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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Kate and I are going shopping..cya'll later...
  2. Im taking William with me..he can draw!
  3. Clothes for a night at the theater, and another set I could wear about town, this I would do as soon as I arrived to better blend in. Jewelry of course cause all of this you can wear and stuff in your purse. *grins* Books and perhaps a few weapons as I could also carry those back. then the rest of the money would open a savings account for my current self and would be left by a long lost relative. I also might buy land or a manor while there and place the deed in the bank for safe keeping...who knows.
  4. Im human, I make more than my fair share of mistakes..however I do not think Lust applies to me at all because I do not think lusting for one's spouse counts. I can be slothful..on more than one occassion, Envy..most definitely. I envy people with nice jobs and fat paychecks. Wrath..How can people not even from this country get better health benefits than I can? Greed...Of course I want more..who does'nt. Gluttany...umm iffy on this one... But my Pride is my biggest sin. I take pride in who I am, where I come from and where Im going, in my roots, in my family and in my job *Even if they are pricks*. I swallow more pride than I know what to do with. But sometimes Pride feels like the only thing that keeps me from breaking and carrying on.
  5. The freedom he allows me to be myself, to spread my wings and fly, to explore and push the boundaries, but he always gives me safe shelter. His Warrior's facade would hide a gentle and yet mischiveous heart, he would be loyal and honest, would hold me when I needed a soft place to fall and he would be the strength I need to keep going. He would be the one to keep me on my toes, to honor me, to make me strive to be better than I am, more than I thought I could be. He would be the other half of my heart, my soulmate and I have found him in my husband.
  6. So who else is going to bid? Am I going to win afterall?
  7. That looks similar to the one I am wearing in this pic.. A close up shows that it is diffrent however. My mother helped me to sew this when my leg was broke but it did not seem too difficult.
  8. Wow so much going on...Pulls everyone onto her lap for a hug.
  9. That brings Edward up to $20.00 am I still the highest bidder??? Lily m'Luv if I win would you do the honours of scalping..err..........*Coughs and looks about innocently* I do mean trimming the D'Dogge's hair???
  10. You could take a digital pic of them. Then I really would be scary..but aye I could do that..hmmm..
  11. No scanner....You guys are safe! Very nice Patrick..
  12. Happy Natal day Lass..Hope it was a swell one...
  13. Merry and Scupper do you have pics of them?
  14. That looks rather intresting. I have my gift already started if we do this this year.
  15. Actually my hubby has this one cologne that he wears that drives me nuts..I'd swear I was a cat with catnip...But he smells soooo good.
  16. Cinnamon, Baby powder, Candied apples, jasmine, the smell of the air after a close Lightning Strike, my fave perfume Provocative Woman, amber and some exotic oriental scents.
  17. RODLMAO...Well if you hear any bleating...Never mind..
  18. Did he say 'orney or 'ornery???
  19. Fresh cut grass, gingerbread, Aye Fall for me as well smells crisp and clean and yet...spicy.
  20. Aye me too..In fact was just talking about this very thing in a PM today.
  21. Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe...hmm Val Kilmer? If it truly were Captina how about Angelina Jolie..I can see her as a Pirate..
  22. Intresting Thank you Mission as I too was wondering about the name in Italics.
  23. Chases Stynky with her trident eyes flashing..*Brat Indeed!*
  24. Welcome aboard Scratchy and no better place to learn than here. enjoy your new home here in the Pyracy Pub!
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