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Mad Grace Oakum

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Everything posted by Mad Grace Oakum

  1. And that sort of thing is just what's he's begun doing. His *handlers* need to cultivate him back towards the nicer side, the way he was the last time he's here. Sounds like he needs a break... and an attitude adjustment. I just hope it doesn't rub off on Johnny.
  2. Sure did! Thanks Bess. :) Good thing I didn't post any on my site...when I first saw them I had a feeling someone was going to get in trouble. Isn't that a breach of contract to be leaking info about the story or production?
  3. Could you please explain that sentence? I don't undertand what you mean by "toss aways". So will sites get in trouble if they post the link to those pictures?
  4. GAH!! That bit of info you posted is just killing me!! I'm over here racking my brain wondering what the inuendos refer to. All these new pieces of info are just driving me nuts with excitement!
  5. LOL, Charity - thanks for giving her a bit o' credit...and good thing you did, 'cause I think she'd make you walk the plank, certain sure! das Aye, tis not good ta be stealing from a pirate ya know. :)
  6. Hey! You pirate! Ye copied me post word for word. At least give me some credit, will ya? I'd be much obliged. :)
  7. what the heck is up with the front part? It looks like they needed another captains cabin, so they built one onto the front.
  8. So is this article lying than? The news is everywhere. How can it not be true?
  9. Guess what? He's at it again selling the same fake hat!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...2274168526&rd=1 I feel sorry for the poor fellow that's bid on it. I guess Disney decided not to do anything about him.
  10. Ya know, now that I think about it, it just might be the fiddle ditty you spoke of. I've done some research on Craig Eastman and found out that he plays the fiddle. I wonder where I can find that ditty?
  11. When the film is released. High security on everything believe me! Guards in the production offices at night so's nothing be disturbed. heh heh Awww man. Well, they have to release some info about the plot to the movie sites, so I guess we'll have to wait till than. Blargh! If must be really good if security is that tight. :)
  12. Thanks lass.... just trust that I'm in the production offices almost every day and I can tell you I doubt ANYONE will be disappointed. So far it's stunning! Wow! Stunning eh? Now I really can't wait to see what happens! When are they going to release info about the plot, characters, etc.?
  13. I read this at http://www.orlandomultimedia.net/ So Bess, is the article telling the truth?
  14. I looked for that part but never saw it. All I saw was the monkey take the coin out of the open chest. Does anyone have a screencap of the part where Barbie is gone?
  15. Hope that doesn't delay filming. Stupid hurricanes. And plenty of letters left in the alphabet
  16. Hey, it is real! Poor pirates! That ship looks familiar... does anyone know the name of it? EDIT: I found the name. It's called the Jolly Roger. http://www.jollyrogercayman.com/
  17. So how far along are they production wise? I know ye said the model makers are hard at work, but is there anything else going on?
  18. Where'd ya get that pic from? It kinda looks fake...
  19. Now this I gotta see! What's the link?
  20. Wouldn't Jack be bound to them as well since he was cursed for a short period of time too?
  21. I'm so glad ta see this bilge rat is being taken care of. :) Twas I who sent the the good people at deadmentellnotales a little message about Mr. MyAss.com 's fraudulent activites. Of course they might have known before I said anything. The scum was stealing some of their pictures to sell his merchandise.
  22. I know! I couldn't help but bust out laughing when I read what he said. In searching for POTC stuff, I came across more of his auctions. Yup, the scum has put more fake stuff up for auction. This one REALLY threw me. Pirates Of The Caribbean Fork & Spoon Cannon Silverware Starting bid: US $49.99 But It Now Price: US $99.99
  23. Well me mate sent that bilge rat an email questioning the authenticity of the sword. This is what he had to say. Ok, this guy needs to use spellcheck. At least he offered her a refund. Say, anyword from Bruckheimer's side on this Iron Bess?
  24. Ok, now I REALLY have to go to Disneyland!!! :) Jack can chase me around anytime he wants to. Do you have a picture of them? HA HA HA!! That would be so cool to have Jack and Barbossa dueling around the park, renacting the sword fight scene.
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