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Capt. Tarkanius De Morte'

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Everything posted by Capt. Tarkanius De Morte'

  1. As always i say Arrr For once until the next time and the one befer it! So to the planks and bring me Rum Arrr Capt Tark
  2. Alas we all be an anacronim! Out of time , an fer most of us out of our heads as well! Where's the rum? Capt. Tark
  3. Pretty words Lass but where's the Rum? Capt. Tark
  4. Bucket o' rum? where? I not be grouchy less I dont find that bucket O' Rum! Capt Tark
  5. What ??? DId I say something?? WHere Huh? What? LOOK THERE BE A PREETY MERMAID OF THE LARBOARD BOW!!
  6. ( Drinks poured to Capt. Iron Faith Cutler,DocF225, William Red Wake, And Grendle....Thank ye !
  7. I reached down to my side to grab my glass but felt nothing other than my breeches. For I had stripped My belt and pouch before I Turned to the bottle. I tryed to rouse one of me mates but to no avail, drunken stuper had taken its tole. I turned quickly to go back to me cabin and get the glass.
  8. Aye there be tales of grandure to be told over my table this day. I shall have me mate bring the rum and we loose our Debochery. Raise high your glass ya scurvey dogs and tell your tales to all. For I be feelin genorous this day an offeren me own drink to ye! But iffen you take glass and not a storie have , I shall loose my dogs or war! So come one come all and hear the tales of the dread Pirates! The night was warm that mid summers eve, too warm. I was in me cabin restin me bones from the day before. The sweet trade had been good to us so far. Up above midships the two mates on gaurd watch where heavy into drink as was most of the crew that night. Now I bid the rest of ye to either finish this tidbit or to come wit yer own. theres drink to be had and bards to hear! So please drink wit me and enjoy my table! Capt. Tark
  9. Yarr It apears we have a well spoken Mate wit us. I aplod your grandure sir. Tis good here the sweat words of the sea. Capt. Tark
  10. Leave it to the new bloods to teach us old salts a lesson in Piraten Arrrr. Capt. Tark
  11. Hello all i am searching for sea shanties to teach my crew so that they can be singing while getting underway. So far ai havent really been able to find much. If anyone has some lyrics or MP3's that they would be willing to share with me that would be great Thanks And may the winds take you to plunders apleanty! Capt. Tarkanius De Morte'
  12. Sorry Maties But i couldnt help but Introduce my self. I be Capt Tarkanius De Morte' Of the Pirate Cuttter "Pragadon' Fleet of the Cresent Moon! If any ya Question Me Rank. It will be pistols in the tops! But really I do see your conserne with the title being used and thrown loosly on this forum. I want you all to know however It took me many years of serving from Cabin boy to First mate to earn my Rank and Title of Captain. So to all ye who have no ship and sail no colors! Blast the lot of ya! For all me mates be first rate men before the mast! And to those poor sods who have put the time in and bled as I have Here's to ye! I be Capt Tarkanius De Morte' 7 yr vet of the SCA
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