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Posts posted by OryginalCinn

  1. Yay! I was able to pick up all four figs at Suncoast this weekend. I also saw all four at Hot Topic but they cost a dollar more each there. Still, good to know they're available in places where Suncoast is hard to find.

    I'm quite pleased with all the figures, even though Will's extra head is scary and little Jack looks exactly like my 18" Smilin' Jack.

    Now the dilemma - take them out of the packages for display or keep them in?

  2. Yer Flogger's still around here somewhere - just been busy packing up all my booty to haul it down to Portlando and selling what won't fit in my new digs on ebay. Be easier to do all that if I stayed away from the rum, but the bottle's empty now, so no worries.

    Did I hear you say someone needs punishing? 'Cuz the whips ain't packed yet, and my fingernails are always ready to go.

    Speaking of which, I've commandeered Sir Nigel to help me sail down south. I'll try not to lose him on the way back, but if you never hear from him again... well, I probably had something to do with it.

    A little over two weeks until I head on out of here, and none too soon. It is insanely cold.

  3. We're already going to do a ticket puchase for JB tampa this weekend. want us to buy for you as well?? Flint and his lady will be coming with us.... and we're making a list of how many tix to get.


    It's Feb 26th? *cries* I have a book signing event in Naples that day. Oh, I would so rather see JB. I missed him this fall in Boston.

  4. You might be a pirate if THIS is your Christmas tree topper.

    That's got to be the best Christmas tree topper I've ever seen.

    However, after being soundly beaten by an old aunt for making bat-shaped Christmas cookies one year, I try to keep it only angels and Santas round here come that time of year.

  5. Thank you all again. There are lots of ideas here I'd not have come up with on my own. I'll have to see what fits best for the characters. :)

    Diosa - that would be great, actually, no matter what the character is named. Once I get this puppy published we can do a lot of fun stuff for events that will be mutually benficial.

  6. Ok...uh....ladies.... (boy am I using that word loosely :) ) let the man breathe.

    Cinn.... well let me echo everyone else and just say.... wow....

    Maybe I should have stopped at eye patch. Or phrased things differently. I suppose I can never resist inflammatory vocabulary.

  7. I would like to introduce everyone to One Eye Spry. He has been added to the crewe site, and is a local Portlando pirate who was shipless. He and the Capt met up in a bar one night, and The Capt(having a wee bit too much rum punch...and we all know what that does for his sense of reason) challenged Spry to a battle of punny wits.... The battle got underway, but shortly into it the Capt, who was WAAAAYYYY over his ration, collapsed falling over the table, tankard in hand. (never fear, our rum wench was there to grab the tankard and make sure not a drop was spilled) Nevertheless, Spry won the pun war and was promised a place abord our crewe.

    Please join me in welcoming him aboard.



    Well, hello. I like nothing better than a pirate with an eyepatch and a quick tongue.


  8. As I was busily carving my way through the second draft of my pirate novel, I realized that several of the characters sincerely needed name changes. Thought I'd toss it out here - any suggestions for

    1. a Spanish female pirate who needs a "real" name plus a piratical variation of that to go on her wanted posters

    2. the male villain

    I really want to come up with something that has not been overused, and if anyone gives me the perfect name, I'll credit you in the book if/when it is published. The story is being written as "a legend" so it need not be all that serious of a name.



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