Slopmaker Cripps
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Everything posted by Slopmaker Cripps
Wow, Blackjohn guessed right. Yes, the women tried to pass as men. If you look at the original drawings (actually done in the 1720's and not the fantasy crud done since then by people who weren't there) you'll see Anne Bonney and Mary Read wearing common sailors fitouts, and armed with your regular weaponry. They're wearing the typical sailors jacket of that time, typical trousers of that time, and the typical hats, shirts, etc. Styles did change right in there quite drastically. But anyway, yes, they dressed in regular sailors clothing, and not the whore dresses you see some ladies wearing at pirate fests today.
Ok.... I'm always going to these "pirate" events and everyone when I get there is singing the "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" song. What's the deal with that? The song is from the 1920's! Aren't we suppose to be doing golden age of pirace? We're talking 200 years before the song was written! I'm sorry....but this just licks the chocolate off my candy..... This wasn't written to offend anyone, it's just something that's been on my mind for a bit........ Cheers, AC
The Kannicks Korner pattern is a good one if you're doing 1750-1800. It's easy to use and what not, and I recommend it. But if you're doing pre-1750 impressions then you'll need to do what the rest of us have done and do your research and alter the pattern. I made a few pairs of sea breeches from their pattern to use for what little revwar events I do. However, I ended up drafting my own patterns for all my pre-1750 events, as you just can't get accurate early period patterns anywhere. I've been tempted to just take the ones I drafted, re-size them to a couple of sizes and sell them, as I'm always sending my patterns to my shipmates. I used to sell early sailors garments based off my patterns but with school starting up and my full course load I just don't have the time to do all the order stuff. However you'll still find me doing my slopmaking set ups at events. But anyway, I wouldn't use their pattern if you're doing pre-1750 events unless you research early period slop hose and alter the pattern likewise. Cheers, Adam C. Slopmaker
Justaucorps buttons 1690-1725
Slopmaker Cripps replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Yes, they did use whatever was at hand....but brass was less susceptible to salt water corrosion.....which explains why they are seen more often on sailors clothing.......... -
Justaucorps buttons 1690-1725
Slopmaker Cripps replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Well, I have all kinds of original period artwork in my collection here on the computer...... But I can tell you this, from all the original artwork I have seen and everything, sailors most commonly used brass buttons on their jackets. I also have accounts of other things being used, but they were on a guys jacket returning from a long trip to the east indies and had to replace buttons along the way. They were also later accounts from the 1780's-90's. So, your best bet would be to stick with the brass buttons. And as for a justacorps, why are you going with that? sailors rarely wore them, except for some officers, and even then they weren't the really fancy stuff you see people wearing at events. And besides, not everyone can be an officer as there would be no crew to command. Cheers, Adam C. Slopmaker & Ordinary Seamen -
Yeah....I'm cool. No major damage here on the island, even though we had 8-15 foot waves compared to the normal 2-4 footers we get. I so wanted to go out and get into that.....the dang hurricane was 3 miles off our beach, so I had a little bit of sea room. Cheers, Adam
So because my units website says we only have one boat, you don't think I have my own personal one? Get a life.....I live on an island...I've been sailing for years....of course I'm going to have a modern one.....a nice 26 ft schooner......and as for the fiberglass boat, the mold it was formed on is based on historical construction and drawings....so even though it's fiberglass it looks no different than a regular boat......besides, it's not going to be used for the crew much anyway as it's to small to hold all the members. We're working on building a 40 ft. half galley from scratch using period drawings, construction, etc. But it's going to take us a year or two to complete the project. Sorry to hear the event was called off also.....but I have some other big events I'm going to in 2005 anyway....... And as for the public complaining....they're not going to do that cause they don't know the difference between what true pirates acted like and looked like than what they saw on Pirates of the Carribean.....They were brought up with weird, fanciful, ideas about pirates and everything and they never change. That's why they don't complain. They're just uneducated, and very few people try and teach them the truth. You can still have fun, and do it right. Trust me, I've done it. Hell, I'm always having fun at events, but I'm still teaching the public the truth, and they're always just as, or just more interested than when at pirate fests. Doing it right isn't hard, I've actually found how to do it cheap, and mainly all it involves is you taking some time to actually read for once. I don't see why people make a big deal about being authentic means you can't have fun, or that it's SOOOO expensive, cause it's not. Just a matter of reading, making some cheap clothing to replace your neon flashy rags, and going out for the sole purpos to educate the public.
Who'd you hear it was canceled from? I heard it was still going on 2 weeks ago....... As to being a tourist, you are no further form the truth. I was born and lived my whole life here....... As for walking I don't need to. I can either drive (yeah, that's right, even people who try and educate the public through doing an accurate portrayal drive cars that involve combustion) or I can take my boat up. Yes, I was invited to go along with some friends of mine in SC. I don't see why you get on my case for trying to do things right......it teaches the public what hollywood never will...........and you won't either.....
Let me know if you're going to Bougainville.......... Gives me time to cancel my trip up there......... And BTW, you do know it's invitation only.......
Yo ho! Yo ho! A Pirate's Life for Me
Slopmaker Cripps replied to Eithne_MacEwan's topic in Music & Shanties
Mike, you lubber......you helped me write it! It's neon pirates that are ruining this hobby..... -
I have never once said it. It's not historically correct and I don't intend on making the public think that all pirates went around saying that stuff. I challenge any one of y'all to show me documentation that the original sailors said that. -me
Yo ho! Yo ho! A Pirate's Life for Me
Slopmaker Cripps replied to Eithne_MacEwan's topic in Music & Shanties
. -
Help with Clothing Authentification
Slopmaker Cripps replied to Matty Bottles's topic in Captain Twill
Ok...... No, Double breasted jackets are not accurate for the 1720's period. The majority of jackets were of the "1690's sailors jacket" style. They were mid-thigh length, usually had 12 buttons (but amount varied) going all the way to the hem, pockets set lower than the waist, mariner cuffs, etc. All this is based off an in-depth study of original paintings, drawings etc. (not the shit by Howard Pyle and the other 19th century "artists" who didn't know what they were talking about). Now, specifically on the double breasted jackets. The earliest accounts of double breasted jackets that I have found are in the 1730's. Even then, they are quite rare, but they were around. Some examples include: Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , From June 10 to June 17, 1737 . RAN away from Mr. Theophilus Pugh, Merchant, and Mr. Robert Blackledge, of Nansemond County, Two Servants, the One named Thomas Davis, a Bricklayer, belonging to the said Pugh; the other named John Shaw, a Black-Smith. The said Thomas Davis was born in Wales, but talks tolerable English, and is a middle-siz'd, well set Man, about Twenty Four Years of Age, and is much pock-fretten, and somewhat swarthy, with short dark Hair; and carried with him a plad Kersey double Breasted Coat , a striped Flannel and a short white Flannel Wastecoat, Two pair of large Oznabrigs Trowzers, Two new checkt Shirts, and a new Pair of Shoes. The said John Shaw was born in Yorkshire, and served his Time in Leverpool; he is a middle-siz'd, well-made Man, of a dark Complexion, without Hair ; and wore when he went away, a Pair of Oznabrigs Trowzers, a Linen checkt Shirt, burnt full of Holes before. The said Runaways were seen going down Nansemond River, on Sunday se'nnight, in a Perriauger. If any Person or Persons shall take the said Runaways or either of them, so as they shall be brought to the Subscribers in Nansemond County, shall be paid Two Pistoles for each of them, besides what the Law allows. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , From June 2 to June 9, 1738. RAN away from the Subscriber the 8th Day of May, a Servant Man named Peter Ridgeway, a Cheshire Man, a lusty sanguine Fellow, with a good Head of black Hair, curld at the Ends, has a stooping long Step, and goes a right Plowman's Gait; speaks the Country Dialect, terminating his Accents in inck instead of ing. He had with him a Suit of blewish grey Druggett, a dark Kersey Coat, lin'd with red Baise, a double-breasted light colour'd Ditto, brown Jacket and Breeches of Plains, lin'd with Oznabrigs, several Pair of Stockings, several Shirts, and a Sheet for a Bag to carry his Things. He rode away a small siz'd Chesnut colour'd Horse, branded on the near Buttock C P, and on the near Shoulder JL. He is a Carter, Plowman, and Husbandman, has the Air of Plainess and Sincerity in his Countenance and Speech. Whoever secures the said Servant so that he may be safely return'd to me at my House in Richmond County, shall receive Five Pounds Reward of John Tayloe. N.B. He had a new Postillian Saddle. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , February 2 to February 9, 1738 [1739]. RUN away from Capt. Robert Dudley, of King and Queen County, on the Fourth of this Instant February, a Servant Man, named Cornelius Maddin; he is an Irishman, of pretily [sic] low Stature, but very well sat, of a dark Complexion, with short black Hair, but somewhat grey with Age. He carried with him two check Shirts, one of them pieced at the Sleeves with white Linen, and both patched with white Cotton, a Pair of old green Breeches, two old dark colour'd double-breasted Kersey Coats, a Wastecoat laced with a Leather String, one Half thick Wastecoat, with Hooks and Eyes, instead of Buttons, a Pair of Virginia Yarn Stockings and Shoes. Also an outlandish Negro Man, named Phil. Has been in the Country about 4 Years, speaks broken English clothed with white Plains, white Yarn Stockings, and plain Shoes. Whoever will secure the said Servant and Slave, so that their Master may have them again, shall be handsomely rewarded, over and above what the Law allows. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , From June 29 to July 6, 1739. July 6, 1739 RAN away from the Subscriber, in Westmoreland County, the Second of this Inst. two Servant Men viz. Richard Kibble, a squat well set Fellow, of a swarthy Complexion. His Apparel is a brownish colour'd Coat, a green double breasted Jacket, a check'd Shirt, a red spotted Silk Handkerchief about his Neck, a black natural Wig, a good Hat with a black Crape about it, a Pair of greasy Leather Breeches, a Pair of grey Worsted Stocking, and a Pair of good Shoes; has a great many Letters and Figures on his Breast and Left Arm, some in red and some in black, the End of his Nose turns up pretty much, and professes to be a Carpenter and Joiner by Trade: He is a Convict, and came in last year in the Forward Galley, of London; but made his Escape home, and was convicted again this Year upon Six new Indictments; he staid with his Master but Three Days before he went away again. The other named Samuel Vlin, a small thin Fellow, of a swarthy Complexion. His apparel is a dark brown Coat, and a white Cloth Coat with a Cape, a white Jacket flower'd on the Breast with green Silk, a white Linen Shirt, a black Wig, an old Hat, a Pair of red Camblet Breeches, two Pair of Oznabrig Trowsers, a Pair of white Stockings, and a Pair of old Shoes; is a Carpenter and Joiner by Trade: He is a Convict, and came in last Year in the Forward Galley. They went away in Company with several others, and took with them a Petty-auger belonging to the Hon. Thomas Lee, Esq; and are suppos'd to be gone to Accomack, in order to travel to the Northward. Whoever takes up the said Runaways, or either of them, on this Side of the Bay, so that their Master may have them again, shall have a Pistole Reward for each, besides what the Law allows; and if taken on the Eastern Shore, or out of the Colony, shall have Five Pistoles Reward for each, paid by William Walker. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , From August 3 to August 10, 1739. July 31, 1739. RAN away, the 24th of this Instant July, 1739, from the Subscriber, living in Prince William County, Virginia, a Servant Man, nam'd Robert Pebworth, a Weaver, aged about 23, of a middle Stature, thin Visage, pale Complexion, and dark brown Hair; he has a small Scar in his Forehead, pointing towards his Eyebrow: He had, when he went away, an old Dowlas Shirt, a Pair of Oznabrig Trowsers, Pumps, brown Worsted Stockings, an old Felt Hat, which he commonly wears with Two Cocks, and the Peak behind, a short blew Frize Jacket, which has been double-breasted, but the Buttons have been cut off one Side, and the Holes sewed up on the other, the Sleeves of the Jacket open on the Sides, and with a Slope, and Buttons. He also carried with him two fine shirts, and about 25 or 30 Shillings in Money, in a blew flowr'd Sattin Purse; it's thought he has more money with him in Gold; and that he has wrote himself a Pass. Whoever secures the said Servant, so that I may have him again, shall have a Pistole Reward, and all reasonable Charges, besides what the Law allows, paid by me. Francis Searson. Virginia Gazette (Parks), Williamsburg , May 2 to May 9, 1745. RAN away, on the 17th of April last, from the Subscriber in Caroline County, a lusty, tawney Negro Man, nam'd Will; he is hollow-chested, stoops in the Shoulders a little, and is about 30 Years old. Also a small Mulatto Man, nam'd Peter, aged about 21 Years; well known by the Gentlemen in the Country, for keeping of Horses. He always has a great Quid of Tobacco in his Mouth. He had with him a Pair of Pumps, a Check Shirt, a brown double breasted Coat, and a Felt Hat. Whoever takes up and conveys them, or either of them, to my House in the County aforesaid, shall have a Pistole Reward, for each. Henry Armistead. N.B. I desire each Constable to give them 20 Lashes. So, in short, the double breasted coats were around. But they weren't common, and aren't recommended for a sailors impression unless you use it for I'd say circa 1760 and up. For the period of 1690-1730 I'd recommend a sleeved waistcoat or a 1690's style sailors jacket. And just cause it's called a 1690's style jacket it was actually very common over the whole period. Hope this helped. I don't peruse this board a lot, so if you need any help, just email me at provincialnavy@yahoo.com Cheers, Adam Cripps Slopmaker "The Fish-Broth Society"