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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Here is an interesting 18th century take on bread as a 'sause' for turkey. Bread Sause for Turkeys Take stale bread & crumble it in as much water as will cover it. Shred a large onion in it & a little pepper, then give it a scald to heat & soften it. Then put as much cream as will make it very white, a little bit of butter, & set it over ye fire & let it stew, stirring it all ye while till you see it look thick & taste well.
  2. January 7 - Between this day and the 9th of January in 1675, William Collingwood, one of Cusack’s men, was condemned to hang after all the proceedings held in the Old-Bailey, London. And on this day in 1680, Cornelius Essex, with Allison, Row and Sharp joined an expedition under command of Captain Coxon in four barques and two sloops, sailing from Jamaica to Puerto Bello. Their passage was frustrated by violent storms but all ships arrived at the destination.
  3. January 6 - On this day in 1718, Rogers was officially appointed "Captain General and Governor in Chief" by George I. He did not leave immediately for his new bailiwick, but spent several months preparing the expedition, which included seven ships, 100 soldiers, 130 colonists, and supplies ranging from food for the expedition members and ships' crews to religious pamphlets to give to the pirates, whom Rogers believed would respond to spiritual teachings.
  4. January 5 - On this day in 1718, a proclamation was issued announcing clemency for all piratical offenses, provided that those seeking what became known as the "King's Pardon" surrendered no later than September 5, 1718. Colonial governors and deputy governors were authorized to grant the pardon.
  5. Nice addition, Looking Glass! January 4 - It is believed that on this day in 1721, William Fenton, one of Walter Kennedy’s men, was executed for piracy, having been sentenced to death at Edinburgh. “There were four pirates hanged at Leith today (...) very hardened. They were a melancholy sight, and there is three to be hanged next Wednesday.”
  6. January 3 - On this day in 1749, Benning Wentworth issues the first of the New Hampshire Grants, leading to the establishment of Vermont.
  7. I know almost nothing about this event, so please take lots of pictures.
  8. January 2 - On this day in 1688, Raveneau de Lussan and a part of his followers, having come from the capture of Tehuantepec and returning from Acapulco to find themselves at Mapala, a port north of El Realejo, deliberated on the route they should take to reach the Antilles. It was agreed to march to Nueva Segovia, a town situated on the Coco River, which empties into the Atlantic. Of this expedition Voltaire said: "The retreat of the ten thousand will always be more celebrated, but is not to be compared to it." Lussan formed four companies, of seventy men each, and made them swear to observe the severest discipline. After praying together, and sinking their boats for fear they might fall into the power of the Spaniards, they began their march, and in ten days, during which they were almost constantly engaged in fighting superior numbers, they reached Nueva Segovia. Also on this day in 1669, Morgan’s flagship Oxford blew herself up during a banquet off Ile-à-Vache, South of St. Domingue on the Southwest coast of Hispaniola. Morgan's surgeon, Richard Browne, wrote in his journal "I was eating my dinner with the rest when the mainmast blew out and fell upon Captains Aylett and Bigford and others and knocked them on the head. I saved myself by getting astride the mizzenmast." Those who sat on his side of the table, including Morgan and Collier, were thrown into the air and found themselves swimming amid shattered timbers and the broken and disjointed bodies of the crew. Browne splashed around until he managed to scramble on to part of the mizzen mast. Soon boats from the rest of the fleet were rowing through the wreckage. Apart from Morgan, Collier, Morris the elder, 2 semen and 4 cabin boys, everybody else, some 250 men in all, perished in this devastating blow. Much to the chagrin of many, Edward Collier lived through the destruction of the Oxford and resumed his piracies in a prize ship he had called Satisfaction and was present at Morgan’s plundering of the town of Rio de la Hacha one year later, still as his vice-admiral. Considered by most to be a very cruel man, he captured the fort and garrison and tortured the prisoners. He led the port wing in the attack on Panama City, in the rank of colonel, in January of 1671, where he chased after and slaughtered the fleeing crowd and killed a chaplain personally, after quarter had been given. He was accused to have cheated, with Morgan, the sailors of their share of the loot, deserting them, sailing off in ships with supplies and plunderage. Despite his infamous lifestyle, Collier lived to a ripe age in Jamaica, leading preparations for defenses against a possible enemy invasion.
  9. Thank you for that addition! Nothing starts off a year wrong like a huge, local disaster. Poor Boston.
  10. Are you watching period films like I do when I work on these sorts of things?
  11. And a very happy new year to you! Thank you for everything that you have done, do now and will do for the Pub and our pyrate community at large!
  12. January 1 - From a citation at piratesurgeon.com "This being New-Year’s Day [1708], every Officer was wish’d a merry New-Year by our Musick; and I had a large Tub of Punch hot upon the Quarter-Deck, where every Man in the Ship had above a Pint to his share, and drank our Owners and Friends Healths in Great Britain, to a happy new Year, a good Voyage, and a safe Return. We bore down to our Consort, gave them three Huzza’s, wishing them the like." - Woodes Rogers For more about 'New Years" visit the following… http://www.piratesurgeon.com/pages/surgeon_pages/christmas5.html Also on this day in 1720, French Lousianna distributes paper notes of three typeset emissions from the Banque Royale. The notes were hand numbered with written signatures (added by the deputies of the officers named on the notes) except for the 10 livres note which had printed signatures. The backs of this currency were blank. Denominations in this issue were: 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 livres Tournois notes. Happy New Year!
  13. I really like the design. It has a very authentic, early colonial look to it.
  14. My it be filled with shanties, dancing, sailing, fortune and everything else needed to gladden the hearts and souls of all you pirates.
  15. December 31 - On this day in 1799, after nationalization had failed over the course of three years, and after being in existence for some 197 years, the VOC (or Dutch East India Company) was allowed to expire. Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade. Between 1602 and 1796 the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in the Asia trade on 4,785 ships, and netted for their efforts more than 2.5 million tons of Asian trade goods. By contrast, the rest of Europe combined sent only 882,412 people from 1500 to 1795, and the fleet of the English (later British) East India Company, the VOC's nearest competitor, was a distant second to its total traffic with 2,690 ships and a mere one-fifth the tonnage of goods carried by the VOC. The VOC enjoyed huge profits from its spice monopoly through most of the 17th century.
  16. December 30 - On this day in 1702, the Siege of St. Augustine was lifted.
  17. Wow. When you challenge yourself, you challenge yourself. That's one I'd find very daunting, so I look forward to the progress shots and the big finish.
  18. December 29 - On this day in history, 1720, John Clipperton and his crew took on fish, wood and water at Cocos Island, located off the shore of Costa Rica. A shack was set up on the beach there to shelter a large number of scurvy invalids among the crew. And...while this is not pirate related, some things should be remembered...for on this day in 1890 some 150 Lakota men, women and children were massacred by the US 7th Calvary Regiment near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Some estimate the actual number was closer to 300.
  19. Once more with feeling! This list is provided as a roll call throughout the year to gauge the number of attendees who are coming down to Key West to celebrate all things pyracy. The attendees will be listed by hotel, motel, rv, or tent. Attendees may be individuals or a part of any group, crew, club and reenactment encampment. The list merely reflects names and general sleeping arrangements of attendees and the list will be updated towards the end of the year with a "confirmed" status for those attendees who have secured their transportation to and from the events. There are many hotels, rv parks, and camps (both modern and historical). We would like everyone to sound off as often as they can with updates on when, where and how they will be attending in 2014. If you do not know where you will be staying, you may still be posted to this tentative list. Please send me names, tents, hotels, encampment information, etc. Groups will be listed alphabetically by crew, club or ship name. For information on hotels, rv parks, camps or other arrangements, please see the other threads in the subforum, or post your questions here. To save on space in the forum, I will also be including the names of the Crew, group or individual representatives who will attend the various meetings and gatherings, or follow up on any paperwork, or just for the rest of us to see 'who to talk to'. These are the best individuals to contact for information on each crew and group in attendance. LAST UPDATED August 14, 2014 - Tentative List Crew of the Mercury: Iron Jon & Paula - Wall Tent Mister Mallett - Tent Captain Jim - Oar House Mad Pete - Tent Capt. J Janet michaelsbagley Jeremy Nichols Dave Neville Leigh & Edward - Wall Tent Cutter - Wall Tent Jaded Jetty - Wall Tent Port Royal Buccaneers: Captn' Rosey O'Brian Iron Nick Ruthless Racheal Mr Smee Mr SteelEye Francois Lafitte Zeewolves: Cutter Ginger
  20. December 28 - On this day in history, 1814, the British began firing at the American lines at New Orleans, but were repulsed by an artillery crew manned by two of Jean Lafitte's former lieutenants, Renato Beluche and Dominique Youx.
  21. December 27 - On this day in 1670, Henry Morgan gained possession of the fortress of San Lorenzo on the Caribbean coast of Panama, killing 300 men of the garrison and leaving 23 alive.
  22. It's nice that you have enough left over for other related projects. IT will give other an idea of what they can do with the same materials. Thanks for the information.
  23. You might try getting a custom press made from someone on Etsy or through other craftsman sites. That way you can ask for exactly what you want and you'll likely get something that will last a long time. Please take the time to photograph the steps of each recipe or film aspects of it. I know that many serious cooks and novice food tinkering pirates would like to see how it went for you through the process.
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