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Everything posted by DumbassTurtle

  1. nigel hmmm might be worth a shot. searches for 'kinkypiratese...' um wait the last time i searched for that it wasn't pretty. merrydeath darn those stupid boys, and there are so many of them out there that aren't for us. its easy to feel like giving up. *hugs* i'll probably be permanently single, for many reasons. i think i'm far to complicated for anybody on this planet, i know that i can barely put up with my own crap, don't expect anybody else to live with it.
  2. Sounds interesting I think I'll have to look into getting funding for this... arrr so much piraty stuff to do so little time.
  3. It reads, 'Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Montego Bay. He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Bottle of Rum on the Ship of Aaaarrrrrrr!'.
  4. Those were funny though a few of them I was kinda disapointed with, seeing as it is not hard to photoshop in a magazine when the person in the photo is already holding a magazine. Ah well, some people are lazy.
  5. Carefull about the minimum system requirements that they list. I just got Sims 2 and it says OS : Windows XP, Me, 2000, or 98; CPU : 800 MHz or faster; RAM : 256 MB or more; .... CD Rom, big hard drive, good sound and video the usual. I have a 950 with 512 MB of ram with a 64 MB video card and a nice sound card, biiiiig hard drive and of course the cd rom *rolls eyes* I can not play the Sims 2, I can "run" the sims, I can load it up and it doesn't crash but it does not play smoothly (ie it renders the 3D environment and people every few seconds, not so pretty or flowy for a game). The default install settings have everything on the lowest settings you can choose. So just be careful cause they give you minimum requirements but that doesn't mean you'll be playing the game.
  6. Ou that'd be real pretty. *gets far away dreamy look*
  7. Well I don't know how period that would be, plus I sing in the shower cause I know then nobody will hear me. But the Jolly Rogers site has a link to this site that has songs on it, don't know if that's what you want. But you can always find pretty much anything on the internet, you just have to know which keywords to use on the search engines (use at your own risk).
  8. I'll make sure to bring a big stick for ya to beat the lads off. Don't want to be ruining some perfectly good lace. Instruments not so far, and singing I only do in the shower. Ok it now be after 3:30am I'm gonna hit the keyboard soon so off to bed with me...
  9. Most of my life, though never in one place for very long. Childhood : Very briefly in Colorado Springs, moved around Lakewood a lot. Other wise high school and beyond has been mostly in Loveland. My friends have suggested that, they told me I could be Captain. Though I really don't have a whole lot of pirate knowledge yet. In my mind I'm not sure of my qualifications, seeing as I'd be using the dead fish look alot. Crew : 'So what do you want us to do?' Me *dead fish look* Crew : 'Um, you can give us orders now.' Me *dead fish look* Crew : 'You know, to do something piratey.' Me *dead fish look* Crew : 'Are you ok?' Me *dead fish look* Crew : 'Do we need to call for help?' Me *dead fish look* Crew : 'You have no idea what your doing, do you?' Me *dead fish look* 'No?'
  10. Well I personally have not to my knowledge come across one (not counting the ren fair), but then it could be they are just hard to spot in normal present day life. EDIT Wait, actually I took a picture of one at an anime convention I attended, don't remember much about his costume except it was blue. I'll try to get that scanned sometime. Looking on the No Quarter Given website under 'Crews' there seem to be a couple groups. One near the Utah border in Clifton, CO & one in Colorado Springs (if they are still active). Look for 'The Pirates Of New Providence' and 'Free Company Of The Mourning Glory'. There are few in people in the Denver area who have signed up with the Denver Pirates Meetup, though the group does not appear to be active.
  11. This looks to be a sorta dead thread but I'm in Colorado, very northern at the moment (i.e. north of Ft. Collins). Seemingly being landlocked keeps the pirate population here low.
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