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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. It would be fantastic if you could coordinate an event utilizing some rustic period sites, like Fort Charles.
  2. The flag is huge, and thank you. That one was a pleasure to make. Does it fly often?
  3. Imitation is the finest form of flattery. That said, I honestly wish people would stop stealing my ensign. I have now seen my crossed pistols flag hijacked and claimed by a half dozen people. A paintball company took it and traded out the flintlocks for paintball guns. One guy put it up and facebook, and (without any alteration whatsoever) claimed to have drawn it himself. Bloody pirates.
  4. And it goes without saying that you'll be making more of these for sale. Great stuff.
  5. Not naive. Pragmatic. Re-enacting does cost money and then some, depending on the level of research and detail you wish to attain. It's best to ask a lot of questions, maybe even what you might think are too many. It's better to have asked too many questions than to have asked too few. And start simple. Buy or make a good shirt and a good pair of slops, stays, skirts, etc. Then work your way from there.
  6. That's awesome. This thread is worth the reading of those charges alone.
  7. Actually, Mission, you do get a vote. It works as follows. As a member of the crew (in a club member/hobbyist sense), you are allowed one vote. However, the weight of your vote as an individual is measured differently from one member to another based on the strength of their opinion as it regards crew hierarchy. Add to this the pluses or minuses of the person's pirate history know-how on a wide range of maritime subjects, their own strengths or weaknesses for costuming (viewed through the skewed perspective of self and others and with the appropriate and proper portions of id and ego under the construct of self worth and individual identity). These must of course be balanced against the short and long term goals of the group at large and the impact on the pirate community as it exists now, both in relation to the members of the crew in a real world sense and in a historical fiction setting, and the opinions must reflect the nature of the crew as played to the public...to say nothing of the private and public reality of true self and the private issues of perceived persona as viewed in the context of the historical backdrop and then only as we understand it through materials of reference and from period examples as...um... ...I lost my train of thought. Doesn't matter. I was lying anyway.
  8. William Pace. I live and work out of Logan, Utah as a graphic designer and photographer and I do too many things to list here. No. The place has great range. I happen to be, but I started out somewhere between fanciful interpretations and re-enacting. I now head up the nationwide crew of the Mercury. I simply joined began delving back in 2004 and just keep getting deeper and deeper into troub...the hobby. I took my first name, it being a period name and a name which appears in my lineage going back over a thousand years. The surname I use is Brand, which is a Danish great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granfather on my Mother's side. Both. There are numerous ways to contact a crew, but I would first search under the crews section. There are also nationwide groups such as the Mercury. I re-enact the period between 1670 and 1720. Brand was born in 1670, 300 years to the day before I was born in 1970. I often play the part of the Mercury's Quartermaster at events around the country. Feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. And... ...to be perfectly frank* I would gladly accept the position of Captain and serve there by acclamation, but there are some very strong feelings about having such a position on the Mercury crew. It would take a long while to explain. * Notice that I didn't say honest. I can't be 'perfectly' honest, just somewhat honest.
  9. Actually, I cannot say for sure. I mean, I know what he's doing, but it's close enough to nature...aaaand nature in Florida can eat you.
  10. Welcome aboard and best of luck with the upcoming Rock Hall Pirate Weekend.
  11. We all have pirate pals that we've known, missed and maybe even forgotten. Many of us have a friend and fellow pirate that have disappeared from the hobby, the Pub or both. I often wonder what became of my good friend Ciaran, and Mercenary Wench hasn't been on in a long while. I only mention this, because Jim has been gone for a short spell and I wanted to pass along a hello from him and his family. Jim got a new job and life has kept him busy of late. As he states in an email I received today... "I do so miss my family and friends at the Pub and will be joining in on the frivolity and pyratical goings-on again soon." Jim sends a big "Hello" to everyone here. If you have news and updates of other pirates who may be overseas, involved in conflict, business, health issues or what-have-you, Send them a big hello from all of us on the Pub and wish them well.
  12. This is a weird, but unimportant glitch. When I click on the member list it goes to my profile. A few other buttons at the bottom of the main page do this as well.
  13. I run a monthly Firefly table top game and I hit at least two conventions a year.
  14. Those are great shots, Jon. I need to get out there.
  15. Now if we can just get the entire muster at one event. We'll swamp a boat or two with these numbers.
  16. Briar was ill by degrees, for the ocean had never heaved so much and the closeness of the surgery proved a bit suffocating. Everything was sealed up tight, so that the place proved the very opposite of the upper rooms of her last apartments. She tried not to think about the darkness outside as the few greasy lanterns of the place swayed back and forth on low beams. She also tried not to think about the way everything made her itch. She scratched her head for the fifth time since the last bell, her eyes shut up tightly. She was scratching all of the time tonight, and it made her irritable. Still, she scratched, but this time something came away on her finger. It was almost imperceptible, appearing as just the tiniest of creeping dots in the dim light. Lice. "Noooo..." She whispered aloud as her eyes went wide with wonder, horror and a kind of appalled violation. The sea was proving very uncomfortable.
  17. That's it. I knew the picture was striking a chord, but I couldn't figure it out. Welcome aboard, Eric.
  18. 8 – Roman Empire general Tiberius defeats Dalmatians on the river Bathinus. 435 – Deposed Patriarch of Constantinople Nestorius, considered the originator of Nestorianism, is exiled by Roman Emperor Theodosius II to a monastery in Egypt. 881 – Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu: Louis III of France defeats the Vikings, an event celebrated in the poem Ludwigslied. 1492 – Christopher Columbus sets sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain. 1492 – The Jews of Spain are expelled by the Catholic Monarchs. 1553 - Mary Tudor, the new Queen of England, enters London. 1610 - Henry Hudson of England discovers a great bay on the east coast of Canada and names it for himself. 1527 – The first known letter from North America is sent by John Rut while at St. John's, Newfoundland. 1645 – Thirty Years' War: the Second Battle of Nördlingen sees French forces defeating those of the Holy Roman Empire. 1678 – Robert LaSalle builds the Le Griffon, the first known ship built on the Great Lakes. 1783 – Mount Asama erupts in Japan, killing 35,000 people.
  19. For digging in? Yes. For recruiting? No.
  20. Thank you. It's a lot of work, some of these. I wish it was...what's the word? Profitable.
  21. Four months away now. Time to dig in, start projects we need to have completed by the festival and recruit, recruit recruit!
  22. Here is a companion piece to the Certificate of Origin, called a Certificate of Registration. It's marks the difference between a carrier of exported goods and the actual producer/exporter of goods. Just a little more Alliance red tape. http://pics.fireflyprops.net/PACE-CertOfRegistration.pdf No set of ship's papers is complete without a Crew and Passenger Roster, so I had to make my own at least once. I went with a very simple red and black design. Well...simple in color. The border was a nightmare to design and build. I borrowed a little from the border of an old mining certificate, but added and added and added until I went a bit blind. I'll go and rest my eyes now. http://pics.fireflyprops.net/PACE-PassengerRoster.pdf In addition to printed paper goods, I have to create logos, directional signs, labels and warning decals to be used as vinyls, stickers and paint stencils. This is one of several electrical warning labels that I've been working on. I have three others in the process, but I love skulls, so this one was the first out of the gate. There are six different stickers to a sheet. They can be printed on sticky back paper or you can spray mount them to appropriate/inappropriate places. The crop marks are a bit tricky, but I was trying to utilize as much surface area as possible. http://pics.fireflyprops.net/PACE-HighVoltage.pdf A year or more back I came across a fan drawn picture of Jayne reading comics, which is a personal favorite of mine, not just because it says a lot about Jayne, but it reminds us that comics are forever. I don't care how far out into the Verse we might get. Someone is going to draw comics. I've wanted to do some Verse comics ever since then, and with the advent of the Expanded Verse, it seemed like a good time. It also didn't hurt that I already had the TANG ad from another project and this gave me the opportunity to increase the history and scope of Tang. Tang is a super corporation that exports everything from tools to mules, and this comic shows just one more of the creature comforts they export to the Rim. Good old fashioned comics. I finished the layout just today. Then, while looking up some old contact information, I happened to notice that Namebrand used a similar tagging for his round barcode on a can of tomatoes from a few months back. Of course I was planning on the 'direct sales barcode' all along, but now I'm wondering if I didn't add it subconsciously from John's former project, and now that I'm thinking about it, this is my not so subtle way of asking John to show the tomatoes and every other cool thing he's made this year. Nudge-nudge. This particular comic is called Virus. http://pics.fireflyprops.net/PACE-VirusComicCover.pdf
  23. Sweet! Baked on for life by the relentless Arizona sun.
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