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Posts posted by lorien_stormfeather

  1. 12 hours later and still playing with me Jack dolly!

    His extra hand looks nice as a feather in his cap!

    Perhaps I'll sew a little ditty bag, so he can keep it hand-y... think I have some old canvas araound here that will do.

    A MacKenzie doll with shootable eyeball and target! (and usable fork)....One of those next. :(

  2. I received me Smiling Jack and Serious Jack today...

    I'm not a "doll" person or a hard core Depp fan, just a humble piratess. (though I do appreciate a craftsman's work) and we spent a hilarious evening below decks, changing out his effects and trying to think of new places on his person to stow the extra hand. I admit we're easily amused.

    Did anyone notice just where the motion sensor is located? Hint.... it's not in his noggin... :ph34r:

    He looks nice, standing next to me model of the Bounty... One of those next !!! (or so a little bird told me)


  3. Its true.. the new CD is here--- PegLeg Tango!!!

    Members of the Portland Crew enjoyed advance copies at the Bogg and Salty CD Release Holiday party yesterday, and we've been busy wearin' them out!

    And it is jolly, jubulicious, peggy, leggy and mostly piratey and truly worth your last few doubloons mate. A silvery disk of the finest pirate rock music this side of ...?

    To the happiness of moshers everywhere the new CD includes "Pieces of 8ight" and "Scallywag".

    Those of you out at Sea or far from PortLand can get yar copy through the miracle of Internet commerce... Here be the link....order a PegLeg Tango CD $15

    -No bunnies were harmed in the making of this endorsement

  4. Members of the local bands of seadogs have forged an alliance and a new Yahoo group calendar where to post our joint raids. :ph34r:

    We're not talkin' about a chatty forum mind you, just a spot to post some picts and list our doin's.

    If your home port be in the Portland or Seattle metro areas come and sign on and then join us to meet up with the various crews (ie: SCA, BOOM and newcomers welcome) .

    PDXPirate Yahoo Group Raid Calendar

    We average 1-2 garbed raids a month in non-farie season and twice that May-Sept. Most are family friendly.

    Keep to the code.

  5. Ahoy Northwesternly Piraticals.....it's a PDX Pirates Gathering

    A Garbed raid to hear shanties/celtic rock by

    Spinnaker @ Owen's Place, Lake Oswego

    Saturday November 20, 2004

    8:00 pm - 12:00 am

    Owen's Place, 3975 Mercantile Drive, Lake Oswego, Oregon 503.635.4849

    Meet up with mates from several different area ships, (ie: SCA, BOOM, newcomers) and forge alliances.

    Join our new pdxpirate yahoo group with a raid calendar for Portland and Seattle.

    From Mary of Spinnaker: Owen's Place is a cafe-style restaurant

    with simple food and beverages ranging from microbrew

    beer to espresso. It's in Lake Oswego, but its easy

    to find, and there is plenty of free parking. All

    ages. No smoking. No cover charge (but feel free

    to stuff money in the jar!). This is not a concert --

    just drop in when you can. We'll play 'till around


  6. I must admit some preference fer local Port Land bands...

    Captain Bogg and Salty "Scurvy"


    and Spinnaker's "Haul Away fer Rosie-yo/ Blood Red Roses" gives me the chilly willys and makes the hairs stand up on me neck!


  7. The more I watch the movie, the more I appreciate Barbossa. I'd miss the old slippery eel. And poor monkey! Who is going to be his master? There he is all alone! Maybe the monkey rescues Bootstrap!

    A friend of mine wrote a character analysis of Barbossa sugggesting that he was a barrister back in England! That would explain how enamored of Elizabeth he is. By Jove, someone to actually talk with after all that time with the likes of Ragetti and Pintel!

    I think Jack is a character who is loved equally by both men and women. He is your best friend and your best lover.

    I have to admit though, our local manly crew members are a bit tired of all of us Jack worshipping, swooning wenches! And most of us share no great love fer Elizabeth. Anna Maria is more our kind of poppet.

    One thing we all agree to though, we're all daft like Jack!

  8. Just to let ye all know... there has been a new POTC Script posted on www.potcinteractive.com.

    We Port Land Pyrates will be having a little rehersal tommorrow, before the big Event at the Hollywood Theatre 10/23.

    I like some of the new lines and some I like less.... A nod to "Finding Neverland" good, referring to "Keebler Elves" not so....

    And we be but humble Pyrates so hang them rules! Well, they be actually more like guidelines anyway!

  9. AHA, AVAST! I see you hail from the Isle de California.

    I was born and raised in the bay area...came to Orygun during the great silicon forest migration of the 90's.

    There is a wench or two in the POTCinteractive forum that hail from the golden state. "Lady writer " is from the southern reaches.

    Although we be a bit back-water like, for some reason Port Land, Orygun is just crawlin with members of the brotherhood.

    It's starting to feel normal going out to raids downtown garbed. Someone inquired at our pub table last week, "Are you actors or something" and I really didn't know what she was talking about! I always look and talk like a pyrate!

    Crazy 'ol world isn't it?

  10. Wolfy Wench: Good show lass, be bold!...

    I hadn't heardabout Moulin Rouge Interactive! Do I watch anything except pyrate movies? Not on purpose! Maybe ones with JD in them. Soon we'll be doing Chocolat, and From Hell and, Benny and Joon and Sleepy Hollow! LOL!

    Not really!

    Maybe Shreck! I'll have to try that at home with the Powder Monkeys.

    What be your port-o-call when you're not at sea?

    Over at www.potcinteractive.com,there be a passel of Ms. Creants ready to help you out. Maybe even in your town, luv!

    Fair winds to ye!


    Lorien Fiona Stormfeather

  11. POTC Portland Update:

    website for more info POTC Portland Interactive 10/23

    The "Talk Like a Pirate Day Guys" , 'Ol Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy HAVE JUST AGREED TO BE OUR CELEBRITY Master and Commander (MC's!)

    We're greatly honored and hope to see a bunch of NQG and Pyracy Pub Pirates at our little party.

    It's just a few ports north, on the left coast, me hearties. Why not commandeer a vessel and pick up a crew in Tortuga and join us!


    BTW: we named the lobster "Tim"

  12. POTC Portland Update:

    website for more info POTC Portland Interactive 10/23

    The "Talk Like a Pirate Day Guys" , 'Ol Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy HAVE JUST AGREED TO BE OUR CELEBRITY Master and Commander (MC's!)

    We're greatly honored and hope to see a bunch of NQG and Pyracy Pub Pirates at our little party.

    It's just a few ports north, on the left coast, me hearties. Why not commandeer a vessel and pick up a crew in Tortuga and join us!


    BTW: we named the lobster "Tim"

  13. Fret NOT me beauteous, Lasses and Laddies, you can hold yer own POTC Interactive in yer own port-o-call.

    It's a do-it-yerself sorta' gig. We be no corporate entity ye know, just humble pyrates...

    Sail on over here for all he poop....POTC Interactive How To

    They be more like guidelines anyway....

    Or you could always come to Portland, we be friendly pyrates here....

    Here's our new Event Web Page to feast yer deadlights upon...

    Portland POTC Interactive 10/23

  14. Great News Buckos and Bucketts...

    Our musical mateys: SPINNAKER will be on dock at the Hollywood Theatre in Port Land, Orygun on Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 1:00 pm, doin' a pre-show gig for our little afternoon Interaction of Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the black Pearl.

    They'll be warming us up with a set that will include, "Captain Jack and the Mermaid" and "You Can't Be A Pirate With All Of Your Parts".

    The interactive movie (that be CJS on the BIG screen), goodie bag of props, musical guests SPINNAKER and even more surprises can be had with the small fee of only $10. 'Tis all a benefit fer kids with Autism.

    Here be all the bloody bits......

    Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl Movie Interactive (PG13)


    Saturday, October 23rd

    Hollywood Theatre

    4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd.

    (on the cross-streets of NE Broadway and 41st Avenue)

    Portland, Oregon

    doors open at 1:00 pm for pre-show, film at 2:00 pm

    $10.00 per person


    It's an afternoon of pirate fun for the whole family! Now you can enjoy the film "Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl" (PG13) voted "Best Family Film" at the Critics Choice Awards in a whole new way: interactive viewing!

    Spurred on by the love of this film, fans from all points of the compass are gathering to dress as pirates, and poppets. Real pyrates will cue the audience to opportune moments to interact with the actors on the screen.

    Dress as a buccaneer or come as you ARRRRR, for an afternoon of Interactive Movie Magic, Pyratical Music, Prop Goodie Bags, Special Guests, and Surprises.

    All proceeds directly benefit:

    Families for Effective Autism Treatment, Oregon (FEATOR) and their new Super Saturday Activity Program for children with Autism


    Tickets will be available for pre-sale through: Hollywood Theatre Box Office, or online




    FEATOR http://www.feator.org/

    (503)282-3328 (503-282-FEAT)

    Featured Musical Guests: Spinnaker, www.spinnaker.com

    After Party 5-7 pm at:

    Salvador Molly's Pirate Cookin' Restaurant

    3350 SE Morrison

    (503) 234-0896

    Costume contest and games for kids of all ages, with percentage of dining proceeds going to www.feator.org.

  15. Since I don't know if you movie lubbers read the other forums and ye seem the right sort to appreciate this. I'll let ye know that the Ms. Creants have been super busy since we got the okay from Buena Vista to go ahead with our little shenannigans. Go to www.potcinteractive.com for all the poop!

    Pirates of the Caribbean Interactive Theatre

    Wildwood, New Jersey

    Saturday, October 2, 4:00 PM, and Sunday, October 3, 1:00 PM

    The Sea Theatre

    Portland, Oregon

    Saturday October 23, 1:00 pm

    Hollywood Theatre (Tix. $10., online at www.hollywoodtheatre.org )

    Pre-show features music by Spinnaker and a special guest!

    Dallas, Texas

    Saturday, October 30

    Lakewood Theater

    Mount Vernon, Washington

    Saturday, October 30, 5:30

    Lincoln Theater

    Tonawanda, New York

    Saturday, Nov. 20 at 2pm and 8pm

    Riviera Theatre

    Here's me poster fer the Port Land, Orygun event and yes that is a quote from our own Ms. Jamaica Rose. She also let me use her drawin'!


    We named the lobster "Tim"!!!


  16. Hands down, er up fer....

    Bogg and Salty "Bedtime stories for Pirates"

    powdermonkey pirate music fer grownups

    or is it grownup pirate music fer powdermonkeys?

    either way, they be fine music men!!


    good 'ole Orygun Mates, do a nice cover of "Devil's Dance Floor" by Floggin' Molly and "Part of their World" by the Little Mermaid too!



    -Lorien Stormfeather

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