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Gentleman of Fortune

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Posts posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. Did you guys see the post in Plunder about the Royaliste possibly going up for sale next year?


    How about making a pitch to the Ft and to Key West to "buy" a new Ambassador for the region.

    Rename her "Mercury"????

    If we had a couple o' thousand bake sales.....


  2. Toxicadia

    Sorry, I think I may have been misinterpreted.

    What I said was

    umm... er... ah...


    what I meant was "Hubba Hubba"

    So please, post your pics again!


    (to all)

    Lets not rekindle the authentic/fantastic debate... I am truly of the opinion that there is room for all and that both sides can compliment the other as there are all types of events and lots of different niche's to fit in.


  3. I would like that explored further too...

    Conventional wisdom says that pirate ships were the epitome of democracy... but I think that the reality may be different.

    In Cpt J's work, we see that a lot of Captains and Ships that were ruled as Dictatorships. When prizes were added to the fleet, Blackbeard appointed the new captain, there was no election.

    I am not saying that pirates never voted for there captain, I just don't think that was ALWAYS the case.


  4. ZWN

    The larger ones, 2-3 inches, are great for a baldric buckle. They can even have "squared" edges....

    But for waistbelts, its better to go with the thinner style... say 1" or so.

    The other tricky wicket is that, its hard to find pictures of "belts" in the period. When we see them, they are usually sword belts, with the leather frog for the sword, so not a true waist belt.

    Since there are no belt loops on trousers/breeches at this time, its difficult to imagine that folks are wearing belts under coats and over pants to keep them up...

    The buckle pictured is part of the clothing and equipment from the late 17th century Gunnister find. The belt and buckle were found over the outer most layer of clothing, suggesting they were worn on top, more for holding equipment then holding pants up....

    The sword belt and buckles seem to be similar as far as size and shape... some seem fairly narrow, the wider ones maybe 1.5" inches. There are of course, exceptions.

    I will post what I have on my belt/button page, and give you a heads up when its ready.


  5. I have been hesitant to reply to this thread, as I think the original poster may be looking for something other than what I might suggest..

    And that might draw the ire of some folks at the pub :rolleyes:

    So, the thread topic says "Belt Buckle", but the content is about Baldric Buckles...

    If the intent is a cool "piratey" buckle, that, of course, would be open to interpretation... here are some buckles...




    GAoP era belt buckles are a horse of a different color. They seem to be smaller... probably 3/4"-1 1/2" with 1" being a good size. Often, the "wings" of the buckle are angled to give the profile a sort of a slight "V" shape.

    I am updating my buckle and button page, and here is a preview of some of the content.


    This is a GAoP era belt with buckle. The leather is 0,8 inches wide and the buckle looks to be about 1".

    Now the trick is finding something like that....


  6. Lady B

    Yes, the NQG event page is the first place I checked (and the first link I sent our Italian friends).

    But, I wanted to hear from folks that have been to the particular events, not just read the promoters by-line so to speak.

    Thanks for all the suggestions though... I will keep you posted.


  7. I think that they are planning to come to the US FOR the event, and then probably travel a bit afterward.

    I had initially thought of suggesting PIP, but it may not give them enough time to get their act together... about a month.

    So something in the Spring might be better as air fair will be cheaper than the summer months.


  8. Greetings all...

    Got A question.

    I received an e-mail at my GoF site from some enthusiastic Italian Pirate re-enactors that are really interested in going to the US to participate at a Pirate event and are looking for a "recommended" event.

    So.... what should I recommend? Gasparilla? Pirates in Paradise? any suggestions? I would think that one of the larger events with lots going on would be the best.... probably not a small town, 12 pirates show up, kind of event.




    I am sure they are all hunky Italian men... and will probably need some body to show them around....


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