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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. A lot of the little things that might be tied to a belt, were more likely carried in a market wallet, haversack or snapsack. In almost all paintings and engravings of the period, working men and sailors are shown carrying personal items about in one of these carrying 'bags', sometimes on the end of a walking stick.
  2. Laskavo prosymo! I have a friend that reenacts Cossack on horseback. Welcome aboard, Mate!
  3. You were an excellent host at Fort Taylor, and what grand spot for the camp. It was perfect!
  4. Thank you. When I come into some money, I plan to do the reprint on laid paper.
  5. I'm flattered that the creation of the Mercury and the crew are often laid at my doorstep, but it's a group effort. Everyone puts in a lot of effort at each event to make the Mercury look good and to help us all live vicariously through the hobby. Annnd, I did the work-up on the draughts. My many thanks to pirates in and out of the crew for helping me hunt down definitions. There are a lot of period names that took some effort to define. It's like shipbuilding forensic archeology.
  6. It would be very cool. I'd like to do a diorama some day showing the floating, armed remains of the Speedwell guarding the Mercury as she takes from in St. Joseph's Bay.
  7. Thank you. I have many a researcher which came before me to thank, and several crew members supplied information about sloops.
  8. When we were first choosing names for the Mercury, the names 'Dart' and 'Gullah' were offered very early on. Dart was one of the forerunners throughout the process and Gullah was offered by Harry Smid in tribute to the Gullah Culture. The Mercury is somewhat unique that she carries two smallboats and employs davits astern for carrying one of them, but it also afforded us the use of two popular names that arose during the choosing of 'Mercury'.
  9. 1 - Keel 2 - Gudgeon Strap 3 - Rudder 4 - Pintle Strap 5 - Sternpost 6 - Tuck Rail 7 - Lower Counter Rail 8 - Fashion Piece 9 - Upper Counter Rail 10 - Davits 11 - Taffrail 12 - Quarter Galley 13 - Tiller 14 - Companionway 15 - Sweep Ports 16 - Timberheads/Deck Stanchions 17 - Porthole 18 - Gunwale/Gunnel 19 - On Board Stairway 20 - Bulwark 21 - Main Wale 22 - Sheet Anchor/ Best Bower 23 - Cathead 24 - Knighthead 25 - Stern Head/Beakhead 26 - Figurehead 27 - Main/Head Rail 28 - Middle Rail 29 - Lower Rail 30 - Anchor Cable 31 - Hawse Hole 32 - Upper Cheek 33 - Head-Timbers/Knees 34 - Lower Cheek 35 - Chock-Piece 36 - Stempost 37 - Rabbet Line 38 - Gripe 39 - Necking 40 - Pilaster 41 - Upper Finishing 42 - Cove 43 - Quarterdeck 44 - Companion Ladder 45 - Windlass 46 - Grating 47 - Coaming 48 - Cleat 49 - Pawl 50 - Jollywatt 51 - Swivel Guns 52 - Capstan Bars 53 - Capstan 54 - Capstan Spindle 55 - Capstan Step 56 - Capstan Welp 57 - Knight of the Main Jeers 58 - Holds 59 - Galley Stack/Chimney 60 - Galley Stove 61 - Knight of the Fore Jeers 62 - Ward Room 63 - Beams 64 - Belfry 65 - Afterholds 66 - Galley & Crew Berths 67 - Cable Tier 68 - Deadwood 69 - Deadwood Knee 70 - Bulkhead 71 - Main-Mast 72 - Mainsail 73 - Main Brace 74 - Main Shrouds 75 - Main Yard 76 - Main Top 77 - Main Topmast 78 - Main Topsail 79 - Main Topshrouds 80 - Main Topmast Yard 81 - Main Trestle/Cross-Tree 82 - Main Topgallant Mast 83 - Main Stay 84 - Main Topmast Stay 85 - Main Topgallant Stay 86 - Gilded Truck/Spindle 87 - Pennant 88 - Foremast 89 - Foresail 90 - Fore Brace 91 - Fore Shrouds 92 - Fore Yard 93 - Fore Top 94 - Fore Topmast 95 - Fore Topsail 96 - Fore Topshrouds 97 - Fore Topmast Yard 98 - Fore Trestle/Cross-Tree 99 - Fore Topgallant Mast 100 - Fore Stay 101 - Fore Topmast Stay 102 - Fore Topgallant Stay 103 - Fore Staysail 104 - Flying Jib 105 - Jib Boom 106 - Bowsprit 107 - Bobstay 108 - Heel Lashing 109 - Bowsprit Cap 110 - Flying Jib Tack 111 - Flying Jib Halyard 112 - Flying Jib Downhaul 113 - Flying Jib Sheet 114 - Fore Staysail Tack 115 - Fore Staysail Downhaul 116 - Fore Staysail Sheet 117 - Gammons 118 - Woolding/Crances 119 - Foot Ropes 120 - Foothorses/Ratlines 121 - Reef Points 122 - Fore Bitts 123 - Fife Rail 124 - Partners 125 - Main Mast Step 126 - Fore Mast Step 127 - Boom Jaw 128 - Spanker Boom 129 - Spanker/Boom Mainsail 130 - Gaff Jaw 131 - Spanker Gaff 132 - Main Chainwale 133 - Fore Chainwale 134 - Hood Head 135 - Block of Lift 136 - Clew Lines 137 - Clew Line Block 138 - Brace Block 139 - Braces 140 - Brackets 141 - Chain Plate of Shrouds 142 - Gaff Halyards 143 - Lifts 144 - Turnbuckle 145 - Shoe 146 - False Keel 147 - Keelson 148 - Cant Frames: Bobstay Piece, Stemson and Forefoot 149 - Forepeak 150 - Ballast Stones 151 - Kedge Anchor 152 - Bowsprit Step 153 - Longboat 154 - Scuttlebutt 155 - Floor Timbers 156 - Shotlocker 157 - Mangerboard 158 - Kevels 159 - Breast hooks Smallboats of the Mercury
  10. Welcome aboard, Captain Mauvebeard! It was a pleasure to chat with you earlier!
  11. In the backstory of the Mercury crew, we sailed aboard the cutter 'Speedwell'. The Speedwell was plagued by worms and weatherworn enough that when the Bermuda Sloop (that would become the Mercury) was found, we stripped the Speedwell of all her useful guns, timbers, spars, mast and rigging for the outfitting of the 'brig-sloop', using the Speedwell as an armed barge offshore during the careening of the sloop. There was not enough of the Speedwell left to be towed or sailed without issue, and being anchored too near the Spanish during the careening of the Mercury, we burned the Speedwell's remains to the water line.
  12. Welcome aboard, Mister Siemens! Since you are closer to me than almost anyone else that I could name, please consider joining us for the Utah Pirate Festival in September as well (8 hours driving from Denver). We already have three members flying in for the event, with a few others considering the journey. Always glad to have another shipwright aboard. We'll be out your way at Rocky Mountain National Park in July. Please see yourself over to the Muster. http://pyracy.com/index.php?/topic/16119-muster-of-the-mercury/page-1 You'll find a great many people there and we pride ourselves to have a number of good able seamen, cooks, carpenters, and a fiddler.
  13. The Mercury crew is spread all over the United States and Canada. We'd love to have you among the lot, Mister Siemens.
  14. Chris Bourdier and I are working on the latest incarnation of the Verse in Numbers. We are currently accepting names for asteroids. If you would like to name a mine, science facility, etc in the asteroid field, please give me the name here along with you given name for credit purposes.
  15. You'll find some other pirates from Denver here... http://pyracy.com/index.php?/topic/17001-landlocked-pirate http://pyracy.com/index.php?/topic/16844-brethrencon
  16. Welcome aboard, Mister Siemens! It's good to see another pirate in the high Rockies. We are a landlocked lot.
  17. Excellent! Thank you for the links and the representation. Lily and Keith should be up to the Eastport event as well, so you'll have some more Mercury to rub shoulders with.
  18. The dates for the Utah Pirate Festival have been established for September 13th-15th (Friday through Sunday). A few crew members have already hinted that they might attend, so I'll be adding to the 'ship's stores' extensively. I'm already pricing more boxes, canvas and furniture for the event, and the camp kitchen box is filling up with found items such as plates, bowls, etc. Anyone wishing to attend should let me know their needs. I'm planning on doing a lot before September. Meanwhile, I hear tell of preparations for St Augustines, Satna Maria and others in the next coming months. Another pirate year is under way.
  19. The Third Utah Pirate Festival will be held Friday, September 13th through Sunday the 15th. Information is limited this early in the year, so watch for updates as we close in on September. Meanwhile, here are some of my own pictures from last year. https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/116336751040136503111/albums/5788891280748024161 http://www.utahrenfest.com/
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