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Everything posted by MadMike

  1. Here's a quote from Esquemeling- "Here I shall not omit to mention the ceremony which at this passage, and some other places, is used by the mariners, and by them is called Baptism, although it may seem either little to our purpose or of no use. The Master's Mate clothed himself with a ridiculous sort of garment that reached to his feet, and on his head he put a suitable cap, which was made burlesque. In his right hand he placed a naked wooden sword, and in his left a pot full of ink. His face was horribly blacked with soot, and his neck adorned with a collar of many little pieces of wood. Being thus apparelled, he commanded to be called before him every one of them who never had passed that dangerous place before. And then causing them to kneel down in his presence, he made the sign of the Cross upon their foreheads with ink, and gave each one a stroke on the shoulders with his wooden sword. Meanwhile the standers-by cast a bucket of water upon every man's head; and this was the conclusion of the ceremony. But, that being ended, every one of the baptized is obliged to give a bottle of brandy for his offering, placing it near the main mast, and without speaking a word; even those who have no such liquor being not excused from this performance. In case the vessel never passed that way before, the Captain is obliged to distribute some wine among the mariners and other people in the ship. But as for other gifts which the newly baptized frequently offer, they are divided among the old seamen, and of them they make a banquet among themselves." Yours, &c. Mike
  2. HarborMaster, You may wish to try the PC game "Pirates of the Caribbean" and add the Build 11 mod (see the Pirates Ahoy forum). I found it locally for $20. I had to tweak my computer graphics to get it running smoothly, but I'm pretty pleased with the results. Finally managed to secure a Spanish frigate (one starts out with a lugger) and survived battle with a Spanish ship of the line, a corvette, and a sloop. They blasted my ship to pieces and tore all the sails asunder (but I did manage to destroy two ships and board the ship of the line and return to the pirate haven) ... Overall, it's a good naval sim, requires some strategy, and the role playing is entertaining. From what I hear, there are better pirate games on the way. Yours, &c. Mike
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