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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Not on Etsy as of yet.. Pirate Gingerbread men..Ornaments, stockings and skirt sold as a set or can do individual. Close up of ornaments- The skirt- The Stocking- It's a Sweet Treat Tree Skirt!
  2. *Crosses fingers* Im hoping to send mine out soon as well...shhh! If the Elves squeal Im taking it to Santa!!!
  3. WOW I LOVE it...I too want to know where you found your ornaments especially the Pirate Santa...lol...Ill have to post pics of mine as soon as the pirate Gingerbread Men tree skirt is ready! *Grins*
  4. My husband and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage together today..Here's to many more!
  5. Congrats Dogge!!!! What another great win! I had to show my little one and she laughed and asked why there were two dressed as women..i had no answers lol..I pled the fifth!
  6. The Sea Warriors is still home to those from the Pub on Rule The Seas
  7. i hope you have a wonderful day and if you are at PiP well then I know it will be awesome!
  8. Happy Natal Day Black John, hope it is filled with warmth and laughter, family and friends and of course the swag!! lol Eat some cake for me....
  9. Happiest of Brithdays to you Stynky, great weather, pirates, lots of lasses, pirates and rum..what more could a pirate ask for on his birthday!
  10. So lovely..I love the wolf and the harpoon..really nice stuff Matt!
  11. I always start one..every year..but life always gets in the way and I have to spend it on other things...But im going to get there..one day...
  12. welcome back home, prpr your feet up, get to know everyone that is new and definitely catch up on all the goings on....
  13. Callenish and Salty Pots last night..and we talked of many things..That was fun!
  14. *Raises tankard* Hear Hear! Hope you each had a wonderful day!
  15. Bless you all...his tumor has shrunk!!!! Please keep him in your prayer lists and thank you all...
  16. UPDATE::: Broadside Brennan had another cat scan run very recently and his tumor has actually shrunk! Thank you all for the prayers and the support and please continue to keep him in your prayers. His mom says he smiles when she reads his well wishes though he does not always understand us he is still smiling and what a beautiful smile! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
  17. Im on MySpace Pirates and on the facebook one as well though I do not play often.
  18. Big hugs to The Plunder Bunny! Get well soon!!!!
  19. Happy Natal Day..or rather belated day to you...Although Im sure you must still be celebrating..I would be *Grins* Hope it was wonderful!!!
  20. He sent me a copy as he mentioned the Tavern in it....
  21. Im almost afraid to ask..notice I said almost... So what WOULD you catch???? *Grins impishly*
  22. I just want to know ahead of time for if I EVER make it to PiP...is there a reason one would wear a BAIT suit????
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