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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. With the list of festivals we're planning to attend growing and information about the crew growing right along with it, is there interest in a website? Would we all be willing to chip in a buck or two for a website and hosting? I'm tossing around a few names in my head, but I wanted to see what sort of interest we have before hand. We could host pictures, maps, crew information, etc.
  2. This is what I have if correct... 2 wall tents and a fly: Silas Thatcher and Company 12' x 16' Bell Wedge: Capt. J Janet 8' x 9' Wedge: Michael Souris Kate Souris Tarp shelter: Professor Death Tent: Jim Rhonda 2 10' x 12' tents and awning Rusty Carl AJ Tent: Chad and Company 12' x 12' wedge and 10' x 10' awning: I would like to use the monster wedge as a quartermaster/command tent, if no one minds. Then I can do the 10' x 10' awning off of it and use it as our central meeting spot. I might try to get a camp table for charts and the like. Bo's 7' x 9' wedge:
  3. Jim came down from the quarterdeck and he and William passed a nod to one another. William went back to his figures, but paused when he saw Jim reaching for his oilskins. "No." William said, the word coming out long and almost in two syllables. Jim simply nodded, so William said it a second time, as if repetition alone could change the truth of the approaching weather. Jim shrugged on his oilskins and said, "Weeelll, by last light the sea was a fine shade of grey, black and some unpleasant green." William closed his eyes once with that resigned slowness that accompanies all of the best, tired sighs. "Life on the cauldron." "Aye. Will you be coming up?" "Not yet." William returned, gesturing to the charts and books. "Have Mister Badg..." "Already forward and in good form." "Good. Excellent. Too soon for hot food before we snuff up the cookfires?" Jim shook his head. "We've time enough, but we'll be wet through by Mid Watch and a day back from Trinidad." Jim went up again to the Holy Ground and William called for his Steward, who was already part way through the door.
  4. He means to the waxing crowd of onlookers, not mosquitoes and foul weather.
  5. I know that I've seemed removed on subjects of the Mercury and Pyracy of late, but only because I couldn't be with all of you and it was depressing to think about so many of you coming to Fort De Chartres while I couldn't attend. I had packed up all of my pirate things and resigned myself to not attending, when again, my fortunes changed quite suddenly in the form of a gift. I am blessed with generous friends and it gives me great pleasure to announce that I will be in attendance at Fort De Chartres. Tracy has agreed, though with some trepidation, to drop all other projects in favor of one very large, ominous flag. She makes no promises there, but means to try. Meanwhile, I am diving back into some projects that I had put away and I am looking forward to meeting so many of you. Until then, sew, stitch, buy and pack, and for those who have not signed aboard the muster and wish to, I give you the following link. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16119 And to John and Janet. merci beaucoup
  6. I've done a collectible ticket each year that I've been involved with the Utah Browncoats' CSTS event. A few of this years' organizers asked me if I would make one available worldwide, so in keeping with my port authority ticket from last year, I've chosen another location significant to Firefly. New Burbank. For those not in the know, New Burbank is one of the cities directly connected with the manufacture of the Firefly Class Midbulk Transport. This is a passenger boarding pass for people traveling from Osiris. The document is a pdf and there are four tickets to a page. I recommend a plain white cardstock and then they can be cut down by hand or at the printer. I used the color scheme from Don McMillan's designs and borrowed some of his thematic elements to tie it to the theme, including his patch ideas as official stamps on the back. Print and enjoy. http://pics.fireflyprops.net/PACE-CSTSBoardingPass2010.pdf FRONT: BACK:
  7. Some of you have been asking about chat and its many uses, and many of you have probably tried the Pub Chat with mixed results, so I've been asked to elaborate on some of the problems that we're having and that have been experienced by several users. First - The status of ACTIVE USERS is poor at best. The ACTIVE USERS information on the main page and on the CHAT page itself seldom shows who is actually in the room. I have been in chat when it showed only one active user when as many as ten were chatting back and forth, so you can simply ignore that information. It is seldom accurate. Second - The Chat window will occasionally lock up or crash your browser when five or more people are chatting at the same time. This could be due to a bandwith issue or a Javascript problem. We simply don't know. Third - If two people are sharing the same line, be it modem, DSL or what have you, you might also experience a failure in chat. Please be patient when using Chat. It has some issues. Just check in often and meet your fellow pirates. It's a great place to ask questions and hook up with crews traveling far and wide to events around the globe.
  8. We had a forge out at the Gibbon's place, but they moved away. I really miss working iron and fire.
  9. Good luck with the booklearning and keep in touch.
  10. You'd be more than welcome among the Mercury Crew.
  11. 21? Oh just shut up. I'd wish you a happy birthday, but you haven't come far enough. Call me when you're 30. Okay. Happy Birthday.
  12. I like this striker by Ragweed Forge, but they're out of stock. I also like these 18th century strikers.
  13. Private message sent. Stay in touch and keep your head above water.
  14. Yes, I can do all three. T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies, just like last time. As or flags, I've priced them in the past and they are not cheap. I would have to either have them made or bribe Tracy to sew them and then have them screened. It's a costly affair either way, so it's never been practical. Still, I'll check it out.
  15. If I could move two dozen t-shirts, I could probably make the trip. Any interest in another run of the Mercury t-shirts?
  16. Ahh, Ransom. a very happy birthday and best wishes for this year and the coming fifty. After that, I'll be dead and won't be about to wish you further.
  17. The wife and I tried Vosges dark chocolate Bacon bar today. I prefer it greatly. The dark, almost bitter chocolate marries very well with the apple smoked bacon, and I highly recommend it. It's rich, smokey and goes well with a good movie and good company. Best when shared.
  18. Holy (insert appropriate or inappropriate addition here)! That's a nice piece. Wow.
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