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Rum Runner

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Everything posted by Rum Runner

  1. ENOUGH IS RIGHT! here is the casting line scurvey dog is talking about. it's after the 3rd message on the line. 818-771-5717 it says what he said. whether it's true or not i don't know but this casting company casted for the 1st potc i know that.
  3. NEW movie... "Pirate of the Caribbean in Scurvy Dog's Pieces of Eight" comedy/adventure. Not to be confused w/ pirateS of the caribbean curse of the black pearl. An aging Pirate, who be the proprietor of the Caribbean Pub, entertain's his patrons with tales of his Privateerin' adventures. Captain Scurvy Dog sails through 8 Voyages encountering a SeaWitch, Mermaid, King Neptune & a Witchdoctor to name a few... With dangerous, sexy & often hilarious results! cast of hundreds. rated rrr for alcohol & tobacco abuse, a sailor swear or 2, not nary enough nakedness... & cannibalism! Available as an autographed pre-release director's cut version on dvd w/ added features... soon to be distributed through blockbuster & netflicks. view movie trailer @ http://www.PirateScurvyDog.com & email from site or contact: POTC@MovieSchool.org for more info.
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