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Everything posted by Capn_Enigma

  1. That's why most cannons come pre- shrunk these days... You may even want to get a stonewashed one :
  2. I have always preferred the Playmobil Pirates to the Lego gang.
  3. You're absolutely right, Charity. While the movie sparrow was flying from the right to the left, Johnny Depp's real tattoo sparrow flies from left to right and the wave crests point the other way. Also, it has the caption "Jack" below it, not referring to his role name (although the pun may be intended), but to the name of his son, Jack. It is on the outside of the forearm in both cases.
  4. No, he didn't have the tattoo before the movie was made. The tattoo shown in the movie was a makeup effect (as was the "P" branding). Johnny Depp had his tattoo made on the exact location that it was shown in the movie, his upper right forearm. See this pic: I had my own tattoo made in the same style, but with a cartoon vulture (and yes, it IS a real tattoo, not that temporary stuff!):
  5. Yes. 12. Or green.
  6. I was mildly astonished that no one mentioned this one so far: "A Pirate I Was Meant To Be" from the Monkey Island adventure game. It can be downloaded here in the .mp3 format. The lyrics go like this: A Pirate I Was Meant To Be Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates! Edward: A sailin´ out to sea. Bill: When you hear our gentle singing... Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee! Guybrush: Oh, this is just ridiculous. Guybrush: Come on, men! We've got to recover that map! Bill: That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap! Bill: We're a club of tuneful rovers! Haggis: We can sing in every clef! Edward: We can even hit the high notes! Haggis: It's just too bad we're tone deaf! All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: Let's go defeat that evil pirate! Edward: We know he's sure to lose, ´cause we know just where to fire at! Edward: We're thieving balladeers. Haggis: A gang of cutthroat mugs. Bill: To fight us off ye don't need guns! Edward: Just really good ear plugs! All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: All right, crew, let's get to work! Haggis: Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'd never shirk. Haggis: We'll fight you in the harbor. Bill: We'll battle you on land. Edward: But when you meet singing pirates... Guybrush: They'll be more than you can stand. Bill: Ooooh! That was a good one! Guybrush: No, it wasn't. Guybrush: No time for song! We've got to move! Bill: The battle will be long, but our courage we will prove! Bill: We're a pack a´ scurvy sea dogs. Haggis: Have we pity? Not a dram! Edward: We all eat roasted garlic... Haggis: ...then sing from the diaphragm! All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: Less singing, more sailing. Edward: When we defeat our wicked foe, his ship he will be bailing! Bill: If ye try ta fight us... Haggis: ...you will get a nasty whackin´! Edward: If ya disrespect our singing´... Bill: ...we will feed ya to a kraken! All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: I´m getting so sick of you guys and your rhyming. Haggis: We´re ready to set sail, through the cannons need a priming. Edward: We're troublesome corsairs! Bill: And we've come to steal your treasures! Haggis: We would shoot you on the downbeat... Edward: ...but we have to rest five measures. All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: Stop! Stop! Stop! Bill: The brass is what we'll polish and the deck is what we'll mop. Guybrush: You say you're nasty pirates... Guybrush: ...scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers? Guybrush: From what I've seen I tell you... Guybrush: ...you're not pirates! You're just slackers! All: A pirate I was meant to be! All: Trim the sails and roam the sea! Guybrush: We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange. Haggis: And...! Haggis: ...um... Bill: Well... Edward: ...err... Bill: Door hinge? Edward: No, no... Bill: Guess the song's over, then. Haggis: Guess so. Edward: Okay, back to work. Guybrush: Well gee. I feel a little guilty, now.
  7. It should be noted that the tattoo (as shown on Pirate At Heart) is mirror- inverted and slightly rotated. Jack's tattoo (in the movie) shows the sparrow flying from right to left, and the waves are about horizontal. The real tattoo that Johnny Depp (the actor) had himself made later also depicts the sparrow as flying from left to right.
  8. My two all- time favorites: "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson and "Buccaneers Of America" by Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin
  9. It also is hilariously funny to play! Name me another game where you can be a drunkard and have a mug as a weapon! Also, you can sometimes be a Komodo Dragon and bite the enemy team members or shout nice insults at them ("You'll hang for that!" or "Skewer me that lizard!"). It usually ends in a wild melee with everybody letting rip their blunderbuss or duckfoot pistol or blow their enemy apart with a powder keg bomb. In remembrance of the "Crimson Pirate" movie there are even hot air balloons in some maps!
  10. Here be the link for the download mirrors. And, to wet your appetite a bit, here be some more pictures:
  11. Yarr, mates! The loooong awaited Battlefield Pirates (ver. .31) has been released for the general public! And what's even better, ya can plunder it at no charge! If you always wanted to test your skills in a hand-to-hand melee, have a healthy fight with an ale tankard or deal a deadly broadside to the enemy galleon, then this is for you! For further details, click here. To play the game, you'll need to have Battlefield 1942. The Pirates game is installed on top of that. Just to give you a sneak preview:
  12. A Pirate and a bartender were a-talking in a bar. Bartender asks the pirate "Where did ya get that peg leg from?" The Pirate answers " We were a-sailing the seas when a huge ol' shark came up to me while I was a-swimmin' and bit off me leg." The Bartender asks "Now, where did you get that hook from, then?" The pirate responds "Arr, me crew and I were in a battle and it got shot off by cannister." The bartender then asks "And where did ya get the eye patch from?" The pirate says " In a harbor I looked at the seagulls flying overhead and one took a dump right into me eye." The bartender is confused and asks the pirate, "How would that make you get an eye patch?" The pirate says "First day with the hook."
  13. You can not sit in her: "Sailing weight is 107 lbs (48.7 kgs)" Unless you have the size and weight of a new born, there is no way you could sit in her.
  14. Capn Corbin: There is no such link as you posted. You probably mean http://www.militaryheritage.com
  15. Had to learn the most useful knots by heart when I was in merchant navy.
  16. Or rather, attract them. Remember "Find Nemo"? MINE! MINE!
  17. The kids and me onesies always had lotsa fun with a game called "Thaxx". It's a board game in the truest meaning, as it comes with an oaken plank, dice and coins as game markers. You can find it at various stores, like here.
  18. My colors be the one in my signature. Actually, I had it tattooed on my left arm, minus the caption.
  19. I do miss a Spanish helmet. One like this:
  20. Near Hamburg, Germany. For a more precise position, check my personal info.
  21. Wrought iron handcuffs for me!
  22. Avast there! Here's the best I can come up with: Hope this helps
  23. As a matter of fact, it was quite normal for larger vessels to have several boats (sizes from dinghy to longboat) in tow. This was done to prevent the boats from leaking, as the planks would shrink and warp had they been stowed high and dry on the deck. Hope this helps,
  24. Avast there! Do the POTC coins you are offering have a backside? Best regards,
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