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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. ^ Loreena McKennit < Our pirate group needs a good musician. I need to buy an Oud. V Do you play a musical instrument? If not, what would you play if you could play flawlessly?
  2. Arguments about discipline and order aside, a bell can be used as a tool of education, a method of time-keeping and an element of atmosphere.
  3. Thank you and thank you, gentlemen.
  4. Say what you will about Redhawk's pricing, but I've never seen a finer quality tent. They kater primarily to the Mountain Man enthusiasts, so they build a very sturdy product.
  5. There were some protocols based on the hierarchy of rank. For example, a ship might be asked to strike their colors when recognizing a ship bearing someone of a higher station. Right of way becomes an issue at times when a ship of lesser 'station' must fall by the way side to allow a superior vessel to pass. William Kidd's ego was such that he sometimes did not follow these protocols of his day, often snubbing those whom he did not recognize as his 'superiors'. Still, I don't know enough on the subject myself to offer many examples, apart from the little I have read, so I look forward to the information this thread may glean.
  6. ^ An obligation to keep the power and heat on in my house kept me from attending PIP in 2006. Now...let us never speak of this again. < I learned how to prepare California rolls tonight at the Japanese Club on campus. V Do you have a favorite Japanese dish?
  7. Jim, I want to do a drawing or full blown painting from that picture. Talk to Callahan and get me permission and yours as well. It needs to be painted.
  8. The queen's bluff is a nice diamond shelter... http://www.redhawk-trading.com/Queen.htm
  9. Ahhh, edam. I enjoy a good cheese. Cheese is a universal thing, both varied and familiar. The best cheese I ever had was made by a woman from the middle east who was living in San Jose, CA. A fine, sharp cheese.
  10. I took only the one blanket in 2005 and it was cold enough that I should have taken two. However, I piled all of my clothes over me at night and slept cocoon style. I'm bringing another blanket.
  11. Two and a half tots if you please, mate. And welcome aboard.
  12. ^ Howl from Howl's moving castle. Taller and more powerful than I am at present. Curse you Howl. < I don't mind being who I am. I'm actually quite content. V I'm passing the question on.
  13. We have a winner! Captain Sterling has the deck.
  14. I recommend the shepherd's pie with an irish coffee, Mister Pew.
  15. As you enter the fort you will be able to move along the Southern and Western part of the parade grounds. There will probably be limited access to the arched area on the Northern end, but the spiral stairs leading to the top of the fort should be open for our use. The contruction work is currently out on bid and the construction work should begin in July. By then, the areas open to us should be fully apparent and the construction will not limit our access to any other part of the park.
  16. And with all of the old world flavor. I've put them away until I can buy my shoes, but thank you for the aging instructions.
  17. William, overcome by fear, pushes the cup slowly across the table...
  18. There never was a more innocent phrase that sounder anything but innocent.
  19. The pub and food vendors will probably be outside with us as well, but some of these details are still in the planning stages. I am unsure about the hammocks, but I imagine it won't be a problem. Still, I will pass all of these questions on to Harry tomorrow and report back. Are there any other specific questions that I can pass on at that time?
  20. ^ World domination. < Hey! Somebody just stole my phrase!! V Speaking of phrases...Any favorite insults?
  21. ^ I get event fever. < PIP is too far away and too close. V Bonfire or moonlight?
  22. Harry and a small band of men attend every year as redcoats, and they can always use some more.
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