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Everything posted by cavalier_pyrate

  1. greeting to ya foxe, i must apologize for the slip up, it was the early 17th century which i was meaning , didnt relize my mistakes until after posting, i took a little bit of time to look at yer site, tis the stuff fer me, but unfortunatly i find my self over across the yonder sea, (west coast of florida to be exact) perhaps one of these days ill make a trip over to england, spent most of my time over seas in lower europe and north africa, ( Now, if the two of us just stand here with our backs together and our cutlasses out we might just make it out alive......) we just might, luckly for us i brought a barrel gun powder..................... alexander
  2. greetings to all, i am currently in the sca, and i know this will hurt to say (with so many pirate groups out there) i wanted to try and create a nautical group that deals with more of the royal navy or trade ships, (but will never foget my roots arrrrrrrh) what i am needing to know is , is there any one that knows of any groups that reecreate the east india company, and dose any one know any good sources for info (most that ive come accross deals with the late 17th and 18th century )i need to find more on the beging of the company around the early 16th century, and what types of ranks did they use? ive heard that they were eaqualed to those of the royal navy alexander the cavalier pyrate
  3. ARRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHH and a hearty welcome the cavalier
  4. aye there , did someone say birthday, me smell'n a party happ'n , aye rumba heres a barrel of good ol rum fere ya alexandre the cavalier pyrate
  5. sorry it took a while to get back to this page, thanks for the sites, will check them out, and it would be firing replicas alexandre
  6. mateys, dose any one know where a swashbucker could find himself a good quality repodution wheellock or matchlock pistol? alexandre the cavalier pyrate
  7. aye matey tis hard to make an honest livin out of piracy , imagine being repermanded for taking swag ,from the enemy during the times of war , tis was a shame ( kept the rolex though) arrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhh alexandre the cavalier pyrate
  8. avast..... well until march of last year i would have thought that couldnt have sruvived long during any century but our own , but being in the marine corp and spending 3 months in the iraqi desert w/no showers , using a hole in the ground as a head, little to eat , the heat, and stress and disase (ie malaria out break in some of or platoons) let alone the thought of being killed, and having been stationed on the uss nassau for 6 months prior to going in country gave me an all too real feeling of being in a differnt age, i from experience feel more than quite able to have survied in the 17th century alexandre the cavalier pyrate
  9. aye, a happy birthday to a great country, .................ahhhh memories of the last 4th sneaking to the neighbors house emptying there kegs into soda bottles then placing a jolly rodger sticker on it and lighting fireworks on it while running home hooting and hollering........... aye such was a good time merry making for all alexandre the cavalier pyrate
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