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Everything posted by Kon-Tiki

  1. First link doesn't work, but the second one's pretty damn funny
  2. Just remembered the Unchartered Waters-games I used to play as a kid. Uncharted Waters 1 Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons While looking them up on The Underdogs, I found a game called Skull & Crossbones as well. Edit:Unchartered Waters? What nonsense. Fixed this mistake.
  3. Thanks for reminding me. Still got to catch up with all these newer-than-SNES Zelda games. Will try this one out first, if I can find the rom. Which platform's it on again?
  4. Sid Meier is still making games then? Oooh boy, that means I'm behind on schedule
  5. Only one online comic I follow, but there's a pirate sighting in there too. Linky Better post your sightings as well. Can't be that there's nobody here that reads online comics, and can't be that that's the only one with pirates.
  6. Only pirate book I managed to read, is Treasure Island. Also read through that book on pirates (but not a story-book or so) several times throughout, but I can never find it when I need it, so I can't fetch its name (or scan that wooden gravure from Kidd burying his family bible that's printed in there, for that matter. Haven't found that one on the 'net yet, so it'd be a great addition ) Can't find any other books, as the local library (or the surrounding local libraries) don't have anything decent. Lots of pulp fiction, some Pratchett, enough Eco, quite a good philosophy-section, but that's it. The rest is crap, with dieting books, yoga and other wuss-stuff for people with either a low self-esteem or people who try to get from under work by saying they need to cleanse their soul by sitting upside-down on some earthrays for half a day. No-good libraries for getting books worthy of the name book.
  7. 1) Secret of Monkey Island 2) Secret of Monkey Island 2 3) Escape from Monkey Island 4) Something more from Monkey Island 5) Pirates! 6) Pirates! Gold 7) Little Pirate (my game, crappy drawn, buggy, spelling errors, and still in demo 2, but I'll finish it up someday and get it decent, at least the same quality as Ninja Forever will have) I can give you links to where to download all of those, excpet nr. 3 and nr. 4.
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