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  1. Swordsman of Gor by John Norman http://www.amazon.com/Swordsmen-Gor-Gorean-Saga-Book-ebook/dp/B00J84L2O2/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410286303&sr=1-1&keywords=swordsman+of+gor
  2. Picked this DVD up last night at Walmart. Great movie. Best Treasure Island so far Morgan
  3. I have a Baltimore Knife and Sword Falchion for sale. I bought this blade from the great guys at BKS for a project I had but the tang on this sword was for more of a hand and a half sword. If any of you have not checked out the great swords and knives at BKS follow this link http://imakeswords.com/falchions.htm The project I had in mind called for a single hand tang. It seemed a shame to cut the tang on this sword, so I mounted up a steel cross and pommel I had and came up with this great falchion. The Stats for the Falchion are; 30” sharp single edge blade with file work on the back of the spine near the guard 9 ½” unsharpened back-edge Blade width is 1 7/8” (almost 2”) at the cross and 2 ½” near the tip The blade has a single 16 ½” fuller on each side of the blade The leather over wood covered handle is 6 ½” long 3” steel pommel 7” steel cross Weight is 3lb 13oz I have three pictures in my profile of the sword. Price $550 including USPS shipping in the US and any paypal fees
  4. Mine means going into berserker-mode when fighting.
  5. that's almost as bad as me asking about pirates in Alaska Morgan
  6. this is my idea of a cutlass blade. I hope the one Matt is making for me is like this one Morgan
  7. Halo, what halo? I could not get past that great looking cutlass. Now that is a cutlass blade. Morgan The more I look at this photo with the halo and cherubic face, it should be titled: St. Matthew of the Sea. Jas. Hook
  8. got me buckles on Thursday, great, look better than in pictures. thanks Morgan
  9. Nice, every time I see one of your new swords makes me anguish for my skull pommel cutlass and matching bowie Morgan
  10. put me down for one of the English buckles and one of the Spainsh buckles. Morgan
  11. this be geart news Morgan
  12. Matt, if I did not already have you making me a wide-bladed cutlass like the pattern welded piece I would be all over this one. Grand piece and what a cutlass should be. Morgan
  13. Just a quick note to check on the status of these great buckles. Morgan
  14. just contacted BKS and will have a matching cutlass and bowie set made, now just have to find the pateints to wait. Thanks to all who gave feedback. Morgan
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