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Everything posted by Ross

  1. It is a shame we can't get this thread going again. Come on ye black hearted cutthroats... throw out some more "you know you are a pirate" lines. Ross
  2. Great photos Paisley. Some of those sunset shots are real art. Thank you for sharing them. Avast Ross
  3. Black Kat, her mother and this humble Pyrate be leavin fer Richmond tomorrow morn early. Won't be back till after Christmas. We just want to wish all of ye a Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We be thinkin of ye. Merry Christmas! Ross Ho, Ho, Ho and a bottle of rum.
  4. Olaf, I can't wait to tell Black Kat what you said. That will get her going. I agree yours was the best jump along with your last gesture. Of course we all know bribery was involved in the decision. I wish we had more pictures etc. I did not realize we were on the national news. Ross
  5. So it is one soundfront B&B for one bodice and an aztec gold medalion? But could you throw in the white slowly turning green scrungie? We may be gettin' close on a deal here. I just am not sure how to ship the b&b? Just a lowly Pyrate I be. That is one beautiful property though! That will make Katherine's day to tell her you found her necklace. Ross
  6. Yes, Black Kat lost her Bodice and the "Aztec Coin" necklace ala Pirates of the Carribean that I had purchased from Louie. I thought she had left them in the changing room when she had changed for the NWP Championship. I had already gone to the Townsend website to check out ordering her another bodice and was going to do it this morning. What be the price of that there bodice me lady? Ross
  7. Popcorn and rum for everyone!!!! Ross
  8. The Captain did a great job running the event. It was well planned and you could tell well thought out. Plus a whole lot of fun. Sir Nigel did a great job as a judge. Paisley looked angelic performing her duties. Lots of fun and laughter. Huzzah! Ross
  9. Black Kat and I were so busy having fun I must have missed the problems. I was there for the last 5 days of the event and saw none nor heard of any. All I saw was a bunch of friendly people having a wonderful time. What a wonderful event. Black Kat and I had such a fantastic time. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I want to thank all of the people that ran the event for all of their hard work and planning. It was great to meet so many new Pyrates and renew friendships with those we already knew. The food was fantastic and the location was perfect. The event area and beach looked just like the island on which Captain Jack Sparrow was marooned. The people of Key West seemed so happy to have us there and went out of their way to make us welcome as well. What a fantastic city in itself. What perfect weather. 80’s during the day and low 70’s at night. It was so good to get out of the cold and into paradise. The event ended with a barbeque featuring a whole flaming pig. By the way whoever cooked that pig did a great job. We are so glad we came. Way to go Pirates in Paradise. Thank you. What a blast! Black Kat and I will see you next year. Avast Ross and Black Kat
  10. Black Kat and I would like to say thank you for making us a part of your family while we were in Key West. Wow!!!! What a wonderful time. The whole event was just too wonderful and fun to even describe to someone who was not there. But what stood out to Black Kat and I was how nice all of you were to us and how we felt right at home with ALL OF YOU!!! Being part of your family made the trip. Like Katherine sadly said “ It was so hard to say bye to them”. When we were all sitting around the hot tub for the farewell and the thanks to our Captain I COULD NOT speak up. I realized that if I tried to say anything I would get emotional. NOTHING WORSE THAN A MISTY EYED CUTTHROAT! Ala Robert Wagner in Austin Powers. (This here Pyrate be getting some tears in his eyes just writing this posting.) Diosa, Sheila, Paisley, Merrydeath, Doc, Deadly Aim, Studley, Nigel, Animal, Black Scot, Olof, Wrongway, and of course our Captain. What a wonderful group of people. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every now and then on the trip back Black Kat would say, “Diosa sure is a good singer, isn’t she Daddy?”. Or “Paisley sure did a good job at the plank walk contest”. “Or Sheila and Amy sure are nice aren’t they Daddy?”.etc. She kept bringing ALL OF YOU up. She was just like me…She missed all of you. There I go tearing up again. Of course Olof stole Black Kat’s heart. She won’t admit it of course. But while we were down there it was Olof this, and Olof that. She was so funny. I would bring her lunch or something and she would say “I don’t know whether I will be able to eat it because OLOF will probably come over and try to take it”. Then she would look around for Olof and yell over at him “Olof you had better not come over and bother me while I am eating”. Of course she couldn’t wait for Olof to come over. Olof, thank you for spending so much time with her. You were great. By the way, what a jump off the plank! Wow! Deadly Aim, thank you so much for lining us for up to stay at the Southernmost Hotel. What a place. It was so great and convenient. And thank you so much for showing us around. That Mahi Mahi at Crabby Billy’s was fantastic. What a wonderful time we had! I could go on and on about all of you. Thank you for the best week my Black Kat and I have ever had! Ross and Black Kat Morgan
  11. I am getting ready to head to Key West RIGHT NOW!!!!! We arrive Wednesday at 4:15pm. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ross and Katherine Pirate Low Class
  12. My cellphone is with Suncom. Does anyone know if Suncom has reception in Key West? Avast Ross Pirate Low Class
  13. I am getting so excited about PIP. Is just about everyone staying with KW Pirate at the Southernmost Hotel? We will have a Pirate camp of our own. What a great time we will have!!! Katherine and I are looking forward to seeing everyone there. Avast Ross Pirate Low Class
  14. I was just checking on why it registered me as a guest. Let me see if this works with my personal information. Ross Pirate Low Class
  15. Katherine and I be there from Dec. 1-6. Leaving Monday morn the 6th to head back to the Outer Banks. Avast ye! Ross Pirate Low Class
  16. The Southernmost Hotel be the place to be! We have a room reserved poolside so it is only a few feet to the Tiki Bar. I just like saying "Tiki Bar". The Southernmost is sponsering a party for the Pirates sometime in the first week or so of the event. Katherine and I won't be down until Dec. 1-Dec. 6, so we will miss that. We should plan on having a Pirate Party of our own one night after most of the other functions are over on the last few days. Maybe Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Any ideas? I sure hope Ivan does not do damage to you and yours KW Pirate. Please take care and know we are thinking of you and everyone in Florida. Avast Ye! Ross Pirate Low Class
  17. Avast Katherine and I be booked at the Southernmost Hotel. We plan on dockin Nov. 30 and leavin Dec. 6. http://www.southernmosthotel.com/ It sounds as if that the place to be. Pirate friendly!!! There should be plenty of pirate activity right there at the hotel. They plan on hosting some party for us one night. I plan on having plenty of the rum flowing meself. So when ye get there look me up for a drop a Nelson's Blood. Avast Ross Pirate Low Class
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