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Billy Flynt

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Everything posted by Billy Flynt

  1. Friends: Thank you to all who travelled to Hamptontowne to attend the Festival. I hope that you felt welcome and enjoyed your time on our fair city. Thank you also for the photos. Next year's event will be June 3 & 4 with the Ball on Friday the 2nd. Please mark your log books. Huzzah!
  2. All hands: The monthly gathering of Blackbeard's Crew will take place on February 10 at the White Oak Lodge, alais The Oaks at 3533 Kecoughtan Road. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:30 PM with libations and sea chants to follow. New recruits are welcome. Contact Billy Flynt more more information or directions.
  3. It will be June 4 & 5 with the Grand Pirates Ball on Friday the 3rd. If you're local and have the time, the Crew meets this Thursday at 6:30 PM. It will be in the Hampton Public Piers Dockmaster's office (1st floor of the Radisson parking garage). fair winds-
  4. Aye lad, Twas a pleasure making your acquaintance while you were docked in Hampton. If ye happen by this place again be sure to make a call on us. I pray your sails dry out.
  5. To correct my fine shipmate, the next meeting of Blackbeard's crew is on the 14th not the 7th. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
  6. Aye Bloody Bucket ye be a good man indeed! B Flynt Blackbeard's Crew Portside Master Gunner
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