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Mistara Caitin

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  1. ARRRRR! Hark ye closely, me 'earties. It be time for what 'em landlubbers call Adventurers Weekend. But we piratical types know it really be Pirate Weekend. Those of us with wenchly leanin's may also know it as INVASION WEEKEND. If ye be darin' to venture into the pirate-infested waters of Revel Grove this Saturday, be sure ye don't be missin' a fine opportunity to be parleyin' with Madame Lillye from half past 10 until high noon. She'll be holding forth at that fine and reputable establishment, The Dragon Inn. Ye be encouraged to share some booty with the Madame and ye fellow crew of wenches in the form of sustenance. Aye, but fear not if ye cannot pay tribute - she won't be keelhaulin' ye. At least not this weekend! ARRRRR! We also be hostin' a fine LundePlunder over the weekend, so be sure to be askin' for some parchment to leave your mark on at the parley so ye can join the plunderin'. The parchment will serve as your Letter of Marque, savvy? This plunder be open to all crews of the Lundegaard Guilds, so commandeer some Rogues, Mercs, and Privateers to join the LundePlunder. Keep ye spyglasses on this parchment for additional coordinates for this weekend! ETA: Since TLAPD is now over, I'm happy to translate. We are having a Meet & Greet at the Dragon Inn from 10:30a to 12p Saturday. Feel free to bring a snack to share so we can make it a party, but please remember you are not required to bring anything at all. Also, at the M&G, we will be having sign-up forms for what we've called a LundePlunder. This is a secret swap and is open to all Lundegaard Guild members present at MDRF this weekend. Yes, this does include visitors! So please spread the word. As other announcements are made, I'll be sure to get them posted here. As you may have heard, IWG Local 42 is planning a LundePlunder for this weekend at MDRF. And you are probably asking yourself "Just what is a LundePlunder?". A LundePlunder is a secret swap that is open to ALL Lundegaard Guild Members. If you are a member of any Lundegaard Guild, you are eligible to participate! It does not matter if you call MDRF your home faire or are just visiting for the weekend, you are more than welcome to come and play. The LundePlunder is being hosted by IWG Local 42 on Saturday, September 23 and Sunday, September 24. Sign-up forms for the LundePlunder will be available at the Local 42 Meet & Greet Saturday from 10:30a to 11a at the Dragon Inn. Names will be distributed to everyone before the end of the Meet & Greet between 11:30a and 12p. There are a few rules for participating in the LundePlunder. The first is that you must be at MDRF on both Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Sept. 24. You are not required to be there from cannon to cannon on both days, but you are asked to make an appearance on each day. Second, per regulations at MDRF, we are asking that gifts/hits not include alcohol of any kind! We are also asking that participants stick to a strict spending limit of $20. Finally, try to stay anonymous with your gifts/hits, but please do remember to include a hint about yourself so that your giftee/hitee will be able to thank you later. So remember, if you are interested in participating, join IWG Local 42 at the Dragon Inn from 10:30a to 12p on Saturday!
  2. I'm in New Orleans - for a couple more hours anyways!
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