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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I'll take a serving of the main course, please.
  2. So we have a thumbs up for Versions 7 & 10 And I am still making changes... VERSION 12 VERSION 13
  3. Yes, but let's eliminate a few choices first.
  4. How about this, Dorian? VERSION 10
  5. Some new ideas based on the discussion... VERSION 5 VERSION 6 VERSION 7 VERSION 8 VERSION 9
  6. Aye, no winged shoe. I also though about using the Caduceus, but we would look like Medical pirates.
  7. It isn't harsh. I'm not married to the wings. I used them mostly due to the name of the ship herself. Wings were often an ancient symbol of speed. We could imply that death comes swiftly. Perhaps born by the wind.
  8. Simplified. VERSION 4 I am open to suggestions.
  9. Well, we have to start the discussion somewhere.
  10. Ayyye. That's true. Sans symbol. VERSION 3
  11. Removed in favor of other designs.
  12. Removed in favor of other designs.
  13. Removed in favor of other designs.
  14. I was tossing ideas around this morning and came up with this. It is a winged skull with the symbol of Mercury affixed to it. VERSION 1
  15. Standing there, looking at Murin, William was suddenly reminded of something he didn't want to remember, so he set it aside at once. He turned his attention in the direction of the small alleyway. "Come. We should return to the ship." They went back to the alley, where Mister Pew and the others had finished their accounting. Preston was wearing a smile of satisfaction and he seemed content that a goodly sum had been raised for the outfitting of the marines. William did not ask how much they had. He left the matter entirely to the Master-at-Arms, knowing the money would be used frugally and to the last penny, or in this case, Denier. Preston was nothing if not loyal to his marines. He would never allow them to be short of clothing or arms, so William gave no more thought to the matter. With the shadows of the day growing long, and the pressing matter of the Maastricht prisoners, they set out for the docks again. As they approached the docks, William scanned the wide bay of the Cul du Sac Royal. There were many ships lying at anchor, and William had given little thought to them upon first arriving. Now he watched them with interest until his eyes fell upon a ship he knew all too well. He was amazed to discover that he had not noticed her before and he wondered if the Frenchmen he knew there would have already gone over to the 'Dog to welcome them to Martinique.
  16. Aye...location. I am in Northern Utah. The combined pirate history of this state is exactly 0. Sometimes this makes it very hard for me to maintain my enthusiasm. I'm forced to live vicariously through the photos, stories and music posted on the Pub. I may need to get into a few Mountain Man events.
  17. Thank you, Harry. I think I speak for all of us when I say that you may wait on all matters concerning PIP until after the Civil War event. Best of luck on that gathering and please share photos of the event when it is over.
  18. Lady Seahawke, I honestly wish that I could say that it was just a coincidence that someone left you that message, but it might not be. In fact, it might very well be the reason he called you. I don't know. There are jerks in this world sophomoric enough to take something as simple and harmless as an idea and turn it into something ugly. There is no excuse for the person who called and left you that message. I would like to hope it wasn't because of this thread, but to be perfectly honest, I could never be sure. My apologies if I inadvertently gave someone the idea that they should be so rude to you. The thread was meant to convey an attitude of harmless fun. I had very simple and delightful conversations myself with everyone I spoke to. The conference call with Maeve, Silkie and Red-Handed Jill was a great deal of fun. I am enjoying the spontaneous introduction to so many of my pirate associates. Also, the thread is not meant to be mutually exclusive. I understand that their may be hearing impaired pirates on the Pub. There may be people who don't want to be called. If any of you wish to continue meeting your fellow pirates by phoning them to say hello, then please use utmost care and courtesy when calling. Thank you.
  19. Jim Hawkins. Check. We went from chat to phone and back again. Ain't technology grand? We talked about the recent dinner he attended near the University of Maryland at the 1700s tavern there. Jim is dogsitting a "squeaky" dog. We also spoke about Baconfest and this crazy Phone-a-Pirate thing. The list grows.
  20. You just may have worn out your welcome.
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