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Sealegs Constance

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Everything posted by Sealegs Constance

  1. THese be really silly pyrate songs. I needed some cheering up. I thank ye all I really did need a good laugh.
  2. *walks in and see Williams lookin in the mirror* *grins at him* Ah William seems I mised all the fun again. Ye be lookin mighty fine there in the coconut bra a makeup. Needs ta come ere more often.
  3. Aye Christine I be knowin what ya mean. I be havin the same problem, but mine already hit. Nay that is not what was givin me stomach porblems earlier. Some type of stomach bug hit me.
  4. ME and me brood will be there Saturday with me sis and her hubby. Looking forward to it fer a while. See ye then. :)
  5. Now that is truely strange. Buying a faire. Nay cannot afford that one.
  6. *wakes up refreshed and ready for a new work day * Aye all of us bein sung ta sleep by a pirate, now that be something. :) *sees the bagels on the table and gets on* Nice evening here also. Opened the window and slept like a baby. Until Monday lassies.
  7. Oh nother group hug and William in th middle. As me sis says all the clevege. Gotta wonder what he be thinkin right now.
  8. *lets go of Cheryl so blenderwench can fit in* We sure be havin plenty of room fer ye. Come on over and join in.
  9. Hey sis it be bout time ye be gettin here. Ye ar always late fer something. Ere I be givin ye a big bear hug just fer bein late.
  10. Me daughter has a ways to 16, she just tuned 6 the 3 of August. Had her party at me Mums because she had a pool. So we had a pool party fer her. Oh well Better stop rambeling. I seem ta be doling it again.
  11. Aye Siren me daughter and I always huggs all the time. I tell her I always have time fer a hug. SHe loves it.
  12. Sorry Rumba fer missin yer birthday. Not in port when posted. I hope ye had a grand day. :)
  13. Happy Birthday to ye Rumba And many more.
  14. *grins as she sees Captn Morgan peek in* AYe now there be a brave man checkin in on a lasses pirate slubber party. This could be nterestin. As for tatoo's dona know bout that might be fun. Lets try.
  15. Hummmm a pierced belly button now that be a thought.
  16. And ye also have a great weekend.
  17. yer picture came up right away fer me. THis a nice picture lov the medalion. You say sun really haven't seen to much sun here in Maryland we really haven't seen any sun to much. Hopefully this weekend. I do lov yer picture.
  18. Ahoy and Happy Bethday to ye both. *stagger toward the keg of rum for some more*
  19. Welcome lass and iffen ye don mind. Ye be porin me a tall one. Thank ye much.
  20. Wow great picts Christine, can't wait to see the rest. Seem like you had a grand time there.
  21. Happ Birthday Mate. Now if ye please I would like some of that there rum and cheesecake.
  22. Aye Siren do you be needin yer ears peirced? If not how bout lettin Merry do it for ye.
  23. Sorry Merry you'll not be doin my ears. Have had mine done since I was a wee lass. THe others may want theirs done. I'll help if ye need it, but I don't think ye will.
  24. A chocolate shake hummmm. That be soundin pretty go right now. I think I will have one too.
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