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Everything posted by DumbassTurtle

  1. i love that one, nearly pee'd myself the first time i saw it. PORN! & biscuits!! lol
  2. not sure about what quality and materials you want, but i went out and bought toy pirate swords at walmart. they arn't the brittle ones though cause i didn't want them to break if i was to play to hard with them, so i found hollow somewhat bendable plastic ones. they are very fun and i'm gonna add some leather around the handle and a few other details to make them more "cool". not the most historically correct but they are mostly child safe and you can have them in public without the cops pepper spraying you and taking you in. i am just suggesting the plastic cause even blunted metal can be dangerous in childrens hands. anyway ignore me if this isn't helpfull
  3. ouuu cannot wait to get my workstudy going so i can buy comic books ... and other pirate stuffs
  4. Well it's more me being realistic, I will always dream of going to those places and those dreams will always make me smile and want to try but... with the fact that I will have enormous medical bills for the rest of my life and the likelyhood of me being able to get a job to make enough money to pay for my basic living and then medical there isn't going to be much left over to just run off to differant parts of the world. Of course there is always the plan of getting together with a rich guy. (kidding) But basically it's a not letting myself believe something will happen and be let down cause there is so much working against it. Of course all of that wont stop me from at least trying cause if it does happen later on in life than that would be rad. Otherwise I really am happy with what things do happen, especially the little things. I'm acutally a pretty happy person cause I am teaching myself not to dwell and just to take all of it as glass half full rather than half empty. *snort* maybe they need lots of room to avoid the flame spurts and the lightning sand ;P
  5. hmm places i want to go but probally will never happen. * egypt - had an obsession with ancient egyptian stuff since i was a kid * europe - beautiful countries and part of my ancestry (germany, england, fance) * japan - to see all the beautiful places i see in pictures and such and to see all the crazy stuff they have in stores. * austrailia and new zealand - want to see the crocidile hunters zoo thing and wanted to go to new zealand before lotr but even more so now things that might happen in my lifetime * go to pip & go on one of the ships * go to a huge game con or comic con in california * take a road trip somewhere with a bunch of friends * meet as many people as possible that i know online and talk to often things i can deffinalty do if i just make myself * design and construct my pirate costume and wear in at the renfair * conquer my fear of water, learn to swim in the deep end and hopefully learn to surf * find out exactly what i want to do for my future career and finish school * hopefully make a good lasting impact on as many lives as i can, i treasure the memories of others that have done that for me and i just want to share that if possible
  6. I actually like the psb "reality" period tv shows that i've seen, i have to admit that some of the people were kinda annoying, but they were picked to show that people with all the modern day blessings fair quite differetly when put into an element not their own. though a few oth the people actually did enjoy learning what it was like, though yes there were happy to get back to modern day lol. heck even just having a dishwashing machine for the few months i lived with my mom makes me really appreciate modern convinences. i love that there are things to help make my life easier, yes i know sometimes they go a little to far and make it super lazy, but i figure if people choose to be lazy that's there own fault. i would never sign up for one of those period things, i would not be able to do all the work and such, but then again i would have been locked up in those days.
  7. Well curiosity killed the ... turtle and I watched the little sneak peak/behind the scenes videos. The movie actually doesnt look too bad... *ponders* I saw they have pirate guys in it so I'll deffinatly see if I can obtain a copy to do a study of the costumes... or lack thereof lol. Though I have a feeling the males will spend a heck of a lot more screen time clothed than the females will. A little disapointed that it seems to be a blockbuster (excuse the pun) of blond pirate barbies... hopefully maybe they threw a red-head in there.
  8. does anybody know how blake is doing, i dont want to bring up a tochy subject but make a wish did alot for my borther so it is something that touches me deeply.
  9. black scot... romaintic is a good thing... dont despaire... if you think about how many billions of people are out there you can see that there are tons of people who arnt for you, you'll find yours/ your a good person (from what i've seen) and you'll find your one...
  10. yes pictures and rim.. eum... rum!!!
  11. i know barbosa is coming back which i've come to the feeling of whatever about though what i'm hoping is that is isnt undead in this one so maybe he'll have to gang up with some other villians to seek his revenge! make it more interesting and ducj... um such... though i am a barbosa fan i just want to see how far they can thake this! i love pirates *snuggles with all\(*
  12. holy bejessie! *if you ever do get that vat i will then be your new best friend* ok i'm no expert on swords, but i've added some comments from looking at the closeups Poor Wayne could it possibly be a childs sword, looks kinda small in his hands. "THE SWORD IS 23 1/2 INCHES LONG" (god i hate people who type in caps *stab*) handle closeup very boxy looking, no curves. deffinatly not a cutlass as first stated. "I HAVE RECEIVED SEVERAL EMAILS CONCERNING THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE SWORD. SOME SAID IT WAS AN EARLY 1800S SWORD, OTHER CIVIL WAR ERA, AND ANOTHER SAID IT WAS A ROMAN SHORT SWORD." full shot it doesn't look like it was all that banged up... if it was as mangled as the guy said wouldn't it take quite a bit of work to make it look that good again. "THE SWORD WAS BENT,TWISTED, VERY RUSTED, AND THE HANDLE, WHICH NOW (UNFORTUNATELY) IS SHINY, WAS VERY GREEN AND ENCRUSTED." though later in the description after many people contacted him about what metal it possibly could be he states that it was not green but blue... otherwise i'm just like um ok... though since i'm a big beliver in the supernatural it could very well be holding some negative force even if it isn't all that old. i've heard of a very very evil haunting of a bunkbed so... anyway getting offtopic.
  13. Well... actually it does still have bugs just different ones. *stabs the evil liar who claimed it didn't have bugs which ended up killing my computer*
  14. I'm thinking if he fell in a rum vat... that he may be slightly mistaken on where he found it and what it's supernatural powers be. *giggle* I know we do the collection and just buy the vat of rum instead!!! Maybe then we can all find our own haunted pirate props... I mean ancient swords.
  15. Yeah I just read that and I was like um... but didn't he die? Damn hollywood not having any ba.. um... spine?
  16. Is the guy who is holding it the one who found it or the one selling it? I nearly busted my rib laughing at that one.
  17. Yay others who like FM I got addicted to them when I worked at Hot Topic. Then I spread the love by making all my friends listen to it. Have not seen them live want to someday... Also I'll have to check out some of the other bands you guys have listed.
  18. Mwahahhaa, though I think I should probally stay away from anything I can light on fire. I have some pyro issues.
  19. That looks so sweeta.. deffinatly keep us updated on that! Damn me and my falling into horror comic books stuffs. I'm addicted now.
  20. Seeing as I'm all really really pathetic with my obsession with the Sims 2. When people have hacked it more and figured out how to make new meshes and objects, I'll keep you all up to date on the pirate stuffs I find. (I could find some for the first one but I really dont want to play that one anymore)
  21. This here be taken from the lego website faq. Q : Is the Pirates product line no longer available? A : Presently, the Pirates product line is not available. However, we still have limited stock of selected items in our web shop. We only have items listed on our web site. You may also wish to contact retailers in your area who may have remaining stock. We cannot, however, provide you with information regarding the stock levels of specific retailers. What's more, there is every chance that we might someday off a similar product or one from that line as a reintroduced LEGO Classic or Legend. So they have some stuff. We can only hope that they re-release it. Especially seeing as pirates are really in right now. /begin rant off topic / Looks like they don't carry the Egyption sets either. Was hoping to replace the one my mom bought me, since an ex-friend stole it. It was the biggest (ie most expensive one) . And seeing as somehow my love of egypt came up the other day she mentioned the lego set and how expensive it was. *eep* Figures that everything that goes wrong in my life comes back to haunt me again and again. *sigh* /end rant off topic /
  22. *giggle* I so would use that plan.
  23. That is excellent. If I ever get to travel again that will defiantly be on my list of 'HAVE TO SEE!!!'. Thank you for sharing that.
  24. The world would be lost without people like this. What a touching and awesome thing to have a hand in. *big bottles of rum for you all*
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