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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Thar's somthin' in the rum, by George. Somethin' in the rum.
  2. 'Tis true, 'tis true. Aye. More rum!
  3. (Joins Pyrate Phil in a silent toast of rum to the sea...) aye.
  4. Aye. Welcome matey. Welcome. I to am new to this place. Just be here as oft as possible and the piracy will rub off onto ye. ARrrrrrr. Try the rum.
  5. A happy birthday indeed. And let not knowing me be any reason not to except me sincerest well wishing. Arrrr. Have another draught on me.
  6. Me favorite be not listed. Arrrr. The double barrelled Wheellock Pistol. Pretty little thing. That thar pistol and a cutlass be a fine thing when crossing abeam.
  7. That thar be fine news indeed. Welcome aboard me fine wee one. Arrr. Lets all drink to that.
  8. That thar site be as fine a site as can be had. I thankee. Aye.
  9. Start yer own pirate pub thar. Ye'll attract pirates like flies to rum in now time t'all. Thars a little pirate in everyone. Arrr.
  10. To be quite honest. Yes. I certainly could. Reasons: I've been homeless. I'm an excellent shot with black powder rifles. I've won awards with a musket. I can sleep anywhere. I've been a lifegaurd. I can unswamp a boat. I know most of the required knots. I'll eat anything in a pinch. I'm musically inclined. I'm not afraid of heights. I have some experience with swords. I've lived the world over. To name a few...ARRR!
  11. This be why I follow only the captain most in power at any given moment. ARRRR!
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