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Everything posted by Mr_Scabbs
Me also be liken' this one: "A skeleton walks into a bar. He orders a beer and a mop."
HAR, HAR, HAR! I love that joke!
Q: How much did the pirate pay for his hook and peg-leg? A: An arm and a leg. Q: What has 8 arms and 8 legs? A: 8 pirates.
Arr...I guess Al Franken be havin' a Pirate Day on his Air America radio program tomorrow (Friday, July 23rd). Not entirely sure what that means...but it might be worth checkin' out.
It kind of looks like miniature pirates took over Castle Grayskull from the He-Man series and made it their own little port city... Yarr....how adorable.
I don't know about that... But if you've ever flown on "Ninja Air", you'd be bored out of your mind. All they do is just sneak around in black tight leotards for the duration of your flight. That's it. It's kind of creepy, actually...
I thought they locked the doors on those screenings so nobody can escape? With movies costing $10/person I don't see too many in the theater. Although I'll probably go see the SpongeBob Movie just to get a glimpse of Patchy the Pirate. Had I known there was a pirate in "Dodgeball", I would have gone to the movie opening day! They need to include stuff like that in their advertising... "Dodgeball...This movie features a pirate!" Do you know how much money they could have made if the general public was actually aware there was a pirate in the film?!?! That's just bad marketing on their part...
Come plunder the friendly skies... - Pirate Airlines
Yarr there mates... Me be wonderin' where the best place is to buy pirate-related merchandise on the Internet. Mainly, I be needin' a good-sized Jolly Roger. Everywhere I look fer flags, I seem to always end up at a "questionable" site where I feel uncomfortable giving out me Pirate Express credit card. If all else fails, I can always do E-bay. But if any of you rapscallions have a better suggestion and know of a trustworthy site with good bargains, please let me know. Oh...and I don't wants to be purchasin' "already used" items from any of ye. Just thought I'd warn ye in case you were thinkin' of sellin' me yer used eye-patch, or somethin'. Arr...that's just gross.
Arrr... And where were you when I was just poppin' TUMS all day?!?!
Arr... Anyone else notice that if ye stare at the blue text long enough in Charity's original post, things start popping out at you? You just have to train your eyes and focus on the center. It's like one of them 3D posters you find at the mall. I can't quite tell, but I think the hidden image is of the Statue of Liberty...or maybe Geoffrey Rush.
I can't believe Johnny Depp is going to play Willy Wonka in the Tim Burton version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Maybe he'll replace the Oompa Loompa's with pirates?
Yarr... Let me explain. Skeletons can survive underwater forever. So, Bootstraps Bill had no trouble hanging out beneath the ocean's surface for all of that time. Given his shackled predicament, however, he couldn't move or budge. All he could do was simply watch random fish swim by. Every day he hoped and pleaded that some day things would change for the better... The problem, of course, is that young Will Turner eventually threw the coins back into the cursed treasure chest. After that, all of the original pirate crew of the Black Pearl turned alive again. Including Bootstraps Bill. Yes...Will Turner killed his very own father. A dear, sweet old man was drowned in a horrible and tragic death several miles beneath the Caribbean Sea. All due to his negligent son. Arrr... that Will Turner's a jerk.
I would have to say that "The Crimson Pirate" made me cringe. I know it was made in 1952 (I have it on film), but watching it now is just painful. Burt Lancaster really needs to stop smiling after every every single pose in that movie. Still...he did play a pirate. And I can't condemn him on that. "Pirates of the Caribbean" is by far the best pirate movie I've seen...followed closely by "Goonies". Jack Sparrow vs. Chunk. Now that's a sequel I want to see... By the way, does anyone know if "Yellowbeard" is out on DVD?
Arrr... I was minding my own business the other day, when I started singing the lyrics to R.E.M.'s "Stand" by accident. Worried that I was being non pirate-like (because pirates don't usually sing 80s pop songs), I started to examine the lyrics carefully. What I discovered astounded me: "Stand in the place where you live Now face North Think about direction? Wonder why you haven't before If you are confused check with the sun Carry a compass to help you along." If that's not sheer pirate code, then I don't know what is! Perhaps these are the introductory directions to a hidden treasure Michael Stipe burried somewhere in between his home and where he works? Who knows? But all of this made me wonder if there are other famous musicians out there, who are sending us pirate codes and messages?
I used to think that Cap'n Crunch was a pirate. I was hurt when I found out that he was only just a cartoon version of the Quaker Oats man. Oooh! Look kids...a sailing Quaker! Now, that Jean LaFoote is a REAL pirate! I'd join forces with him any day. Together we'd take over Cap'n Crunch's ship, plunder all of the free plastic toys you find in his cereal boxes, pillage all of the crunch berry fields... Hell, maybe we'd even torture the Cap'n by scraping the roof of his mouth with Peanut Butter Crunch? LaFoote and I just might do it...if we have the time.
Did someone mention skeletons?
Yarr... Seasickness is a brutal one. Just this last December I got ill on the waters. Me folks and I traveled to Florida, and I decided that it would be a wonderful idea to go deep sea fishin' out in the Atlantic Ocean. I was picturin' somethin' fun--ye know? Fishin' all day while drinkin' grogs left and right. Well, turns out the barnacle scraper of a captain didn't allow drinkin' on his boat. Not to mention he packed the entire rig with rowdy Jr. High landlubbers who couldn't tell the difference between a pelican and seaweed. As the tiny turd of a boat left the harbor, it raced across the waters and violently rocked and swayed us. It was me mum who was the first to get ill. I turned to me father and said, "She's not cut fer the sea, is she?" Then next thing ye know, I've got my head over the side of the boat and I'm vomitin' me breakfast all across the vast blue ocean. (Arr...I sure hope them fish like Goldem Grahams cereal.) To make the long story short, I was in horrible pain from wretching 8 hours straight. I didn't even catch a single fish. Grant it, I only held the rod and reel for about two minutes total throughout the entire day. On the plus side, though, those Jr. High kids got to see a dolphin. Too bad I was "yarghing" over the deck and missed it...
ARR!!! Silverbones Rules!
Ever heard of the pirate band called "Mizzen"? Check out their latest music video here... The Seabeaver Theme Song