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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I'm very sorry for the loss. Having attended some of his faires over the years, I'm sorry to see him go.
  2. In the case of some, an edict by a sovereign or governor.
  3. We have people on the Pub that could replicate that hilt to the letter. Get to it.
  4. I haven't had the time yet to forg...obtain one.
  5. I have one question about the Reconstructing History shoes. Do they run small, large or right on the money?
  6. I flew in last year and arranged a pick up with Capt J. It's a nice airport as airports go and a pretty drive. Some beautiful conutry out that way. We can probably even get you in a tent again.
  7. Happy Birthday, Mate! check your message box!
  8. I made a point of photographing it for anyone wishing to see the fort from many angles. It's a wonderful setting in a rural part of the Mid West. Nothing but a paved road and countryside. http://picasaweb.google.com/williamtpace/FortDeChartresJune42010#
  9. We're trying to estimate our needs for camp and location at Fort de Chartres the first weekend of June. If you're even considering your schedule for the year and have high hopes of attending alongside us there, please sound off and be counted. Now that we have our foot soundly in the door we hope to enlarge our presence and make ourselves available for living history, the public tug-o-war and other events during the 41st annual Rendezvous at Fort de Chartres. It's a beautiful setting representing the wilderness colonization of the period and it just happens to line up with the year we represent. 1720. If you don't belong to a crew, and even if you do, you are all welcome. http://www.ftdechartres.com/page/page/1396753.htm The List: William "Red Wake" Brand Michaelsbagley Kate_Souris Capt. J Janet Silas Thatcher Lady Constance Alexander Thatcher Andrew Thatcher Grace Thatcher Miles Thatcher Ryan Thatcher Zack Thatcher Wes Bo'sun Carl Master Allen Mad Pete Iron Jon Paula Capt. Bo + 2 lads Beowoulf onus-one-eye + three
  10. Parker is a perfectly sound period surname. Now you just need a good period first name like Henry, Samuel, John, etc. Your name might already be appropriate. If you're looking for a nickname you might wait for it to happen on its own. You might earn one along the way that would be better than anything I might come up with off the cuff.
  11. Dorian and others regularly attend events here... http://oldfortniagara.org/events/
  12. Aye. Glad to have you back and part of the crew, John.
  13. If it helps, think if it this way...Mac is too good for chat. In this way Stynky honors us.
  14. Ha-ha! Mad Pete! When he answers his phone he's quite lively and it was great talking to another, poor, land-locked slob like me. We talked about Estrella War, Pirate groups that just gather to argue with themselves, Fort de Chartres goodness, West Coast events, travel, week long camps, the Pub chat room and Post-PIP-Depression. Harry Silkie Red Cat Jenny Dorian Lasseter Black Syren Red-Handed Jill Maeve Jim Hawkins Kass Ol Man From the Sea CrazyCholeBlack Captain P.E.W. Callenish Gunner Island Cutter Haunting Lily Edward O’ Keefe Captain Callahan Fayma Callahan Captain Sterling Jack Roberts Stynky Tudor Capt J Michael Bagley Mary Diamond MadPete
  15. I have to use the PC when I chat. My Mac is not welcome in the chat at the moment. Sorry Animal. We saw you come and go many times.
  16. Ambitious and fun to watch in progress. Keep us updated.
  17. Any pirates up Spokane way? Looking at a trip this summer and would love to meet a few fellow Washington pirates.
  18. Welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy a long and welcome stay here on the Pub.
  19. You're in Sparks? Wow. A new pirate less than a whole day from me.
  20. I'm seriously considering some prisoner kit next. The problems is convincing Tracy to make me kit that she knows I'll be weathering with a vengeance.
  21. As long as we're getting out our red pencils. It's spelled weskit.
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