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Everything posted by Mr_Scabbs

  1. Wow! That was incredible! Great trailer!
  2. a. 1 b. 1 c. movie/fantasy d. escapism
  3. ...but I hate Dancing with the Stars. It would be more suitable during Lost, but that show airs around midnight these days so nobody would see it. Disney should just give up on premeiring it on ABC and play it during American Idol. I personally hate that show, but I know everybody else and their pet monkey watches it...
  4. Lost is my favorite TV show, and that was great! I could have done without that girl laughing throughout the whole show...but that's what you get when you bootleg films. Anyway, that was a great find mate!
  5. I like the skeleton Christmas lights in his trailer.
  6. I saw this, and thought it was amusing... Thingpart by Joe Sayers
  7. The only myth I want them to resolve is if you can hold a row-boat upside down over your head while walking under water while keeping air trapped in it. Seems the damned thing would rise to the top... ...and don't say that it's just movie magic. Pirates did this all the time. It's true. I read it somewhere on the Internet.
  8. When I submitted my application to Disney, they never contacted me back for a finalist position. Guess I should have toned down the raping and murdering part of my video presentation...
  9. That's quite a list! I know that if you go to IMDB.com, you can do a keyword search under pirates. It pulls up a ton of movies, not to mention video games. But I really like this list. Too bad most of them probably aren't even available on DVD. Damn.
  10. You know, I tried really hard to download everything and the get the game to work... No luck. It looks fun, though.
  11. A pirate in Congress? Click here.
  12. I really think the web site looks great! I know there are a lot of sites on the net that have the same information, but this is by far one of the most professional I've seen. What I want to know is: What defines a pirate movie? Is it just any movie that happens to have a pirate in it? Personally, I don't think Princess Bride or Swiss Family Robinson are pirate movies...although they do feature pirates briefly. Just curious.
  13. Actually, there are a lot of games coming out featuring pirates. One of them I'm kind of intrigued about is Captain Blood. As for Pirates of the Burning Sea, I'm kind of getting annoyed with all of the BETA testing they're doing...I want to play it already and make my crew!
  14. Hahaha... "There were too many pirates in this movie. Anybody who wasn't a pirate in the first movie, is now suddenly a pirate in this one." It's funny, because it's kind of true.
  15. If it were a pirate comedy, I'd like to see Will Farrell.
  16. If you like Ween, then you might like this T-shirt. Hell, even if you aren't a fan of Ween, you still will probably like this shirt... Ween shirt
  17. Great. Way to throw rain on my parade.
  18. Does anyone else suspect that the Kraken in POTC 2 is actually the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
  19. It’s supposed to be a throwback to the old 1960s Star Trek series where the ensigns wearing the “red shirts” would always get killed for no apparent reason. Doomed from the start, they would try to battle bravely--but they’d simply die because they weren’t a main character. This is a common theme in a lot of movies / TV shows. In piracy, the closest to the ensign I can imagine is that hapless dill-hole who wears a striped shirt. (Ahhh…Poor, poor stripe shirts. They never see it coming.) So, whether you thought it was funny or not, that’s your own thing. We just have fun making our movies…
  20. AHOY!!! The Seabeaver just got back from a pretty intense battle against a rival group of pirates the other day. Come and check out our latest pirate adventure "Stripe Shirts" to see the event unfold yourself.
  21. *****Possible Spoiler Alert***** Just got back from seeing the movie for the first time, and I was blown away. I have to admit, I walked into the movie theater preparing for it to suck after seeing so many critics pan it. Imagine how happy I was to find out that the movie room (here in Sacramento) was packed and the lines were reminiscent of a new Star Wars release. When it ended, it received thunderous applause too. I just want to find those critics (in particular, Entertainment Weekly which gave it a "D+") and run them through with me cutlass. I felt the movie was just as good as the first one. I don't think it was any better than the original, but I sure as hell don't think it was any worse. The only complaint I have about the film is that I wanted it to end...not be "Part 1" of a two-part movie where the next episode will come out in May to tie-up loose ends. After sitting in a theater for almost 3 hours, I wanted the Krakken defeated, Davy Jones dead, and Jack Sparrow ending the movie with a fun piratey-quip. I wanted to walk away from the movie feeling "Hey! That was a great story! I wonder what the third plot's going to be about?" But, looking back on it, it's still a wonderful movie and I am going to go again and see it. I think this is THE Hollywood bluckbuster movie for the summer. Yarrr!
  22. Joshua Red...you just might be my bestest, most newest, most pirate-y of pirate friends. I think silent films have tremendous personality, and the Black Pirate is no exception. The sword-fighting is extremely impressive, and it was a film I couldn't put down. I wish more modern pirate films would follow in its footsteps...
  23. I'm going Sunday afternoon. I'll be camping all day Friday and Saturday, so when I come back on Sunday I'll just so happen to find a movie theater in the afternoon. After a few days of camping, I should be smelling like a pirate too.
  24. The Black Pirate is one of my most cherished pirate films of all time. I would argue it's a contender for THE BEST.
  25. You both are right. Movie critics are a dime a dozen. The only thing that sucks about them is that they often have the power to sway fence-sitters, who might otherwise have walked into the movie with a more open mind. All that said, not every review has been negative. I went to the IGN website, and here's their take on the film... IGN: Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Movie Review I'm not reading too much about the movie to avoid spoilers, but I just thought this review might be different from some of the others you may be seeing. Cheers, and have a Happy Friday...err...Jack Sparrow day.
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