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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. "This same time tomorrow...?" William returned, and smiled so slowly and deliberately as to refresh her embarrassment. He seldom allowed himself any flirtation with the women of the crew, but Hollis had awakened thoughts of his past and he couldn't help himself in the moment. Still, before she could answer him, he was entering the passageway aft where he could hear the sounds of those officers already gathered to supper.
  2. As crazy as it sounds, we're seriously considering the long drive to PIP. We're talking two full days of driving with one good night's sleep in between. Why would we even consider it? One, no luggage restrictions. Two, cheaper to drive a family than to fly them. Three, it's just too crazy not to be considered. Life is short. One of the considered courses would take us through Laramie, Lincoln, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Gainesville. Is there anyone along that route willing to feed and shelter a few crazy, tired PIP runners? Who else is driving this year? Sound off! We need to figure out our combined miles for PIP. I'm painting PIP or bust on the car.
  3. Are you finding everything that you need? It helps to post often with questions and to make a checklist of your accomplishments. Never wait until a month out to begin. Make a purchasing and fabrication schedule and stick to it.
  4. The Second Dog Watch had already begun, but William lingered in the powder stores with Mister Youngblood. William had not checked the condition of the powder himself for some time, content to leave the duty to officers over that charge, but with the mystery of recent reports and the unknown before them it seemed like the best time to take an interest in such things again. Petee was glad to show the well sifted powder, for he and Eric Franklin took great pride in the condition of arms an ammunition aboard the frigate. Eric, who was not on duty at present, stood at the doorway watching as William nodded appreciatively. "The condition of the powder is excellent, Gentlemen. My compliments." Outside the stores and forward, the voice of Robert Hollis came carrying. Hollis was at another of his many stories, and it came as no surprise to Captain Brand to hear himself spoken of again. Hollis was ever demonstrating his vast understanding of all things 'Red Wake' and William shook his head with a tired, bemused resolve. "That man seems t' know you well, Cap'n." Eric observed, looking out into the passageway. "He seems to think he seems to know me well." William corrected, though he listened closely to see what inaccuracies and exaggerations Hollis would add to this retelling. Hollis was regaling his fellows with the story of William Brand's destruction of a Portuguese merchantman. Hollis was quick to point out, and not for the first time, William's hatred of the Portuguese; as if William hated the entire people, men, women and children together. He counterpointed this by specifically mentioning and also exaggerating the number of women and children aboard the merchantman when it fell under the shadow of William's moon and stars. "Moon and stars..." Eric asked aloud, looking at William. "Sah?" "A borrowed standard of my benefactor." William said, almost absently as he strained to hear Hollis' voice dropped low. The man was a good story teller, and even William who had lived these stories with less drama, found that he liked to hear them told. Hollis continued, explaining how with cold and cruel disregard for gender or age, William had put the crew of the ship to slaughter. "I's no' possible." Blaise Wallace disagreed. "Th' man's as fair a bloke as one could hope t' serve unde'." There were several pronounced agreements to this retort, but Hollis was undaunted. "He slaughtered 'em all, and within earshot of those who pressed upon his heels, I tell you. I have this from one who fought 'im off Porto Judeu..." William raised an eyebrow at this and smiled at some secret something. He walked from the room then, and made no effort to hide his progress forward. Petee and Eric joined him, as they were invited to sup with him that very hour, but William went beyond the stair into the berth. Here, Hollis was still describing in great detail how Brand himself had taken up a knife for the sacrifice of so many innocents. "He plunged the knife himself, he did, an' when his shirtsleeves were baptized in blood...then an' only then did he gain the quarterdeck to..." Hollis was turning with a raised arm in mock dramatics when he sighted William standing with the two officers of the 'Dog. His story faltered utterly, and he turned about at attention, as did any of his audience who now took note of Captain Brand. "Go on, sah." William said simply, and he bore the practiced smile of his office from now and years before. "One does not end a tale in the middle." Hollis was embarrassed to be sure, but also flattered to have the Captain himself as audience to his tale. "Perhaps the Captain himself will finish the telling...?" Hollis dared, grinning. William said nothing for a moment, then nodded. "Only the Captain of this particular story can end it, and no other." William said simply, then added. "But I'll add some thirty years to it yet before I do." He smiled a little then and turned to leave, but Hollis called him back with a question. "Would you...amend it, sah?" William turned a little on his heel and studied the faces of the crew. William couldn't remember the berth ever being quieter than now, even in sleep. He smiled a little again and it was born of good humor and ill. "I would amend much and nothing. A man makes his course but once." Then he went up to the weatherdecks, leaving the men to wonder that Brand had neither denied nor confirmed his part in the destruction of the Jean Baptiste.
  5. Some updates have been made concerning the Buccaneer camp. You'll note that some names are listed there and elsewhere on the Roll. This is because some members of the Buccaneer camp are splitting their time between there and other crews.
  6. For those of you into prop making, there's a great new forum here... http://www.fireflyprops.net/
  7. Just turn out for the big group picture and you'll meet several dozen at the very least. Which reminds me, I have a really good idea for this year's picture, as far as getting a large group and as many names as possible.
  8. During a discussion with a fellow crew member last night I realized that we need to cover a few comfort subjects that might not be emphasized elsewhere. Here are a few extra bits of information that are offered as suggestions to make your stay more pleasant. 1 - Contact and Information There is a lot to know and understand about the festival at large and at the fort. There is almost too much going on, which makes it so much fun. Do yourself a favor early on and gather as much information about the festival and those people that you plan to meet prior to the event. It's always a good idea to get phone numbers and plan assistance to and from the bus station or airport. Try to create a schedule for yourself, so that you aren't kicking yourself later for spending too much time not knowing what was going on. Make contacts and plans early. 2 - Foot Care Baby your feet. You'll be on them all of the time. You can prepare yourself first and foremost by walking a great deal more prior to the event. Start a few months out and walk as often as you can. It's good for you and it will help you at PIP. Also, if you have new shoes, or need new shoes, get them broken in early. I learned an old mountain climbing trick years ago for long term wear or for breaking in shoes and boots. You buy some simply nylon booties and wear them inside your socks. This allows a little more give between your feet and the shoes as they break in and causes little or no blisters in the process. Also, do yourself a favor and get some gel inserts. You'll thank yourself later. 3 - Lighting It isn't necessary to have a lantern at PIP, especially outside the Fort for other activities, but if you are staying late at Fort Zachary Taylor events, it helps to have one. Plus, it just feels right to bear a lantern in hand when marching through the period camps and the fort at night. It adds a certain something that is altogether lost with flashlights. There are numerous pierced lanterns and pan lanterns that will do the trick. 4 - Bed Rolls and Blankets Even though the festival is at a Southerly latitude, the nights can get cold. It never hurts to have two good woolen blankets for warmth. Many of the pirates will be in hammocks and will use their coats as an added blanket, so ground bedding becomes less of an issues. Just know your needs before you go and plan accordingly. 5 - Water Because the festival takes place all over Key West. and because it is at a Southerly latitude, and because you will likely walk a great deal, you must drink water. Trust me when I say that you don't want heatstroke. It can ruin your visit. Please take the steps necessary to carry water wherever you go. Onion bottles, leatherjacks and the like are all well suited for carrying water. You must stay hydrated. Heavy quantities of rum will not help you, so drink water. It helps stave off the hangovers as well. 6 - Needs Voice your needs (and I do mean needs, not the animal attractions you might openly talk about when drunk). These needs can and should include medical requirements. I had a roommate years ago with diabetes who didn't voice his medical needs when we first met. As a consequence, he almost slipped into a diabetic coma because he had failed to prepare me for what to look for and how to recognize his symptoms. If you attend the festival with a condition or requirement that others are unaware of, you could be setting yourself up for a disaster. There are many pirates with medical experience at the festival, so do yourself a favor and let people know your requirements. Needs can also extend into the realm of mental health, religious requirements or just plain social preferences. Some people do well with crowds and some people don't. Some people are afraid of water. Some people can't swim. Whenever you begin a new activity where you may be at risk physically or emotionally or may find yourself awkwardly out of place, please say so. Don't be embarrassed to admit a need, preference, or desire on points of food choices, phobias, social limitations, or any other need. We all come from different walks of life. The better part of us are square pegs in a round hole. For example, as touching food in my circle of friends there are some very specific requirements. I have several friends who can't eat dairy. Some of them are vegetarians. One friend can't eat bell peppers, while another is deathly allergic to gluten. We want everyone to feel welcome and to enjoy the comforts of the festival. Share your needs and wishes.
  9. Tonight's special is sleep... Thud.
  10. To be perfectly blunt. It looks very smart. I think that you did a wonderful job on the design, printing and overall appearance. We can argue all the finer points, and indeed we should for discussion's sake, but you did a damn fine job. thank you for not burning the edges. Burnt edges are so cliche.
  11. I do heavy yard work and lawn care to age mine. Just kneeling and weeding for an hour or two will wear the knees of a good pair of slops over time.
  12. A skull full of juicy, fleshy pulp. It's like cannibalism with vitamin C. Can I order a sample to be shipped all the way to Utah?
  13. There are some not named on the list, but we have just over 90. As the Bone Island crew isn't listed, and since many more unnamed may attend if all goes well, we number over 100 at present.
  14. So noted and updated. The ranks continue to swell.
  15. Welcome aboard, sah. By all means, tell us many things and post many pictures about the Adventure.
  16. There are numerous examples of privateers working for various governments down through history. These men were little more than government backs pirates. Some were God-fearing men with varying degrees of morality, but I would recommend not arguing with this fellow. It can be too easily argued that one man's privateer is another man's pirate.
  17. Drat. That's no where near me. Oh well. Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay.
  18. Fantastic, quality tents. http://www.redhawk-trading.com/
  19. A very happy birthday, sah. I hope you have a wonderful day. May we assume that you'll take lots of pictures?
  20. Updated. Wow, we have a lot of people attending this year.
  21. I can answer that. Stynky is working on a very secure, happy, secure, non-crashing, secure site first and foremost. After that, he plans to make it pretty.
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