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faucon de mer

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Everything posted by faucon de mer

  1. I looked through all the above links and there are some fine fire pieces to be had. I can just imagine carrying three braces of sea service pistols, you would never even be able to crawl over the bulwark. Faucon Quicks the word and sharps the action
  2. As far as a well rounded date for a flint lock, I would think the early 1700s is a good range. However, I do not recall if all pistols at this time would still have been smooth bores. Faucon
  3. With my eyes on the horizon for a flint pistol worth a hoot and actually shoots, I came across a long list of pistols at Dixie Gun Works made by Perdersoli of Italy. Has any one used this make of pistol and does the lock throw a good spark? I am building my second flint rifle and am crossing over to flint pistols. I am not satisfied with the pistols I'm finding on the market. They either dont fit the time period or dont appear to be made very well. I cant bear to carry a pistol that is not a real shooter. None of this ornate belt sticking things. Other than Dixie, Track of the Wolf carries a nice Kentucky pistol kit though it does not quite fit the naval scene. So.... what pistols are out there that persons are happy with and shoot well? Of course everyone does fire their pistol, dont they, and left handed at that? Faucon
  4. I am building my first wooden ship, a plank on frame privateer. I have found that bending the planking to obtain a smooth and equal contour of the hull much more difficult than I anticipated (probably my technique). What method do you use to bend the hull planking, soaking or a plank bender? Also do you know of any good forums such as Naval Inst Forum and Seaways shipbuilding forum that are worth while? I find reading books can not help with every situation. Thanks
  5. I have been reading "Raiders and Rebels" by F Sherry. Though probably a standard book of the trade, it gives a surprisingly fresh look at the big picture of pyracy and its cause and effects due to historical events. A first rate read.
  6. Why thank ye all.
  7. Does any one have a scource or trader that carries buckles for three inch wide balrics and belts. Also metal belt tips.
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