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Everything posted by Gutterpunk13

  1. I just got Back from warped tour in atlanta and Dropkick was ther and It was one of the greatest experiences of my life..
  2. aye thats what im lookin fer i dont take kindly to hollywoods interpritations of anything.. John :angry:
  3. I like flogging molly and all but not because they sing bout pirates.. try out the dropkick murphys too .. John
  4. Im lookin fer some tough period boots i dont have an "outfit" i just want some boots that will stand up to the ware and tear of an everyday seafairers life.. John
  5. the pattern says i need to use 28 1"-1 1/8" buttons but i want to use 1 and 1/2" buttons how many would i need? thanks fer yer help PS I finally made me seabag if any er you dirty scabs want to see itjust ask and ill post some pics
  6. I got me marlinespike sailor book bout a week ago and i dug up some canvas and thread and made me a seabag took me about four days to finish working on it whenever i had the time but its tough and will serve me well ill post pictures when i have them John
  7. I found a good site i think, its called hempsupply.com and what would i use ta sew and line it with? Thanx for ye help John
  8. All of the infomative information on these forums and what people on this site know is worth gold. i was sittin on me bum jest tha other day and i thought to myself the community er otherwise put.. people of this here site should make a web page dedicated to all the things we know because i find meself digging thourgh old dead topics er just starting another topic when i want to know somthing we have all kinds here reinactors , history buffs , gentlemen of fortune, grog guzzlers, sewing experts, so on and so on, the list grows everyday If we put our heads together, and every thing we know and think about the olden days, golden days and modern days of Piracy, including the facts, fiction and everything inbetween we would have one heck of a site and resource for everyone to have. I dont know about you but to me that would be grand John PS: I dont like to use the word pirate loosely for example, the advertisment at the top of my page says "over 500 pirate treasures" when i think of pirate treasures i think of the Big black flag in my room or the stereo system That i am listening to you right now some perfer to call me a pirate ... me i am no pirate im just a modest gentlman o fortune thats all
  9. Just a few questions.... Where exactly would i get sailcloth? How would I dye it? How does pewter hold up in salt water? What would i sew it with? And im not makin a gentlmens coat.. what would i be usin that fer? It would just fall apart within a day er two.. doesnt make much sense to me. oh... and could someone sew it fer me... i thought these patterns were supose to be simple hence the word "simplicity" one more thing i was lookin at the patterns and i dont see a lining pattern fer the coat ... i dunno i guess i need more help than i can get John
  10. Hullo there All, I Just picked up the simplicity patterns and i was wondering of what type of fabrics and buttons i should make me frock coat out of. i want it to be tough and durable . and i also want it to be salt water resistent and accurate for thew time period. it will be under heavy use.and i want it to be light enough to wear all year round. suggestions ? Thank ye John
  11. Thank ye kindly , now does anyone know how or where i could get patterns for a nice same period seachest? Thanks John
  12. Does any one know how to make a 16th/17th century Seabag or dittybag or where to get one? John
  13. I am no Pirate Just a modest Gentleman O' Fortune says I
  14. AYE! Amen to that mate that be tha point im tryin to make with this here poll Im glad someone finally understood it Cheers John
  15. Ive listened to them sence i was a wee lad. and the are quite good at what they do. i also like there combination of bagpipes and tin flutes!
  16. I think you would fit best under real modern day pirate, harbormaster sorry i didnt think to add sumthing more spicific for you John
  17. Sorry i messedup the first time and double spaced the choices i remade it :angry:
  18. Please take this poll! And tell all your friends to take it too! (and excuse the spelling, not that i care if i spelled anything wrong)
  19. Please take this poll! And tell all your friends to take it too! (and excuse the spelling, not that i care if i spelled anything wrong)
  20. I like the Dropkick Murphys better and theyve been pirates for a long time now
  21. Im thinkin ta buyin er by other means gettin me tha skip hendersons billy bones and other deittys record and i waswonderin if the other tracks were as good as billy bones could ye be of any help? John
  22. You could make one.Ive done it befor its pretty easy and cheap too. you also can customize it. Ever heard of tandy leather? John
  23. sale the two disc set on ebay im sure someone would buy it......
  24. Why thank Ye Kindly
  25. Yes I belive that be the one
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