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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Here I was reading along and content to read about muzzle loading weapons and then Hugh puts that image in my head.
  2. I have received a great many more questions regarding the fort and the park and I will answer some of them now. Will first aid kits be available? Yes. As a state park, they are required by law to have first aid kits available around the park. However, we are still encouraged, especially those of you who are playing surgeons, to have extra bandages and first aid supplies in each camp. It never hurts to have extra. Will we have access to the gate combination? Yes. As the festival draws closer, a package of information will be sent to everyone who registers online with the festival. This will contain the information and the combination to the gate. Should anyone not receive this by mail, they will be given the information at the fort. You will be encouraged to register so that the park can get a better idea of numbers and needs. Will we have access to any small boats for beach landings and assaults to and from the Wolf? Harry is going to contact a local boat builder to see if we can borrow several small boats for night raids, day landings and possible interactions with the Wolf. We may be able to engage the Wolf or launch from it, but this is all very tentative at present. Harry will be speaking with the owners of the Wolf about this matter and I will let you know when I hear back. How many actual redcoats will be in the Redcoat Encampment? The number is unknown and may remain unknown for some time. There are several issues which make an actual list impossible until we get much closer to the festival. Harry will probably have seven or eight of the usual attendees, but time will tell. Reminders... Black powder weapons brought to the festival to be used in combat must be checked for appoval before thay can be used in engagements. Please be prepared to have any firing weapons approved by the park staff. Also...recruit! We can never have enough pirates.
  3. ^ I would live everywhere. This of course would involve more pictures than the Pub could handle in terms of bandwidth. However... < I like to travel. I could never be content to live in one place if money was not a factor. V I'll pass the question on.
  4. ^ More space. I get all the sleep I need. < I would like land adjacent to water. A river, pond, lake or ocean. I'm not too picky. V Forest or plains?
  5. ^ 15 years younger. I can lose the pounds. < Oh wait...I am losing the pounds. V What country would you visit at the drop of a hat?
  6. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Just prior to eight bells of the Forenoon Watch William made no conversation about business at first, content to eat and to discuss the finer things of Martinique. However, this line of conversation lead to a discussion of candles and wine, those which Dorian had brought over in particular. William seemed surprised by this news and looked about the room, wondering what had become of them. He stepped to the stern bench and lifted several, hinged seats until he came to one brimming with tapers and wine. "Ahhh...I am indebted to you, sah. I was down to a few greasy tallows." He said, choosing out a fine vintage from among the nestled bottles. He popped the cork out the open stern windows and set the open wine on the table, but not before pouring two glasses full. "Now...how are you set for men aboard the Heron?" ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
  7. ^ No...unless I have a really unfriendly customer service person on the phone. Then I can be down right devious. < It's snowing...sigh. V Ever been nearly killed on the job?
  8. ^ Plenty of them. I once had a pinched nerve in my hip so I borrowe a chair from the conference room where I worked. An hour later I was fired for borrowing a chair. Pretty lousy day, that. < I have plenty of good days get better though. V Ever been fired over something so ridiculous that you can't explain it to others?
  9. William received the heavy purse and stood a moment without saying anything. He watched Dorian's bearing, for he had noticed the man's pause up the ship's side and he did not hide they way he looked at Dorian's marred forehead. Dorian said nothing. "Sah, you will take a meal, rest and a drink or two in the Ward Room." William said, gesturing to the passageway door. His tone brooked no arguments and Dorian made none, since his business lay therein. They went by way of the passageway between the galley and the surgery and William had a chance to look in at the surgery door, where he found a much recovered Meg, a recovering and resigned Ajayi and an empty Surgeon's quarters. He gave Meg a smile and Ajayi a nod, before following Dorian into the Ward Room.
  10. hmmm...I don't know about the color, but I doubt the wedge will be out of place in the buccaneer camp. Since the camps will be relatively close to one another, you might consider yourself of both camps, but being a part of Hurricane's crew... ...I'm talking in circles. Sorry. You may choose where to stay.
  11. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Just after seven bells of the Forenoon Watch "Cap'n Lasseter on approach off the Larboard Bow, sah." Jim Warren said, coming up from the ship's waist. "Thank you, Mister Warren. Send word to all of the Starboard watches to assemble at the mast at the noon bell to receive shares before going ashore." "Aye, sah." "And please remind them to take a pistol ere they go ashore." "Aye, Cap'n." William went to the rail and watched the jollywatt on approach a moment before turning his glass towards that familiar French vessel which shared the Cul du Sac Royal with them and a half dozen other ships. He had a moment to wonder, and not for the first time, why no one had returned or sent word from that quarter. It perplexed him to no end. "Why this silence...?" he whispered aloud to himself. Then he removed his hat and hailed the boat on approach. "How is it with you, Captain?" ~Starboard Watches on Duty~
  12. Thank you for volunteering. I have pair or two of drawstring pants to throw in to the grab bag. We don't have many people who will need them, but it is a way of helping people who have very limited funds. Also, if there is anyone out there who is embarassed to ask for assistance publically, don't be. This is a community of pirates. Borrowing and sharing clothes about a crew is both period and practical. Many ships had a place to stow extra old clothes in case they were needed for later. Just let us know what you need. You can PM or post here for requests and we'll see what we can drum up.
  13. ^ I've driven and walked in public in costume. And yes...some very strange looks, but also some very nice compliments. < I once dressed up as Death and rode in the back of a pickup down main street on Halloween. I startled a cyclist so badly that he almost laid his bike over. V Ever won a costuming award?
  14. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Between six and seven bells of the Forenoon Watch William arrived aboard the Watch Dog after six bells of the Forenoon Watch. He went immediately to the quarterdeck and assumed command of the frigate, taking over from the officer of the deck, Jim Warren. He gave the Coxswain his shares from the Ilex sale and dismissed him to prepare for rest ashore. Then he went to the Starboard rail and peered down over the side to see what work had been accomplished there. Alder Wenge hung over the side on a line fixed with a sling and board. He was fitting new planking over the sawn beams of the quartergalley. "What news, Mister Wenge?" The carpenter looked up from the pendulum where he worked. He squinted into the overhead sun, shielding his face with a tanned arm. "Sah! This wound is almost closed up." "We'll make a surgeon of you yet, Mister Wenge." "Aye, sah." Alder smiled. "I shall have the head private again before I depart." "Excellent, Mister Wenge. Fine work." "Thank you, Sah." William called up one of the powder monkeys to fetch the carpenter a dram from the galley. This was lowered over to Alder so that he might swing and drink his leisure without climbing up over the side. William went down himself into the Ward Room. Here he found Murin hunched over, applying oil liberally into Alder's most recent repairs. Her legs were bared in the fashion of a working woman at washing clothes and she was barefoot. Her hair was drawn up from her neck in a similar working fashion and he smiled to think of her now, for she looked ruddier. Already since leaving La Blanquilla, she looked much improved, having gained weight and health again. "And how is it with you, Miss McDonough?" he asked her as he stepped from the aft stairway. She started a bit, standing up at once. "Steady, lass. You ought not to be standing so suddenly in this heat." "Aye, sah." She smiled a little and put a hand to her temple in a self conscious way that he didn't notice. He crossed to the Ward Room table and dropped his hat upon it. Then he stripped off his coat and dropped it over the arms of the chair there. He loosened the scarf at his neck and peered out the Ward Room windows into the lazy heat of the day. "There is no air at all in here." he said aloud. "No, sah." she returned. "Boiled dog f' supp'r." William turned and looked at her with a spreading smile. "Oh I like that. Aye. I like that very much." he said, chuckling. "Boiled dog..." he chuckled again and was still chuckling when Nathan Bly came in with a bucket of sloshing water. "Oh...beg pardon, sah!" "Come in, come in, Mister Bly." William said, waving a hand and then taking the bucket from him. "A welcome sight, water." William fetched up a basin and thrice filed it from the dipper before handing it to Miss McDonough. "How is it with you, Mister Bly?" William said as he bathed his face in the basin. "Well, sah." he replied quickly, then added. "...apart from the heat, sah." William nodded, toweling off only a little of the water on his face. "I should like to be apart from the heat." Nathan smiled. "Aye, sah. May I fetch you something from the galley, sah?" "Please do, and fetch enough for Miss McDonough and yourself. I shall be on the quarterdeck." he said, stripping off his waistcoat. He plucked up his hat and a dipped a handkerchief at the bucket before going up again into the sun. ~Starboard watches on duty~
  15. I have a new question. There are a number of pirates who wish to attend PIP who cannot afford the costuming after securing the plane or car fare. I know it can be a struggle to afford all and still attend, so... ...how many of you could contribute to a kind of hand me down program or a loan pile for those who have not?
  16. ^ Live. < My taste in music is to eclectic to narrow it to any one kind. I love so many types of music. V Ever been in a band?
  17. ^ On several occasions. And yes...not any easy nut to crack. < I happen to like fresh coconut, but my wife hates it. V Ever had date palms right off the tree?
  18. I shall add you to the tentative list along with the rest. It helps to boost the numbers and keep the enthusiasm going. Let's see some more recruitment out there. New blood. New blood. New blood.
  19. ^ More coats. < I like a good pair of shoes, but I destroy them. I prefer a good coat. V I'll pass on the question.
  20. ^ The frigate Watch Dog. < I'd make several. V Which ship would you make?
  21. We need some toasted marshmallows...
  22. ^ Like car crashes...? I had the front right tire come off of the car once at 90 miles per hour while traveling down the highway in Nevada. It was 4 in the morning. No moon. Dark as pitch. We fishtailed a third of a mile before we ended up in a ditch. Then the other tire came off on that side. It was a long night. < I was once thrown from the bed of a truck in a roll over accident. Landed on my head. V Any major injuries in your time?
  23. Maeve is asking about the Golden Age of Pyracy specifically.
  24. We need more poeple to post to this thread. I'm still the only listing in my area.
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