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Sealegs Constance

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Everything posted by Sealegs Constance

  1. I am also glad the weekend is here. The powder monkeys are being difficult, not wanting to get dressed in the morning, not wanting to leave the house, and not wanting to get up. Hopefully they do sleep in and catch up on sleep and good moods. Thank God the weekend it here HUZZAH!!!!!!!!
  2. Crimson luv will the whole crew be there like last year. I am looking forward to seeing everybody again.
  3. Me sis and I will be down that Saturday rain or shine.
  4. Tired and wishing that the weekend were here. :)
  5. Believe it or not this radio station is playing Duran Duran's Hungry Like The Wolf.
  6. Feeling great today it wonderful what a little rest can do. Thanks Charity for the love and stuff it did help a little. :)
  7. Great artwork. Thanks Red Maria. :)
  8. Lousy. Me stomach is killing me and I have a nasty sinus headache. Wish I could go home
  9. Right now I am listening to the new Pyrate Royale CD, Tales of the Brigantine. THe song on right now is The Brigantine.
  10. I just go through the week from hell and I am feeling great. The weekend is here. YYYYEEEEPPPP!!!!!!!!.
  11. Aye lad me, me powdermonkeys and the rest of our crew will be there Saturday. Look forward ta meetin ye then lad.
  12. Hey a real sound just came on. Jack & Diane by John Cougar Melloncamp.
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