Mary Sue Phonix
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Everything posted by Mary Sue Phonix
I needful suggestions for a wench outfit
Mary Sue Phonix replied to Mary Sue Phonix's topic in Thieves Market
Well rats, I wanted to ask a techincal question but I sort of needed the link to the pic to work...lol hopefully you guys saw it already or know what kind I am talking about. If not I can try to see if I can post the picture up there any better. lol anyway I had a weird idea for the outfits up part...what if after I got the pattern for the bodice all made. I sewed on some sleves on the sides of the boidice where it goes up..(the bodice has small lil straps that go over each of the shulders. and I wanted to have a baggy shirt kind of thing to wear underneath...but the problem was. if I was wearing a shirt it would cover my chest and not let me have any cleavage. So I thought why not sew the big puffy sleves on to the bodice. I'm not sure but I do't think that would affect how tight the bodice was, when I need to tie it up..I think it said the laces where in the front.) Anyway tell me what ye think...lol like I said I am new to this sooo this might be crazy idea and it might not. (by the way the kind of look I am going for with the sleves if you all are wondering is somthing kind of like what Jack Sparrow wore. Think of the beach scene with that baggy yet puffy shirt that he has on...but just more for a female to wear.) -
*jumps into the bar and orders..sake* "hehe well this is a singles bar...so is any of the men folks..pray lookin for a sassy wench?" Happily smiles at others since she does not really know just what all is happening but hopes she will catch on..or just become to drunk to care..eventully
I needful suggestions for a wench outfit
Mary Sue Phonix replied to Mary Sue Phonix's topic in Thieves Market
Thank ye both for the advise, if I can do this right I am hoping all I need to make is the unershirt and the bodice (maybe the skirt..but I am hoping I can just find somthing at a used clothing store.) I found a very interesting patter at a web site called alter years. http://community.webshots.com/scripts/edit...security=iypiET The link above is what it looks like, it priced at 10 bucks whitch I think sounds pretty cheap. And probaly making the bodice is going to be my best bet since you don't see bodices floating around very often now a days. I do know a bit of sewing, I am better at sewing somthing when I have other people around with me helping me out with it.But usually if I run into problem my mother or my grandmother are very good with helping me out with things. I do have kind of odd question to ask, do any of you guys know. Any places on-line that I could find a patter for a chemise lol or one of those big baggy shirt things lol I am not with my vocab cuz I have only been doing Ren Fairs for two years. Also this might seem slightly annoying on my part..but I think just for fun I am going to try and darw and picture of how I want this outfit to turn out as kind of a hopefully visula goal for myself. -
Hi there, my name is Sarah or Mary Sue Phonix (me pirate lass name). I went to the Kanasas City Ren Fest this year for me second time in a row and I had a lot of fun. But sadly I could not spend a lot of money or time on making a costume ahead of time since. I am planning on goin to two anime convention later this year, as well as a few family trips. lol so money is kind of short sometimes at my house. So I had to use somethings from my house and go dressed up as a Hobbit. And even though I really liked my costume and had lots of fun playing the act. I still couldn't help but feel slightly jelous when I saw other people with their had made outfits that looked so amazing looking. So I wanted to get some advise on how I could make a really good looking outfit for Ren Fest (ahead of time) lol without spending an arm and a leg making the thing. What I was really wanting to try and make my self was somthing like a wench outfit (lol let see if I can to explain this from my minds eye): a white poofy shirt on the top part low cut (of course with clevage) a courset like bodice on the outside...helping mak the celvage..lobl maybe a black color I would say, and a light brown dress that goes just a little above the ankles. Well thats what I would like to try and make if you guys have any better outfit suggestions please tell me them. Also if would help at all I can try and see if I can get a casual picture of my self up here.. maybe that will help for visual aid anyway I would really apricate it if I could get some help thank you SD
hi, I am kind of new to the site...I have only been to one Ren Fest really and that is one that is in Knasas City because its one of the largest ones that happens in my state. But I know that there has to be more then that going on in the state of Missouri, if any of you guys know of events that go on in MO like piratey things or just small Ren Fests I would really apricate it if you gusy could inform me about them. Thank You
MO girl seeks advise on making ren fest costume
Mary Sue Phonix replied to Mary Sue Phonix's topic in Thieves Market
Yeah that sound like an awsume idea...thats kind of what I was planning to do in the frist place. I figured making a good portion of the outfit would be a big time money saver lol which is always good. Now I found a place online that I found a pattern for a bodice for like 10 bucks (lol maybe its just me but I thought that sounded like a pretty good deal) The place I found it is called AlterYears.com (if anyone on here know places that offer any better deals then that please feel free to tell me.) Also if anyone know places online or top name brand pattern people that would have patterns on how to make those big white poofy shirts..and maybe skirt patters it would be nice if you guys could give me the names..or better yet the links to the web sites if an they happen to have web sites. lol and just to seem anoying I guess, I am stll going to put up a help full picture of my self and if I can do this in a timely fashion...I am going to try and make a sketch of the outfit I am going for..for next year at Ren Fest. -
Hi there, my name is Sarah or Mary Sue Phonix (me pirate lass name). I went to the Kanasas City Ren Fest this year for me second time in a row and I had a lot of fun. But sadly I could not spend a lot of money or time on making a costume ahead of time since. I am planning on goin to two anime convention later this year, as well as a few family trips. lol so money is kind of short sometimes at my house. So I had to use somethings from my house and go dressed up as a Hobbit. And even though I really liked my costume and had lots of fun playing the act. I still couldn't help but feel slightly jelous when I saw other people with their had made outfits that looked so amazing looking. So I wanted to get some advise on how I could make a really good looking outfit for Ren Fest (ahead of time) lol without spending an arm and a leg making the thing. What I was really wanting to try and make my self was somthing like a wench outfit (lol let see if I can to explain this from my minds eye): a white poofy shirt on the top part low cut (of course with clevage) a courset like bodice on the outside...helping mak the celvage..lobl maybe a black color I would say, and a light brown dress that goes just a little above the ankles. Well thats what I would like to try and make if you guys have any better outfit suggestions please tell me them. Also if would help at all I can try and see if I can get a casual picture of my self up here.. maybe that will help for visual aid anyway I would really apricate it if I could get some help thank you SD
I feel shocked and ashamed of me self that I didn't even know they was going to be sellin action figure.. hehe but what a nice thought a lil Jack Sparrow thats pocket sized that you can carry around any where you want. What a devlish idea for some as attracted to the man as I am Oh by the way, did I hear one of you say that suncoast will be selling these? lol I believe thats about the only place I am going to really rely on that much to get it from I believe.... Columbia, MO me port of call dosn't have much to offer on shoping distanations.
*curtises lightly* It would be me honor Mrs.Emeralds...lol even though I do warn ye now that I might be in the mood for cake and tea..hehe being in me hobbit mode. I look forward to meeting ye (asuming that I am still going the 16th...the people I am going with are slightly confussing me...lol my friend told me that first they were planing to go on the 15th..and I looked on a calender and thought "well thats odd the 15th of october is a friday." and I have a pshycology class from 10-11am on friday mornings so that wouldn't really work out to well. So I tell this to me mate and he says somthing like "oh it's on a friday?..oh then that most not be right cuz the group wants to go on a weekend." I am guessing they want to go on a weekend because this anime club is out of a unveristy in Warnsburg,MO and if they are students like me. There is a chance a good few people will have classes...so..lol hopefully we will be going the 16th)
"All work and no play, makes Jack a dual boy!" Jack Nicholson ,The Shining
I have haerd about this only very littlely from a friend o mine on another fourm. And I looked it up on Amazon.com and it looks like it really is spoused to come out. Its bascially the same as the first disc set that came out in December last year but they have added on a third disc to it. Which unfourently I know very little about just what all they are planing to put on the third disc. But acording to what I saw on Amazon this is due to come out in November on the 2nd or the 3rd. only problem for me is if I really wants to get this I will have to sell my first dvd copy of POTC. Amazon's price on this is $24.59 and here is the link if you want to check it out http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...?v=glance&s=dvd
I do plan on comming to the ren fest I believe the 16th (not quite sure going with a group(an anime club to be more specfic) out of Warnsburg MO) I went last year as noble woman. and sadly this year I have chossen not to go as a Pirate but as a hobbit (pipin lol yes cross dressing cosplay..I am looking forward to my first trial of it.) Main reason I chosse not to go as pirate is basicaly cuz I have not had enough time to make a good enough pirate lass costume yet. But I might be able to go as one next year. as like Merrydeath I would also like to bump into some people from the Priacy Pub even though I am fairly new and don't know all that many people from here as of yet. lol I will also be taking pics of this grand event lol so ifs any of ya's wants to see pics of me running around like a lil hobbitieses I would be more then willing to show the pics in here when I get them all done.
*Steps up to door and lightly nooks.* I hopes you girls don't mind if young lass, join yer lil party.. *Mary asks shly*