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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Very good news. I look forward to the time four or five months from now when the list becomes gradually more permanent.
  2. Artists never retire. We are found dead in a pool or a hotel room. I plan to go during an enfilade.
  3. As a costume or a sale item? It doesn't matter. The answer is yes to both options.
  4. A fruit smoothie The moon on the snow Andrew Jonas
  5. It's a cold night tonight, so I believe a fire is in order, and with fire, one needs cocoa and dessert. I believe a nice slice of Boston cream pie would serve nicely next to the hearth.
  6. Ladies, please. You flatter me. The Handmaster of Temptation? Most interesting. I shall add that to the list of unique monickers I have been labeled with over the years.
  7. I always find that a hearty chicken soup is great as a comfort food.
  8. But of course, Taemus. And might I also recommend the key lime pie with mango puree?
  9. A spot of tea for our Miss Ashcombe... And conch fritters, Lobster, shrimp bisque... ... and a rum chaser for Taemus.
  10. July 28, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Three bells of the First Dog Watch. The First Dog Watch was almost over and still the small boats were ferrying the Larboard Watch back from the docks. Most of them returned in good spirits, glad to have had at least some respite ashore. They returned of course, in varying degrees of joy, some having already spent a coin or two too many on such a short leave. some were already possessed of new hats or local baubles. Alan Woodington returned with a smile and an eye that was already darkening from some untold event ashore. Someone had given him a very immediate souvenir, but He simply smiled and saluted the Captain as he came aboard the 'Dog, and William made no inquiries. Lazarus Gage returned in a fashion which was not surprising, for the boat which bore him hence was heavily laden with acquired goods. "I don't recall any orders touching the larder, Mister Gage..." Lazarus simply smiled. "Personal stores, Captain." "If that is what passes for personal stores, Mister Gage, then I shall be dining at your table in the future, and not my own." "Aye, sah. Just trifles, Sah. We are frightfully low on those spices which come from abroad." "Your galley, your judgment." "Thank you, sah." ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
  11. Perhaps, even in the absence of Kass, we might have a representative from Reconstructing History? Is it possible to vend at both events? Through another sutler?
  12. Did you take any pictures, John? My wife and I are now into the second week of our new diet and all is well. The adjustment has been a strange one, but I can already feel the pounds sliding off.
  13. Today's special is Dutch babies...
  14. July 28, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog The eighth bell rang aboard the three ships and First Dog Watch began out on the Cul du Sac Royal. William was not surprised to see the slow return of the Larboard Watch, for they still had some two full hours to ebb back to the three ships before they would be missed...and summarily disciplined. Only a handful returned within that short span before the first bell of the First Dog Watch, and William noted everyone of them by name. ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
  15. Well, well. I might have to make you my agent. Thank you for the compliments. It's always a pleasure to be referred to as 'a pirate' in such a genuine fashion.
  16. I prefer a rich, dark cocoa. I despise tea. I make faces when I drink it.
  17. I have enjoyed every step towards authentication. Very good news.
  18. Today's special is a nice tomato bisque.
  19. Five days into the new diet and all is well, although I'd knock down a whole crowd of nuns to get to a free pizza. No. It isn't as bad as all that.
  20. I love a good white cheddar. Especially a sharp one with a little bite to it. Something suitable for fresh sour dough bread.
  21. When we last ordered cable, our package was supposed to include the History and Learning channels. It didn't, so we just stopped the service after awhile.
  22. July 28, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Seven bells of the Afternoon Watch Another hour passed with work continuing uninterrupted. Repairs aboard a sailing vessel were common. Common enough that the labor was almost expected, battle or not. Seawater and wood make poor allies, and despite her refitting at La Desirade, the Watch Dog was showing her recent travails. Storm and combat had combined to weaken the 'Dog in a few places. The regional woods which Rummy had employed during her resurrection, some two months back, were stronger and better suited to the worms of this region, but much of the frigate's overall materials were still English oak and susceptible to decay, so the crew did what must be done before they would put to sea again. William watched over these repairs, sometimes up close, and sometimes from the holy ground. He also surveyed the port of Cul du Sac Royal and the many ships at anchor around them. He noted now by the full sun that Le Requiem was anchored not far off and wondered that no envoy should have come from there yet. He made a note to travel there in the evening when the Larboard Watch was returned. Jim Warren came up to the quarterdeck and interrupted his observations. "Beg pardon, Cap'n." "Yes, Mister Warren." "Some of the men are asking after Jannes, Sah." "Ahhh, yes. Jannes." William agreed, nodding. He stood a moment in thought, wondering how best they might dispose of the fallen Dutchman. "With his will dispersed, we shall put to sea and bury him. With the 'Dog under repairs...I shall speak with Captain Lasseter upon his return. You may inform them that we shall bury Jannes no later than noon tomorrow." "Very good, Sah." ~Starboard Watches on Duty
  23. Welcome aboard, Mister Roberts.
  24. Many happy returns, Mate. May the day be everything you want it to be and may all the rest afterwards be above average.
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