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Everything posted by Knots

  1. Ahoy to all ye "Honest Seamen" and Lovely Wenches of Blackbeard's Crew! I posted a few of the pictures I took at the Christening of the Schooner Virginia in the Pirates Events photo page. If'n ye be want'n a hi-res copy, drop me a note or download them from HERE They be in set 24 & 25
  2. How 'bout "The Scurvy Bar Dawgs", God knows I've been called worse!
  3. Next meeting Oct 14, not the 7th. Check! Magnolia House in Hampton. Check! Time? 6:00? Not sure on that one! New Guy (me) brings the Rum. Check! Did I miss anything Cap'n Pern or Billy Flint?
  4. Great photos ya got there young Lady, specialy like the fuzzy lil bilge rat as a pet. Looks like fun was had by all!
  5. I know its an old topic, but have to add to it anyway. "Tracks in the sea" by Chester G Hearn Non Fiction Its about Matthew F Maury and his mapping of the oceans. Its not about Pirates or Plunder, in fact if it wasn't a gift I prob wouldn't have read it, but it is really a good story on how sea charts came to be and gives a good insight on the military of the era. Pirates on the Chesapeake is another good read, but I loaned it out and I can't remember who wrote it.
  6. I agree with most of what has been said, I think the biggest part of the prob is with the ranking system. Noone wants to be a "Bilge Rat" or "Deck Swabber" for very long, so they post and post to every topic so that one day they can be a "Dreaded Pirate" or what ever it is for the most postings. The fact is the rankings on this really mean nothing to most people. When I read something that inspires a reply I look at that persons bio, how long have they been a member, and other posts they have done. A better ranking might be how long they have been an active member, but even then does it really matter? As for the age thing, I was 16 once (A loooong time ago) and did some dumb things back then trying to fit in with the crew. Most of the "Young Ones" learn fast and step in line, the others get bored and go away. I have read some pretty good stuff by a few of the youngins here, and a few goofy things too, but it all works out in the end. Bottom line; Don't post for the numbers, post to add to the topic. Now, Ifin ye need me I'll be in the bilge scurryin' about!
  7. Any word on release dates yet?
  8. Pirates in Pungo eh? I like the sound of it Mate, kinda rolls off the tongue. I'll make sure I top off me lil silver flask ta ward off the chill.
  9. Greetings to ya Cap'n Pern Thanks for letting me know of this fine site! If I recall you had made mention of the next crew meeting Oct 7th, Is this correct? And where might it be? Knots aka TJ
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