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Emmanuelle Wilshire

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Everything posted by Emmanuelle Wilshire

  1. Good point Dutchman. I do apologize for opening a can o' worms. I suppose trouble can brew once you get a bunch of modern day pirates talking about things such as this. To Jack and Wes, I do thank you for the advice. I will check up on it.
  2. Ah, now Captain Sterling. A Gentleman and a Scholar. An honor to be in your presence sire......
  3. Greetings Mate. So good to hear this. I see a grog waiting for us on the near future! I have not gone yet... I was a bit disappointed last year since they took most of the pirate section out. Perhaps, we could attempt to build the theme back up?

  4. Mate, I be a scant few minutes away in Tulsa!

    Ha'e ye been goin' down ta Muskogee fer the Ren Faire? Pirates are well accepted there!

  5. I suppose I am a bit naive and ignorant. Since I am originally from Southern California, I had never been in Oklahoma until I moved here about six years ago. Before I came here, I had the perception that Oklahoma was barren and teepees lined the street. Actually, it was not that bad. However, I have always wanted to purchase an honest to goodness bottle of authentic deep south moonshine. It now appears this is becoming non-existent. From what I am hearing now, most modern "moonshining" generations are selling Meth and guns. So, Back to my dilemma. I have been wanting to buy moonshine, but I eventually gave up. The closest I have come to it was folks who make the well-known "apple pie." So, does anyone know how to make this stuff?
  6. Happy Birthday Mr. Ivan Henry. May this be a smooth sailing day for you my friend!
  7. A land o' twistin' winds? May I infer that yer a fellow Okie? Iffin' so, it be nice ta know I'm not the only scallywag here!

  8. Can I test just to test and try not to piss people off?
  9. I recently went there myself Blackbead, and I loved it! I did see another restaurant about 20 miles away that has affiliation with the Buccaneer. Apparently, it is more pricier called the "Queen Anne's Revenge" or something like that. Never made it. However, I was more than satisfied with the Buccaneer. I went to a few candlelit pubs before going to the Buccaneer. With a few grog's hitting me brain and walking through the candlelit streets, I was feeling pretty good! I also did the "touristy" thing and took the haunted tour where they spoke of a pirate murdering a well-known doctor in an alleyway. Although I was humbled a bit, I thought California had the beautiful women. After visiting Charleston, I am a new believer!
  10. Many thanks for your invite Beowulf! Very interesting proposition. Not too familiar with the area, but if St. Augustine is nearby, I just may make adjustments to attend. Sounds to be a grand time!
  11. Thank you for all your kind words and warm welcoming. My wallowin' is no longer but only fills of happiness come to my heart and mind. Or is it the grog catching up to me? Either way, I still declare it's all good!
  12. Thank you Captain. Tis' good to see a southern gentleman here in these waters!
  13. Thank you Ms. Elena. What a fine and pretty name. Thank you for the warm welcome!
  14. Ms. Silkie. My eyes line with tears when I saw you still here in the pub. I snicker to myself that m' fair grand woman walked by and did not recognize me. Oh what grand times I had with you! The voice of an Irish Siren is what I said to myself. I stand before you Ms. Silkie, bow, and tip m' hat.
  15. Ah Lady B, Now there is a name I have not heard in many tides. So good to see you m'lady and thank you for the warm welcome. Yes, my conviction was unjust. As a matter of fact, I stood upon the gallows with the rope upon my head. For unknown reasons, they released me and told me to leave and never return. I felt it was a good time to do so before my luck would finally elude me. Thank you Lady B, many good memories and good times with you. These new waters have changed quite considerably. Somewhat of a challenge to properly navigate through all of these channels. However, I shall eventually be chopping through the waves quickly.
  16. Greetings ladies, gentlemen, and new found friends alike. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emmanuelle Wilshire. However, many of my friends call me Emil for short. I have tread these pyracy pub waters many times as a lonely soul, but a bit too reluctant in dropping anchor, joining up, and respectfully introducing myself to all of you lovely likeminded people. My home is from the coast of Southern California, but I was falsely accused and convicted of a crime I had no bearing. The governor and his mob locked me up and sent me off in a caged carriage to a land I am not fond with or hold any familiarity. My love has been lost in my departure. Man made oceans in which they call "lakes" here in this land could never replace the love of the sea I hold dear to my heart. So please, allow me to wallow in my sorrow for now and raise my glass to you all in a hearty friendship drink. Cheers!
  17. I am but a friendly and humble pyrate who was falsely accused, sent adrift, and land locked into a land of twisting winds.

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