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Everything posted by Mr_Scabbs

  1. Garr... Does anyone know if this game be out for the X-Box already? If not, when?
  2. http://www.viciouscyclone.com/Adz/Ad003.html ARR...So I hear this lawyer be a good pirate to represent you in any court hearing...
  3. Lord of the G-Strings was a surprisingly good film. Better than Playmate of the Apes, for sure.
  4. GARR... What about "Alien Vs. Predator"? That always puts me in the mood.
  5. Yarr... Maybe it's out at me local public library? I've been needing to return all of those Daniel Steel books anyway...
  6. Yarr... Marriage and relationships are for dumb people.
  7. Okay...so the space herpies were kind of funny.
  8. Garr...so me quartermate was all witchin' bout wantin' to rent a movie. So we decided to go to the video store, and he gets some old 80s film called "Ice Pirates". Never saw it before in my life, but the word "pirates" made me interested. Horrible, horrible film. Anyone else ever see this movie???
  9. Bilgemunky, yer the best for remindin' me of my childhood and Legos. Of course, me mum never wanted me to partake in the "Pirate" Legos. She said they were for miscreants, and tha like. Instead, she bought me the boring Police Department set. It's really tough to make a pirate set out of black and blue blocks that say "NYPD" on them. Garr...How I wish I could just float around on a Legos pirate ship. If a cannonball were to ever hit me, all I'd do is replace the hole with a couple of "two"sies, or maybe a bunch of those tiny one-piece blocks that always seem to get lost in the carpet. Arrr...what a glorious life it would be. ...and if the ship ever sank, you could easily turn it into a submarine.
  10. It has a ghost pirate in it!
  11. ARRR!!! I still gotta chance! "This is going to sound stupid, but I have a pirate fetish. It started when someone in my band hurt their eye and had to wear an eye patch. I realized that I always thought pirates were sexy." - Michelle Branch
  12. I had a friend who had the Cindy Lauper single on a record, and the cover had Goonies / pirate stuff on it. Good stuff!
  13. Yeah, I think One-Eye Willy decided it was best to ditch the Oregon coast all together. There really wasn't any place to raid and pillage other than a few bed and breakfasts and the Tillamook Cheese Factory...
  14. Sorry. Here you go. ***Best Pirate Movies*** Against All Flags The Black Pirate The Black Swan (1942) The Buccaneer Captain Blood Captain Lust and the Pirate Wenches (X-rated movie from 70s) Cutthroat Island "Pirates" by Roman Polanski Pirates of the Carribbean The Seahawk Treasure Island, 1934 Treasure Island, 1950 (Robert Newton) Treasure Island, 1990 (Charlton Heston) Treasure Island, Muppets (Kermit the Frog) Yellowbeard ***Worst Pirate Movies*** The Crimson Pirate Swashbucklers
  15. Okay...so far we have (in alphabetical order): ***Best Pirate Movie*** Against All Flags The Black Pirate The Buccaneer Captain Blood Captain Lust and the Pirate Wenches (X-rated movie from 70s) Cutthroat Island "Pirates" by Roman Polanski Pirates of the Carribbean The Seahawk Treasure Island, 1934 Treasure Island, 1950 (Robert Newton) Treasure Island, 1990 (Charlton Heston) Yellowbeard ***Worst Pirate Movies*** The Crimson Pirate Swashbucklers What else???
  16. Exactly! I've seen "Goonies" so many times, and have always wanted to know what that old pirate movie was.... Then again, I always wanted to move to Astoria, Oregon just to sneak into some old lady's restaurant, climb through her basement's fireplace, avoid boobie-traps, ride a giant water-slide, and discover an ancient pirate ship. All this while a couple known fellons, a fat kid, and a retard were on my tail... ...but that's just me.
  17. That be good news. Thanks!
  18. ARRR!!! What be the name of the pirate movie that Sloth and Chunk are watching on TV during the film "The Goonies"? I always wanted to know, but I never bothered to find out. It's an old black and white film, and there's a guy swinging from the mast. It inspires them to chant "Hey you guys!" Is it even a pirate film?
  19. ARRR!!! No kiddin'! Why the hell ain't "Yellowbeard" on DVD yet? If I can go to the store and find every single damn movie starring the crappy Olsen Twins, why tha hell can't I get "Yellowbeard?" But seriously, we should make a list of the top pirate movies and have everyone vote or something. You know. Democratic style. Because blood-thirsty pirates are extremely diplomatic when it comes to their movies...
  20. Okay... Someone said "Swashbucklers" was the worst pirate movie ever. But what would you say the best pirate movie is? I would argue the best pirate movie would have to be just like any other great movie--one you can watch over and over again. Where people who don't necessarily give a crap about pirates can view it openly and objectively, and still walk away feeling it's a great movie. I don't necessarily want to jump on the "Pirates of the Carribbean" bandwagon, but I would say it's the best pirate movie. It's well-made. Exciting. Good acting. Plus, the "cheez" factor is minimum, considering it's a Disney movie and based on a theme-park ride. Are there are other pirate movies that are as fun and well-thought out? (Oh, and I have a bias against the "Crimson Pirate". No pirate in his right mind would smile as much as Burt Lancaster. If I ever meet him in a dark alley...)
  21. I still say "Crimson Pirate" is the worst pirate movie ever made.
  22. I think there were a bunch of Monkey Island games on the PC. The PS2 had Escape from Monkey Island, which was hilarious (but difficult). Someone posted it earlier, but a new game called Galleon is coming out on the X-Box...and quite possibly the PC. Sid Meyer's Pirates looks promising too.
  23. Uhm...i think i may be stupid, but isn't it supposed to be four pirates then? Good ones though :) No, because the joke is supposed to be that each pirate only has one arm and one leg. (Implying the stereotype that all pirates have a hook and a peg-leg.) Arr...those jokes are cruel. But funny...
  24. Finally. Something for me carpal tunnel syndrome.
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