dr. John + Hlodvisson, Sigurd "the Stout", Earl of Orkney+ Hundason, Holdbodi + Kidd, William Kolsson, Ranald Kali, Earl of Orkney+ Lithgow, William + mac Dhugaill, Ospak + MacAllan, Robert + MacAulay, Daniel ++ MacDonald, Daniel + MacKay, Eweyr + MacLean, Hector + MacLeod, Niall + MacLeod, Thormond + MacNeil, John [the Weaver] (possibly fictional)+ MacNeil, Rory [the Tartar]+ MacNeil, Rory Og + MacSorley+ MacTarlich, Gillespie + Melvin, William ++ Mercer, Andrew + Moldansson, Grjotgard (possibly fictional)+ Moldansson, Snowcolf (possibly fictional)+ Mor, Sheriff MacNaughton + Murray, Gideon + Norcross, John + Pershaw, David + Porringer, Robert ++ Reid, Robert ++ Scott, Lewis + Selkirk, Alexander + Sigurdarson, Einar, Earl of Orkney [Wry-Mouth]+ Sigurdarson, Thorfinn, Earl of Orkney, [Raven Feaster]+ Smith, Alexander + Smith, John Solmundsson, Kari (possibly fictional)+ Sorley [the Yeoman]+ Swanston, James (hanged 1496)+ Swanston, James (hanged 1604)+ Thorkellsson, Haflidi + Thorljotsson, Olvir [Fish-Hook]+ Thorsteinsson, Thorbjorn + Vestmar+ Vigbjod+ Wafer, Lionel + Wallace+ William, Bishop of Orkney+ Wing, John + Wishart+ -SOUTH AMERICA- Gibert/Gilbert, Don Pedro * -SPAIN- Blanco, Augustino ## Botadilla, Pedro ## Brocchiero De Anaya, Don Diego * Canete, Juan de Bertagno, Lupo * de Contreras, Alonso Deconturas, Antonio ## Deleon, Joseph ## Desoto, Juan Francisco ## Desotto, Francisco ## Formican, James * Gascon, Juan Gonsales, Gabriel ## Gusman, Manuel ## Hancock, Richard ## Joben, Prospero ## Jonnia, Captain Lopez, Captain Manuel, Thomas ## Mendozas, Jan/Juan ++ Perez, Ambrosio ## Silvestre, Juan ## -SWEDEN- Alwilda/Alfhild/Alvild (Goth)* Bosson, Knut + Hanson, Peter ++ Jonsson, Holger + Jonsson, Niels + Juranson, John ## Magnusson, Algot + Mus, Trud + Rollson, Peter ++ Svarteskanig, Niels + Winter, John ++ -SWITZERLAND- Bruné, Honoré ++ Kenard, Louis ++ Trieschaar, Joseph ++ -TURKEY- Ghazi Reis, Burak -WALES (UK)- Barney, Joshua Beavin, Thomas * (Probably) Bowen, John Calles/Callis, John Condent/Congdon/Conden, Edmund Davis, Howell Evans, John Flegon, John Garrett, John Hawkins, Sir John Horseley, Gilbert Jennings, Henry Morgan, Edward * Morgan, Sir Henry Parker, William Roberts, John (Bartholomew) Skyrme, James White, Thomas Williams, David -UNITED STATES/AMERICAN COLONIES- Allen, Thomas (North Carolina)## Blackledge, Benjamin (Boston)## Boggs, Eli Bradish, Joseph (Massachusetts) Burgess, Samuel (New York) Coleman, Edward (North Carolina)## Cox, John Cromwell, Thomas (Boston/Britain) Decatur Sr, Stephen * Farley, Martha (North Carolina)## Farrell/Faro/ Ferro, Joseph * (Rhode Island) Gibbs, Charles (Rhode Island) Halsey, John (Boston/Britain) Haraden, Jonathan * Hoar/Hore, John (Boston/Britain) Jones, John Paul & Laffite/Lafitte, Jean (probably French) Maze, William Mews, James [probably American Indian]## Mews, Philip [probably American Indian]## Milne, John ++ Missel , John [probably American Indian]## Pound, Thomas (Massachusetts) Quelch, John (Massachusetts Colony) Seavey, Dan (Maine) Tew, Thomas (Rhode Island) Truxton, Thomas * van Horn, Gerrard (New York) Veale, Thomas Vidal, John (North Carolina)## Wall, George (Massachusetts) Wall/Schmidt, Rachel (Pennsylvania) Worley, Richard (New York) The list is by no means complete, nor is it finished. If you know of some other pirates not listed, post them below with their country of origin and the source of your information and I'll edit the master list and add them with credit given. If you see any mistakes, note that as well and I'll edit the list and correct it. Giving Credit Where Credit is Due Uncredited info gathered by me from the extensive lists at the Swashbuckler's Cove website and in part to info from the Pirates' Who's Who by Philip Gosse and Pirates An A-Z Encyclopedia by Jan Rogozinski. Info added later from the website [pirateshold.buccaneersoft.com]. Note that both Swashbuckler's Cove and bucaneersoft sites contain some inaccuracies which are corrected as they're been caught. ** Canadian pirates from [www.chebucto.ns.ca]. ^ Added 'Levasseur' to Oliver La Buse's name at (piratesinfo.com) poster ray's request. See his post below for further details. * New pirates added thanks to research by poster Silver Steele. # New pirates added thanks to (piratesinfo.com) poster RastaRascal from the website Stockport Metropolitan Burough Council government website. + New pirates added thanks to (piratesinfo.com) poster Marcus. From various books, including Orkneyinga Saga & Alan Orr Anderson's source material (twelfth-century pirates and earlier); Early Sources in Scottish History & Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers (pirates up to 1286); Calendar of Scottish Papers & Pitcairn's Criminal Trials (16th Century pirates); Eric Graham's Maritime History of Scotland (post 16th century pirates). See Marcus' post below for more detailed dates and information. German pirates added from the book Seekriege der Hanse. ++ New pirates added thanks to (piratesinfo.com) poster Jan Maat. From the book Oproer en berichting op schepen van de VOC by J. R. Bruijn & van Eyck and E. S. van Heslinga. More pirates added from Jan (or Juan) Mendoza's navigation-book (http://www.kb.dk/elib/mss/treasures/verden/53_33.htm). Added pirates to ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, IRELAND and DENMARK from the book John Gow - The Orkney Pirate, by George Watson. ## New pirates added thanks to email from (piratesinfo.com) poster Tony Malesic. List generated from a summary of depositions and examinations from members of the crew of Captain Lewis Guittar. Tony warns that "while most of these individuals are identified as being French, some Surnames are clearly non-French or are aliases." I have left them in as recorded. UNITED STATES/AMERICAN COLONIES pirates added from The Trials of Five Persons, For Piracy, Felony and Robbery;... Held at the Court-House in Boston, within His Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, on Tuesday, the Fourth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1726..." from Early American Imprints. Added pirates to ENGLAND from THE PROCEEDINGS AT THE SESSIONS OF Oyer and Terminer and Goal-Delivery FOR THE JURISDICTION OF THE Admiralty of England, ON Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of February, 1736-7. Added UNITED STATES/AMERICAN COLONIES from At a Court held at Williamsburg, Virginia, August 15, 1727. Added Spanish pirates from the crew of Captain Augustino Blanco from At a High Court of Admiralty held at Nassau, in the Bahama Islands October 11, 1722. Added English Pirates from "The Proceedings of the Old Bailey" 24 February 1737. Added pirates from T R Y A L Held at the M A R S H A L S E A S, on Friday the 17th of the instant February, 1680. & New pirates added thanks to poster (piratesinfo.com) Captain Roberts. From Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot 1780-1860 by Jane Lucas De Grummond. Noted that Gaspar/Gasparilla is most likely fictional (noted above but not removed). Added John Paul Jones. Added "Sir" to Henry Morgan's name. && New pirates added thanks to poster Foxe. From Monson's tracts. More pirates added from Ed's upcoming book The King's Pirates. He is willing to provide the primary sources available on request. Revision History (From piratesinfo.com) Post Edited (02-20-04 22:28) - Added Canadian pirate info thanks to tip (not sure who from) Post Edited (02-26-04 07:11) - Added Welsh pirate Bartholomew Robert's given Christian name John per poster dt Post Edited (08-09-04 15:06) - Added info provided by ray, Silver Steele and RastaRascal to list. Changed _America_ category to _United States_. Post Edited (08-16-04 13:36) - Added Scottish pirate info provided by Marcus to list. Moved Scottish pirates into a category called Scotland/UK_Scotland since that's probably where I would look for Scottish pirates. Re-organized several UK area specific pirates under their own heading. Changed "Bartholomew (John) Roberts" to "John (Bartholomew) Roberts. Added the Killigrew family of pirates to UK_Falmouth. Removed proven fictional pirate Gertrude Imogene Stubbs from the UK list. (See post [www.piratesinfo.com] for proof.) Moved _United States_ category to it's alphabetically appropriate place in the list and added American Colonies to the title. Post Edited (08-21-04 21:16) - Added Dan Seavey to US pirates list. Removed Charlotte de Berry from the _UK_ list as she's most likely fictional (See post [www.piratesinfo.com]). Removed Elizabeth Shirland from the _UK_Devonshire_ list as she was most likely not a pirate (See post by Foxe in [www.piratesinfo.com]). Moved some English pirates into appropriate UK locations and adjusted other pirates around per Marcus' post. Post Edited (08-23-04 16:00) - Added George Wall to US Pirates. Found what appears to be a fairly well researched site at [pirateshold.buccaneersoft.com] and added pirates from the 'A' and 'B' list on that site to this list. Post Edited (09-22-04 16:46) - Added pirates, thanks to info from poster Jan Maat. Also created categories for Peru, Grenada and Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland for these additions. Moved some pirates from _Netherlands_ to _Dutch_ based on info found at [pirateshold.buccaneersoft.com]. Also added pirates on pages 'C' - 'F' pages from their site. Post Edited (09-23-04 10:56) - Added the rest of the pirates found on [pirateshold.buccaneersoft.com] (pages 'G' - 'Y' on their site). Also moved some more pirates from _Netherlands_ to _Dutch_ based on info found there. Changed nation titles to all caps and used - instead of _, based on SS's post. Post Edited (10-05-04 13:15) - Removed John Esquemeling from the Dutch list and added the name John to the French list in addition to Alexandre Exquemelin# per vigorous debate below. Now listed as Alexandre/John Exquemelin#. Post Edited (10-24-04 10:04) - Added pirates from posts by Marcus and from an email received from Tony Malesic regarding the crew of Captain Lewis Guittar who was captured off the coast of Virginia in 1700. Also re-sorted the UK pirates into England, Scotland and Wales per a suggestion by Foxe. Note that I left Wales seperate because I have frequently come across the question of Welsh pirates on this board. I made a note to that effect in the English list. Removed explorer Martin Frobisher from England list per request by Foxe. Deleted some redundancies in the England list. Added individual credit symbols to the Canadian pirate list. Updated my Credit Where Credit is due list to clarify the sources of uncredited information. Post Edited (11-21-04 8:25) - Added pirates from posts by Marcus to Germany and Iran/Persia. Created NORWAY and DENMARK to handle new pirates from Marcus' post. Added Chinese pirates and a Spanish pirate from a post by Jan Maat. Removed Conajee (Kanhoji) from the TIMORESE heading per a post by Marcus. Post Edited (11-25-04 3:25) - Added pirates from posts by Tony Malesic and the post by Marcus. Added some pirates noted by Captain Roberts. Added pirates to ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND and DENMARK from a post by Jan Maat. Added Martin Frobisher back into England per posts by Foxe and Captain Roberts. Combined NETHERLANDS category with DUTCH category per suggestion by Foxe. Post Edited (12-07-04 20:25) - Added a pirate from Foxe's post and one from Captain Roberts. Deleted Gasparilla based on post by Foxe in another forum which rather conclusively proved that he was fictional. Spent a tremendous amount of time changing order of names to format: LASTNAME, FIRST NAME. Revision History (pyracy.com) Post Edited (2-19-05 20:47) Copied data from piratesinfo.com to pyracy.com. Post Edited (2-24-05 21:11) Added pirate names provided by Foxe to England and Ireland. Created Flemish category for new pirates.
  13. No, since it's cursed you'll be rescued by Lee Arenberg.
  14. Ferrets? You're in the wrong forum, Lorien! The real question is did pirates keep stoats, goats and shoats on their ships? Ok, we know some kept goats. (Not going any further with that.) _______________ "Beware of the Tazmanian Devil a vicious ravenous brute with powerful jaws like a steel trap. Eats aardvardks, ants, bears, boars, cats, bats, dogs, hogs, elephants, antelopes, pheasants, ferrets, giraffes, gazelles." "Hah! A likely story! Bet there ain't no such animal! Stoats, goats, shoats, ostrages..." (From book) ...moose, mice, moles, snipes, elk, wapati, tortoise, road runner, elands, foxes, wolves, guinea hen, vultures, eagles, humming birds, squids, salamanders, water buffalo, bison, kangeroos, pigeons, daws, unicorns, vixens... "...octopusses, oxes, penguins, widgeons, wart hogs, yaks, newts, walrusses, gnus, wildebeasteses...what? No rabbits?" "And especially rabbits!"
  15. Ah, let bygones be bygones, Red. It's so far OT it isn't funny.
  16. It was such a good theory. Disney sure does seem to have a thing for him, though. Why put him in with the writers?
  17. I'm not surprised. The people at Disney really like Arenburg, don't they? He was in their little behind-the-scenes video, he was at the writer's interview, he's all over the place! He probably met the sculptor and the guy decided to put a little extra effort into that fig. I'll bet he's a walking, talking, Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People kind of guy. He just seems like that sort of person. (There's a lesson in that...)
  18. Gee, it's a good thing that we don't label those Carib indians as cannibals. We all know how harmful it is to just go and slap labels on groups - prejudice, I think it's called.
  19. Good lord! Get some perspective guys! It's a movie not a national initiative. Perhaps you ought to argue the ugly American thing in Beyond Piracy. Hitler and the Carib Indians...I mean seriously... Don't you guys know anything? Hitler is in the Indiana Jones series.
  20. Politically correct pirates...geez. C'mon folks. Non-Americans who fundamentally don't like America is one thing, but Americans who fundamentally don't like America...why stay? I'm not trying to be judgemental, I am just sincerely curious. We all have the freedom to leave for what appear to be greener pastures. You can even be an ex-pat like Johnny.
  21. Yeah, he's been in a lot of movies. He has that kind of face, you know? I just picked JPII since he's instantly recognizable in that movie. Well, that and the fact that I spent hours poring over the movie trying to find the right raptor sounds to use in the Haunted House raptor room last year. See, Pete's in the bookend scenes to those where the raptors are attacking the hunters in the long grass and I must have replayed them about a thousand times trying to pick out the raptor sound with the least amount of background noise. Blah blah blah. (BTW, anyone need a fairly clean raptor scream sound byte?)
  22. The Princess Bride is one I definitely missed. Your son makes for a great HP, Captain Grey! Nice costumes. Personally I liked the third movie best, but I still liked the third book better. A very serviceable job at taking on the text by Alfonso Cuarón, however. It was better than I thought it would be, if a little inconsistant with the previous entries. I would liked Lupin to have been a little thinner, greyer and shabbier...but David Thewlis did a good job. They needed to increase the movie length to 3 hours to give him more lines - just so they could fill in my favorite character. Fancy, I always think of Pete Posthelwaite as the uber-hunter Roland Tembo in Jurassic Park II: The Lost World. (He was the bald guy.)
  23. Hmm. To borrow a line from your lines, Fancy, my thoughts on Star Wars are complicated. I have a deep attachment to the OT (that new trilogy is just...stuff and nonsense...to me. Midichlorians...jeez, George. You can do better than that!) However, in looking back at them about 10 years after Jedi left the theatres, I found them to be lacking in important ways - they're not complex enough or deep enough...or something. I still have this Star Wars Action Figure connection from my youth, however. Call it youthful baggage. :angry: Sometimes I think of them (particularly the first movie) as favorites, sometimes I don't. I guess they're not really favorites of mine, they're just sort of cherished as a stepping stone from my youth. Does that make sense? I almost put the new Zatoichi movie on my list. While I realize it wasn't true to the original series, it was extremely artfully made. Takeshi Kitano is a very interesting artist. I also almost added Amelie, but I don't own it, so I guess it doesn't belong on my favorites list. (It's still a cool movie.)
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