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Cap'n Soul Stealer

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Everything posted by Cap'n Soul Stealer

  1. Jus what ever ye do, DONT, corn the powder, or is it Korn.... *grin*
  2. Garb, Kit.... These are me every day clothes! Im sure you'll look lovely Charity, best of luck and have fun :)
  3. Maybe theres a few secret characters on the way, now thats a thought. Wonder how long the realse date will be in Britain or even if my lil island will get raided by TPOC
  4. YARRRRRRG MATEY, this will be ideal. I happen to study Lord Nelson and have a deep love for the navy of the 1800's. Im a good study and can adapt to pretty much anything, 15-1600's are no prob , do ye have a barber surgeon I love it more than piracy, but its fun to say yarrrrg . I am based in Depftford good sir and could probaly make it to Devon ,i could learn to drive. But anyways thats great news. If you want to contact me my email is theonethatstoleyourfamily@msn.com. Cheers and be well - capt SS. And if i do give myself up to the navy, ye cant hang me, i am with child :angry:
  5. *grins* Sharp tounge is where i excell, id say the follairin. Listen here ya unfortunate occurance of unprotected intercourse afflicted with mental retardation. go ask yer mother why yer birth cirtificate is an apology note from the navy condom factory, on second account yer can ask me. As fer your brother i will shove bamboo shoots under his toenails and make him walk tiptoe. After you done fecking him that is you little. yo ho homosexual. Enjoy. And iffen ye need a hand ill come up and beat em both with the blunt of me cutlass, then kindly tell em that next time ill use the sharp.
  6. Arrrrrrrrrrrrg I would be com'n if i wasn't land locked in Britain. I'll be goin wi'er yers all in spirit. Congrats ter ye Merry and Scupper. Let it be known i make it an ambition ter one day go ter a festival wi'er a few of the P,Pup members there. Well all the best and may he living be dead in yer wake - Cap'n SS
  7. Contuary to popular beliefes. The ditty "Sing a song of sixpence" was actualy a coded message used to recruit pirates fer black beards crew. Here be the lyrics an thier meanings. Sing a song of sixpence / A pocket full of rye Blackbeard's standard payment of sixpence a day was considered good money in the 1700s, especially since most pirate vessels did not pay a salary: the crew only received a share of the spoils if they were successful in capturing prizes (and many a pirate ship had to return to port empty-handed after spending several fruitless months at sea). As well, his crew was promised a pocket (a leather bag somewhat like an early canteen which held about a liter) full of rye (whiskey) per day. Not bad, considering that alcohol was the average sailor's raison d'etre. Four and twenty blackbirds / Baked in a pie As Henry Betts points out in his book on the origins and history of nursery rhymes, "It was a favourite trick in the sixteenth century to conceal all sorts of surprises in a pie." Buccaneers, too, were fond of surprises, and one of Blackbeard's favorite ruses to lure a ship within boarding range was to make his own vessel (or crew) appear to be in distress, typically by pretending to have been dismasted in a storm or to have sprung a leak below the waterline. Passing ships — both honest sailors wanting to help and other pirates looking for an easy catch — would sail in close to offer assistance, whereupon a crew of two dozen heavily-armed seamen dressed in black would board the other vessel (via a boat in darkness or fog, or by simply jumping into the other ship when it came alongside if no other means of surprise attack was possible) to quickly kill or disable as many crew members as possible. Thus the four and twenty "blackbirds" (i.e., Blackbeard's crewmen) "baked in a pie" (i.e., concealed in anticipation of springing a trap). When the pie was opened / The birds began to sing This follows from the previous line. Once the victim's ship was lured in for the kill, the "blackbirds" came out of hiding and attacked with a fearsome din. Was that not a tasty dish / To set before a king? This line is commonly misinterpreted. The King is not a reference to any real king, but rather to Blackbeard himself, the king of pirates. And the tasty dish is the plundered ship that was so easily captured. The King was in his counting house / Counting out his money Again, the King is Blackbeard (no real king would take on such a mean task as counting money). This line of the message signals that Blackbeard had the cash on hand to pay a crew on salary rather than strictly on divided spoils. The Queen was in the parlor / Eating bread and honey Blackbeard's main vessel was a French merchant ship named "Le Concorde de Nantes" that was jointly captured by Blackbeard and Captain Hornigold in the Grenadines in November of 1717. Upon his retirement from pirating, Hornigold presented the ship to Blackbeard, who renamed it "The Queen Anne's Revenge". Thus the "Queen" referred to here is Blackbeard's ship, and "eating bread and honey" meant that it was in port taking on supplies in preparation for a cruise. The Maid was in the garden / Hanging out the clothes The use of the word "maid" indicated that the location/route of one or more prize ships was known, and they were going to be specific targets of the upcoming cruise (this greatly enhancing the probability of the crew's collecting prize money). The waters around the Carolinas down to the Caribbean were referred to as the garden, as this was an area where pirates would often cruise for easy pickings. "Hanging out the clothes" meant the targeted ship was already at sea or just about to leave port (thus its sails — or "clothes" — have been hung). When down came a blackbird / And snapped off her nose! There is some scholarly debate in literary and maritime circles as to whether the last part was originally "and snapped off her nose" or "and snapped off a rose." Either way, the passage is taken to be a Blackbeard's bragging about his plans to swoop in and have his way with the targeted ship. Well there ya have it mates,. Teach it ter yer kids (or someone elses if ye dont have any)
  8. Arrrg that be terrible news, I ne'er owned any pirate lego but i member being at a mates lodge and making him get out his set, after sum ship butilding i ad a ship we'er 2 cannon against a land base we'er 2 cannon, me first shot wacked his main gun and ol Soul Stealers Lad's were succesfull . I will endeavor to start a pertition and the like in merry ol england an also in the other online communitys. May ye be gifted with the devils luck - Cap't SS
  9. Ahoy mates, incredibly bored freelance one man crew here. I be in south east england and dinnay mind giv'n up the captain title to join a crew . All's i gots at the moment is myself anyways. Id prefer tak'n orders to gain some honest messmates. - Capt SS
  10. Ahoy, Seek a band called "Flogging Molly" They be irish but they av one or two good sea songs, thier drinking songs make fer good mirth too. My favs are "Salty Dog" , Devils Dance Floor" and (the sea is a)"Cruel Mistress"
  11. Ahoy mates, ive spent alotta time find'n moosic ter fill me cabin. I come across the folla'n and they proved ter be usefull. Me hopes yer can find a tune or two ter sing. Sea songs More sea songs o.o Be well mates - Capt Soul Stealer.
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