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Jamaica Rose

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About Jamaica Rose

  • Birthday September 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Caribbean waters of Southern California
  • Interests
    Pirate, nautical, navigational, and colonial history.
    Co-Founder & editor of No Quarter Given in 1993.
    Also co-founder of Port Royal Privateers in 1993.
    Other interests: permaculture, gardening, homesteading, cartography, costuming, hiking, music, art.
    Owned by goats, Great Pyrenees, and chickens

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  1. A GLORIOUS Rolicking Birthday to the Pyracy Pub! I was here from the start, and though I may not be around much nowadays, I'm delighted to see how it has survived and grown after all these years.
  2. A GLORIOUS Rolicking Birthday to the Pyracy Pub! I may not be around much, but I'm delighted to see how it has survived and grown after all these years.

  3. Another familiar face. It seems the sugestion to be on here is worth it. Don't know how often I'll be able to be on here but thought I'd say a healthy hello.

  4. Packed and ready to head to the Northern California Pirate Festival in the morning.

    1. Jamaica Rose

      Jamaica Rose

      WHAT? You haven't got a copy of our new book "The Book of Pirates"? What kinda pirate are ya? www.thebookofpirates.com

  5. ime: noon - 6:00 p.m. Location: Point Fermin Park, Gaffey and Shepard Streets Music festival with a focus on TRADITIONAL music, particularly chanties and other music with nautical and maritime themes. Pirates might invade. FREE. Info: SeaShanty@aol.com
  6. http://fortmacarthur.tripod.com/ TIme: 10 am - 4 pm, flag raising 10:10 am First Multicultural & Living History Event presented west of the Mississippi River and in the State of California. Annual artillery show and fundraiser that supports the Fort MacArthur Museum. The event is held on the weekend following the Fourth of July holiday. Various military organizations and groups (from ancient Roman Legionnaires to the Modern era) support the event. All group encampments are focused on accurately presenting life as it was in the past. The museum is located in Angels Gate Park, 3601 South Gaffey Street, in the historic harbor city of San Pedro, California. Old Fort MacArthur Days is a blank fire event. Many historical reenactment groups will be firing various weapons during the course of the event, and there will be a massed fire by cannons at the end of the day. Two groups of privateers will be on hand, the Rogue Privateers, and the Port Royal Privateers. The Rogue Privateers will raid for items and then auction them off to benefit the museum.
  7. TIme: Saturday, 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM Location: The Corona Depot, 150 Depot Drive Corona, CA 92880 Grab your Pirate Gear & Come Party with Us at The Corona Depot on July 3rd.... Music, Dancing, Merchants, Raffles, Sword Fighting and Amazing Props. Full Bar and Pirate themed Menu~ The Pirates of the Black Swan & Pirate Adventure Fight Team Featuring Robin & Jimmy.......Additional Band to be Announced!!! Only $10 cover Charge with Plenty of Free Parking. ** A Portion of the Proceeds will go to The Riverside Animal Dept. **
  8. http://www.seafairpirates.org/PiratesLanding/default.htm http://www.seafair.com/ Alki Beach West, Seattle, WASHINGTON. 1702 Alki Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116 Time: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, with Pirate Invasion: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Avast ye scurvy dogs! This be yer warnin’ shot! The cutthroat Seafair Pirates crew has made a deal and are comin to collect the bounty left behind last year! They be landin on Alki Beach in West Seattle on July 10 around 11:30. The merchants will be puttin out their finest wares and tha day long festival will be startin at around 9:30 am. Ye can shop, eat and dance along with the Pirates throughout the day until 6:30 pm! Have your little pirates come dressed fer the occasion and be part of a Pirate look-a-like contest to win some booty. Come get yer treasure while ya still can. Admission: Free Contact: SeafairPiratesPR@aol.com.
  9. http://www.coloradorenaissance.com Larkspur, COLORADO Special activities for the young ones; Prince, Princess and Pirate Costume Contest at the Puke & Snot pirate ship stage. Participate in the Royal Quest; be rewarded by King Henry at the Knighting Ceremonies, daily at the Rose Stage. Enjoy the Free Children’s Realm and Petting Zoo. FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY, CHILDREN TWELVE AND UNDER EXPERIENCE THE FESTIVAL FOR FREE WITH A PAYING ADULT. HUZZAH!!! (303) 688-6010 / Toll Free (877) 259-3328 or 409-F South Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, pjfrank@coloradorenaissance.com
  10. Commodore Norrington (aka Tom) is just back from the Philippines & NEEDS a ride from L.A. area for him and his lady to NorCal Pirate Fest. Can anyone from SoCal help? Email him at: teacher_tom516@yahoo.com If you don't know/remember who Tom is, here is his MySpace profile: http://www.myspace.com/norrington516 Tom had planned to go to the Long Beach Pirate Invasion and just found out it was canceled, so he contacted me to find out what other pirate things were going on in the next few weekends so he could meet his pirate mates. (He is in S. Calif. for just a month or so). When he heard about NorCal Pirate Fest, he was eager to go. Can anyone help? We have no room in our truck to help them. --Jamaica Rose
  11. The 2010 event has been cancelled. Will not be at Rainbow Lagoon or Belmont Shore this year. --Jamaica Rose
  12. Cap'n Michael and I had a grand time at the pyrate rendezvous in Fells Point. And we've mostly recovered by now. It was great to meet up with a lot of old friends, and to make a lot of new friends. I've finished posting most of my photos from the Fells Point Privateer Day and Order of the Leviathan festivities. They can be found at the No Quarter Given facebook page in several batches (Facebooks only allows 200 photos per album), and at the No Quarter Given MySpace page (in two albums - one each for Friday and Saturday). Tagging and comments are welcomed. My photos are copyrighted, but if you'd like to use some of yourselves for your personal pages, you may do so. I'd appreciate if you let me know about it though. For those of you desirin' a higher rez version, contact me privately. facebook.com/noquartergiven http://www.myspace.com/no_quartergiven Yrs in the sweet trade, --Jamaica Rose
  13. Today my husband Michael connected with one of the Texas Riviera Pistolers, who gave him a couple pounds of powder. That will be enough for his needs. It's nice to know that a bunch of cowboys would be so helpful to some strange pirates. Greydog - thank you for your very helpful suggestion. --Jamaica Rose
  14. Thanks Greydog - I'll try contacting some of them when the hour is a little more decent.
  15. My husband and a few other erstwhile pirates are entertaining at the Buccaneer Days in Corpus Christi, TX. They are running out of blackpowder, and have tried to buy blackpowder locally, and cannot find it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a place to buy blackpowder that is somewhat close to Corpus Christi? Apparently Texas recently passed some law that blackpowder has to be kept in a certain kind of container, and a lot of the stores that previously carried it, decided not to get the container and just stopped carrying blackpowder. Thank you, --Jamaica Rose
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