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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Posts posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I offered ta buy Diego's tickets but got no reply... and now I may have changed me little mind whot I got of it.....I be stayin' at the Marriott 'cause I can stay there free.... Must be goin' now...Best regards....

    I'm sorry ms lillie I near to would expected a pm on the matter but I am glad I came by to find the opportunity to mail these off to someone. I still have them and you can get them for what you'd offer! P M me though on the business aspect wont you?

  2. on Saturday I went up to Corona and met with Tom and Patty I have the applications for three events: one the Palm Springs and two the pyrate weekend the third is as a guest guild to come in during the Koronaburg event (7weeks) and guest a space for three weekends to allow the members and board of directors a chance to meet and greet all of the members of our guild and either give up the thumbs up or the thumbs down for being a future 7 week member there. (I am really excited about this) and I got the facade of three buildings between the main stage (around the corner from the main ale stand) and the flushie rest rooms. We'll call that area treasure cove! The fact is that the area used to be the area where the school was but the teachers all moved on to other endeavors. Both Tom and Patty are excited about all of you being so wondrously involved in giving your time to promote reading and games to children and they told me the other guilds would most probably like what we're doing as well.

    I too talked with Craig Brown (Biggins board member) and we will have the small guild canvas some rope fencing and second games to use as we are going to be involved through the biggins unbrella the center for sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth century studies will cover our needed piratical eras. I have the application to join Biggins I have accepted the responsibility as the guild master which means I will sign the paperwork for setting up and tearing down the guild yard at the faires we attend and that biggins is excited about doing koronaburg as well as the pirate festivals and ren faires we have been accepted too! please pm me and send me your email address and I will send the ap to you. Being the guild master also entails making sure all of the rules at each faire is gone over with each and every member and that the hours for gate listed participants are strictly adhered to:

    I want you all to know that I know this will be a totally awesome and great experience for us all. My only hope is that hope is this: that this is a fun adventure for all of us and I'm sure it will be in that as a guild participant we only work two hours a day and that is either or partici-pating in the parade working the gate (which is for the whole guild combined onoly two hours a weekend) ar being in the guild yard teaching kids games and or reading to them, in that light lets always try and make this possitive and fun.

  3. I liken that ye find time in this day and age ta sits back without the pressures of the inner big city and ye can work these kind a miracles mate my hats off to ye! Ye be a sure fire talented man indeed. God bless ye.

  4. I suggested an easy-up idea already, but heard no reponse about it.

    I do think it is the way to go. It's easily covered and easily stored.

    Agenda for meeting; who's in charge of what and duties that go with it. We will need some kind of policies and procedures if this group is going to be under the Biggins name.

    Exactly what are we doing at these events- besides reading stories- and what kind of stories. Book lists for kids, who is going to do that?

    We get paid for doing events- what's to be done with the money?

    How the camp will look, who is paying for what to get things done?

    So that's the kind of stuff we need to deal with.

    I vote for the 5th of February at Scarlett's place in Anahiem, around 2 PM. How does that sound for everybody?

    *Note to Barbados Sam and Killian, you two could carpool, and perhaps maybe we can meet and car caravan to Scarlett's.

    Anyone else in the San Diego area who is interested in joining in, PM Diego first.

    I'm sorry I'll be at leather necks at a superbowl party now if you all wnat to go there and do that fine! he's a member we'll all just show up he lives on the border of cypress and anaheim near to la palma and buena park

  5. I am going to corona to meeet with tom this saturday morning and walk out to the area I asked to get and if we get it I'm going to do some preventative pest control and a high presure washdown. I am also going to be going over the map of Palm Springs where we will get our area to set up in.

    Items we need to go over and soon are:

    Who is going? who has what to bring? when is it going to get there as in palm springs like las vegas its three days the kids come in from school on friday and its open friday and saturday nights. once i see the area we'll get (and i expect small) a few canvas lean too's will most probably be all we need there. then escondido is the very next weekend and it goes two weekends in a row and I need the list done in three weeks about who is going to be gate listed there! if you are gate listed and you don't get there before gate opens you pay a reduced price to get in. We need to get the list started for both faires and please P M me I'll write the list down so as to supply it to the producers. I will be on site and into the night setting up thursday night in palm springs. HELP is needed there if you can talk? you are encouraged to assist.

  6. okay ye scalliwags I just heard from Tom and we are in at both his palm springs and his corona pirate days! Huzzah! I'll work on the location in corona but I'm hoping for the empty facade (building) next to the coffee stand across from the arena and around the corner from the ale stand! huzzah!

    ok me hearties so there it sits without even getting ahold of Bakersfield every other faire in our need as a group is with us not agin us they are with us I asked two producers and their wives if we could set up at ten faires and we have them ALL TEN so now we start pushing the envelope with something every weekend to do for the guild. what be in yer wallet matey? I think it be time to party so lets party like its 1999......

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