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Lady Sakura

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Everything posted by Lady Sakura

  1. *starts scrubbing the pie off of Morgan, she looks up and sees another man enter. She grins evily and throws a pie at him, hitting him smack dab in the face. Then runs over and gets his rum and takes an apple" Thanks for the apple, Barbossa!
  2. *throws a pie at Capt. Morgan, hitting him in the back of the head*
  3. It's on Game Cube. And some news on Zelda games: You can now get a mini cd where you can play every single Zelda game up until Windwaker.
  4. *Chuckles, she plops dpwn onto the floor, she opens up the rum and drinks a bit* How's about a nice hot fudge sundea?
  5. Windwaker is a fun little addition to the Zelda saga. Though, most people don't like it because of the cell shading. I love it. And what's best of all... most of the time your in a talking ship! And pirates help out along the way. These pirates are funny too.
  6. *walks into the room, a pillow tucked under an arm, a bottle of rum in the other* Hello, all... *smiles, she s in her Pirate Hello Kitty pjs, her hair in pigtails*
  7. Hey, Sakura here. I am looking to become a member of a pirate crew in the Washington (State) area. Preferably in the Spokane area... But Seattle is fine. I'll be 18 in exactly a month from today. So just in case that is one of the prerequisites.
  8. When POTC was in theaters still, my friends and I went tothe mall in pirate costumes. Then we went to the movie. It was all good fun. Me thinks I'll do that again for the next one...
  9. Yea, I was looking at the news and there are two hurricanes around Florida. I was like, "I hope that clears up soon. I'm gonna be going there soon!" The second one is huge, too! Right now in Washington, there is nothing my really hot dry heat! It sucks!
  10. lmao. Oh my... There's a song I've heard recently where this chick is singing. and the first line is "Don't wanna be the one to pop your cherry, girl..." It's actually on a Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. 'Tis a funny group of cds...
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