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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I received my Whydah Cartridge Box Replica from Captain Midnight today, and may I just say, that pictures alone don't do it justice. It has the look of something that wasn't as much created as it was cobbled, like a well turned shoe. Each piece is well fitted and stitched into place. The craftsmanship throughout is exceedingly fine and the workmanship sets it on the shelf as a true replica piece, worthy of any collection. By the looks of it, it should stand the test of time as an heirloom quality item, provided that I don't abuse it too much while playacting in the hobby. -William Brand, Satisfied customer
  2. ^ Father's side of the family...1611. Jamestown. Mother's side of the Family...1713. < We're 'mericans. V I'll pass the question.
  3. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Between one and two bells of the Afternoon Watch William walked among the laborers of the Maastricht for half an hour, content to say little. He stood from time to time, nodding, his hands behind his back. He was dressed in shirt, slops and hat, having left his coat and waistcoat on the 'Dog. He squinted up at the foremast, and though it was still diminished, it did not diminish the work being completed everywhere else. "Master Carpenter!" he called out, and Rummy set aside her mallet and chisel. She brushed off the wood shavings in the folds of her rolled sleeves and met the Captain at the stem of the fluyt. "The work is as much as I had hoped for and more." "Thank you, Captain." she said, familiar with this praise from the Captain, for he and Dorian had never kept back praise for her speed in accomplishing repairs. "You've married old and new with your usual gift for resurrection." William said, running a hand over one of the forward rails. "Perhaps the Captain is thinking of some other carpenter." she returned, with a smile that had always made her well liked aboard ship. William looked at her and couldn't help smiling back. He nodded and leaned back on the rail and studied her face as he said, "You're considering a long shore leave." Her pause was answer enough, but she still returned a solitary 'Aye'. "You would always have work here, Rummy." "And someone would always be tearing it apart again, Captain." William said nothing to this. He just leaned there against the rail and waited to see what else she might say. She just smiled again and ran one hand over her work. Neither of them spoke for time, though each of them was thinking of arguments and counter arguments about the uncertain future. This silence lasted awhile before William stood up again and tapped the rail with his knuckles. "Good, solid work, this." Then he went over and down into the boat bound for shore. ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
  4. Once more for emphasis... Pictures?
  5. Should we be concerned about the Bilgemunky show of shows? From... http://blog.wired.com/music/2007/04/sign_t...the_petiti.html Save Internet Radio From Perishing on May 15th There are a number of petitions floating around that you can sign to express your support for webcasters in the face of the disastrous royalty rates decided on and recently upheld by the Copyright Royalty Board. Those in support of internet radio should sign the official petition at savenetradio.org. The site also offers directions for musicians and music fans to contact their Congressional representative. This is important; Congress could act before May 15th, when the rates are scheduled to go into effect, to reject the CRB's decision, which would require webcasters such as Pandora and Live365 to pay retroactive licensing fees that would put most of them out of business or force them to switch to a paid subscription model. Aside from Congressional intervention, the other way net radio could be saved is by DiMA and other webcasters appealing the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. I've emailed DiMA to ask them about their appeal plans, and will post an update if/when I hear back on that. For now, head over to savenetradio.org to sign the petition, contact your Congressperson, and spread the word.
  6. That's the spirit. Press gang as many as we can.
  7. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog "No word yet from Mister Youngblood, though he may already be into his second rum and shore leave." "Aye." Dorian agreed. "Petee has a way with acquisitions." William said quietly, and then wondered in a way he had never wondered before, if the Master Gunner's acquisitions had always been proper, and more importantly, legal. He said none of this aloud. "We'll put him on the errand of brass sixes. How are your Dutch recruits?" "Too little English among 'em." "Aye." William agreed, but thought that Dorain's remarks probably touched on heritage and language both. "We've some seven tongues now..." The dog barked again. "...not counting that one. Do you have interpreters enough?" Dorian shrugged and yawned a second time. "They'll catch on...or...catch a word er two from me." William nodded as he finished off the last of his meal, long since cooled by the scant breeze coming in through the stern windows. It was of little relief, but relief just the same. It was barely enough to flutter the pages of the ledgers, but it was now more constant than before. William was enjoying the inactivity of sitting about, but he sighed after a time, recognizing a need to complete the large tasks which fell to him. He stood up all at once. "I must go to the Maastricht and see if the work there is done enough for her auction." ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
  8. And I thought we pirates were living in the past. Welcome to the 21st century, Ashburn, Georgia. Students attend school's first integrated prom POSTED: 5:33 p.m. EDT, April 23, 2007 By Kristi Keck ASHBURN, Georgia (CNN) -- Students of Turner County High School started what they hope will become a new tradition: Black and white students attended the prom together for the first time on Saturday. In previous years, parents had organized private, segregated dances for students of the school in rural Ashburn, Georgia, 160 miles south of Atlanta. "Whites always come to this one and blacks always go to this one," said Lacey Adkinson, a 14-year-old freshman at the school of 455 students -- 55 percent black, 43 percent white. (Watch students arrive at dance ) "It's always been a tradition since my daddy was in school to have the segregated ones, and this year we're finally getting to try something new," she said. Link here... http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/23/turner.pr...prom/index.html
  9. No problem. Here are a few good, random period maps... http://www.cummingmapsociety.org/maps.htm http://www.libs.uga.edu/darchive/hargrett/...maps/1688w5.jpg http://www.istrianet.org/istria/maps/histo...600s_istria.htm http://www.usm.maine.edu/~maps/exhibit2/28.jpg http://www.17thc.us/index.php?id=17 http://www.bl.uk/learning/images/changing/...tlarge5324.html http://www.earlymaps.com/europe/italy/latium.htm http://www.papuaweb.org/gb/peta/sejarah/index.html
  10. My friend called me up and was very excited to tell me that he had bought a Jack Sparrow costume from Simplicity in anticipation of PIP this year. I was very quiet on my end of the phone for a moment, since I was quite unsure what to say at first. On the one hand he was very excited, but on the other, I was cringing a little. I finally had to speak my peace about buying authentic costumes over what I consider more of a "shortcut costume". Fortunately, he was delighted that I could point him in the right direction. He just took the other pattern back, so Kass will probably get another order soon.
  11. ^ Nope. < The weather today actually looks and feels like spring. V I'll pass the question on.
  12. Fly me out next year, Bilgemunky, and I'll be your press junket and I'll photograph everything.
  13. I am channeling the ghosts of a thousand press gang bosses which came before me. Recruit, recruit, recruit!
  14. You could email them to me and I could send them. PM me if you want to try this route.
  15. But of course. I'll take one right over.
  16. ^An LTD Ford. It was red, but we called it the Lemon. < I hit a telephone pole on my driver's test. No...I did not pass. V Any embarassing accidents?
  17. ^ Chiro. A little neck adjustment from time to time. < I was pitched into the road head first in a roll over accident at 17. V Ever been thrown from a vehicle?
  18. Ahhhh the Snopes Blackbeard Myth that never dies... It is the zombie pirate of the internet.
  19. ^ Pecan. < My wife makes a positively sinful pecan. V I'll pass the question.
  20. I'm a pub proprietor, lass. I pay fisherman who do the spearing.
  21. Tails and bow tie...? hmm. Today's special is Shark...
  22. ^ Probably shark. Good stuff shark. There's just something about eating a predator. < I should like to try something new this month. I'll have to look around at what is available locally and try the new Japanese place north of here. V Do you have a favorite pie?
  23. July 30, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog First bell of the Afternoon Watch The two captains walked to a point on the quarterdeck overlooking the bay's opening towards the sea. They both watched the strange and awkward loading of their newest recruit, who proved to be as loud as any of those who struggled to bring him aboard. "An who shall tell th' cats, Cap'n." Dorian questioned aloud. William just shook his head and made no reply. He watched Miss Tribbiani as the dog finally lighted on the deck and noted her delight which made him shake his head all the more. "They'll be no getting rid of it now." They retired again below to discuss the books and the crew. The ledgers were laid open and an accounting was taken of those shares paid out and those to be paid. William added in the figures from the jeweler and the estimations on the the Maastricht and cannon. He tried not to exaggerate his expectations, but even the modest predictions were considerable so the conversation slowly turned to the imaginations of men who have come into money. ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
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