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lady snow

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Posts posted by lady snow

  1. not sure if i have a hobby other than faires and fests and stuff like that and it turned into something that is on my mind the majority of the time. acting at faires, preparing for faires - stuff like that. i usaully have some faire related activity most months. though i also act in community theater. i am looking for a venue to profit from my photography. i just got word that a second photo of mine is being pubblished. and doing my graphic art/design work on the side.

  2. as to names

    The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:

    Memsahib of Moldovia

    Known in some parts of the world as:

    Haunt of All Hallows

    The Great Archives Record:

    This one prays to a God who does not listen

  3. now, my family income was basically cut in half about 16 months ago when my husband died. butr i am in pretty much the same shape - have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes to wear, have my health (however it be) and muy family. i was never a really big spender. i hate soending money. but i take my boys placces, eat out ....

    i'm happy and that's all that matters.

  4. our gas rpices in ne pa have gotten to about #.45. i'm not driving anywhere i don't have to - ride with a friend to rehearsals to save money - we share split the gas costs. i will be oging to fairie fest - camping on site for $10 bucks for the weeknd and a friend is riding with me to split costs. i have to spend the weekend with my kids on campus soon and we stay at a cheap (costwise) hotel and the school gives us meals as part of the family weekend. i'm not spending anym,ore than i have to and tax refund and economic stimulas check comes in really handy.

  5. there is also renspace.com, piratefestival.com, and a slew more.. you can also go to

    No Quarter Given for updates.

    and i have a group at renspace.com - the pyracy place


  6. vampire vineyards - hmmmmm cloaked vintners wering medalions lying in their casket with their home fruit with a spigot on the bottom starboars side of their box for dispensing of liquid refreshmenrt.

    but i digress - i reall should e working onm y character development for midsummer

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