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Sealegs Constance

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Everything posted by Sealegs Constance

  1. Why thank ye Lady Seahawke I like the way ye did it. Was tired when I did that and did not think about. I like Lday Laura Pickett Wildwoodwolved. I think I will keep Sealegs Constance I've been her for so long.
  2. Wild Boys Duran Duran. Hey its on the radio.
  3. I am definately grumpy, back hurts, and I have cramps. What more can I say and my coworker left for the day. Life is just grand.
  4. Ok I tried Lady Seahawke's formula and this is what I came up with. Lady Pickettlaura Wildwoodwolves. god lord that is weird.
  5. Considering how everyone else is feeling now. I feel pretty good except a lousy sinus head ache. Christine, Diego, and Bonnie I hope you all feel better soon. No one likes to be sick. Take care. My thoughts are with you all.
  6. OOOOPPPPPSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I just had a blonde moment. So color my hair blonde and call me Muffy for the moment. You know I tell my kids the same thing did you read it. Well I did just did not pay attention. So I gues I am as bad as they are. Thanks luv for the info. NExt time I will read the whole thing again before I post GEEZ
  7. AH Capt Grey tis a fine web site ye have there. Capt Ciarnan siad it is easy to load and to find things. Aye I love the pirate coat. Great job on all the costumes. Keep up the good work.
  8. ME sis and I donna have the funds for that one. We are going to be there Sept, 24 for pirate weekend without the kids. It will be a girls day out.
  9. Aye please let us know when it airs I would love to see it also.
  10. Aye one of me sons dressed this time the other did not. Me daughter did not make in she was sick with fever and at home with the Me-Ma. WIll look ye up in October then lass. :)
  11. Welcome Sam. So ye be a new pirate in training? AH I rembmer those days well. Anyways enjoy yer stay. CHeers.
  12. Ah I see we were looking for ya in the wrong place lass. Iffen I remember correctly your on post said behind the global stage and that was all. Donna remember anything about the pirate swing. Must of been the heat that made me forget. Sorry we missed ye lass. Might be up in October perhaps we will look yu up then. :)
  13. Aye we did go Saturdsay, and bloody hot is was. I did have a good time but like me sis said I be leaving the podwer monkeys home next time. We did meet up with Rogue Mermaid, and Kat. I think I saw Mick but was not sure. Mercenary lass we tried ta find ye Saturday but we did not. Looked in the area ye said ye would be. We just did not find ye. Where were ye lass? Sorry we missed ya.
  14. Sorry luv I canna go openig weekend but me sis and I will we there priate weekend without the powder monkeys. See ya then.
  15. I think what my sister is trying to saying is that the girl should have asked someone to go with her back to where she needed to go. Instead of thinking that she would be okay going on here own. As Rogue said if the girl was drinking I hate to say this when your young and drinking you think nothing can happen to you. I have seen it to many times. The poor girl probably was not even thinking clearly and thought everything was okay. Bad judgement on her part. I do hope they get the bastards that did this to her. My sister really never gave you a answer on what time. Um I am not sure what time we will get there but we will be there most of the day also rain or shine. I will try to remember to shop by where Mercenary works so she does not miss out.
  16. Thanks for the information Rumba. No I really have not heard anything about that. Great dream Lass. I dreamed that I sold my kids off to a captain of a ship as powder monkeys. Can't wait until Saturday. Not sure what time we are getting there might be when the place opens, or around lunch time. Cannot get an answer out of my sister. Will find out later from her about what time.
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