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Dream Wench

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Everything posted by Dream Wench

  1. Agin' thankin' ye fer the tips, and x-tra know- how. I be especially fascinated by tha shoes what fit either foot....seems mighty practical !
  2. Luv me Mary Janes...I do....
  3. Man in the desert you're light as a feather despite all the bleached bones and skin made from leather you haunted and taunted just as I wanted now I head Eastward and I am undaunted Man by the sea your tides do divide me despite all my urchins I see you dance widely so play in the surf now and yes I will catch you if you were a seagull my Spirit would match you C April 29 2004 Dream Wench
  4. Congratcherlations ! with fyne libations..... I here do now a toast ye ! if ya shud find..a cannibals nest... yer ash they sure will roast ye !
  5. He held his illusions for as long as he could then under the rip tide felt no earthly good The waves battered and bashed him 'till his blood emptied out and then as he surfaced he wanted to shout The sea held no mercy and silenced his cry despite quite a thrashing he dared not to die Her eyes had decieved him he'd felt she was his the flirty and damaged Miss Gemini Liz The moment she'd kissed him she got off on her power she hated his weakness and bones in the shower He wanted her badly his heart bound in chains for her a big "joy ride" for him endless pains The sharks had a field day as they swallowed his ears they chalked up a notch now for new salty tears He tossed and he ranted and he begged a new body a blanket a "spank it" a steaming hot toddy The Quiet Sea Master placed his soul in a shell the shell grew into a body as the waves rose and fell He saw his reflection and perfection abounded he was a blue whale now and he liked how he sounded C April 23 2004 Dream Wench
  6. Skip Tide All the footprints left before vanished when she stepped and all the heartbreak stored within healed up as she slept The cloudy new tomorrow turned into shored up tears while tiny little crab claws pinched away her fears A mean tide knocked her under then sent her out to sea but she encountered a Skip Tide and it gladly set her free It pushed her body back to shore and placed her on the chair the sandburn made her cheeks quite red and a Starfish hugged her hair A shadow blocked the sun away as a stranger held her gaze he told her of his Skip Tide and how he'd "been kept for days" As dusk moved in and closed its eyes he asked her to "go for a ride" before she answered he was taken away by a Hungry Skipping Tide C May 14 2004 Dream Wench
  7. Storm Tossed Mary was a fisher woman and she loved her husband dearly she read romantic novels (at least a hundred yearly) She was a perfect housekeeper and he was a good provider but he seemed to be oblivious to what went on inside her She dreamed about the olden days and he was a modern man he prefered the air conditioning but she'd make do with a fan Her loins were full of fire while his were just lukewarm she often tried to please him at the approaching of a storm He said that it was dangerous and they could "both be hit" she dabbed her eyes with a hanky and said to him "I quit " She loaded up her suitcase and stepped out to the street a "coach and four" awaited her (with her tiny little feet) Just then a bolt of lightning made her husband glow "Come on my darling Lover" (she said) kiss me now.....let's go " C February 2 2004 Dream Wench
  8. Yarr ! Thank ye kindly ! It warms me heart ta see people who understand the words an feelins' visitin' upon a human mind out o tha blue..like a gift from the great sky and sea master....the river o consciousness be always movin'..ya jest got ta jump in without fear...Bein' a bit strange I consider an honour, an the rest o ya feel it as well....Twilite Zone be a playground fer tha trustin' souls....Crusty...coconut soaps been around in India fer centuries...now theres a country I wish I cud help ...poverty makes me feel sorrowful....if Pirates ruled the world...no one would be without food or shelter or...a bi o heart warmin'.... Fer me mateys
  9. I thank ye ALL ! Me "foot fingers" be dancin fer joy at tha syte o shoes found before me eyes. (thanks to tha kyndness o yer carin' hearts.) Tha buckled slip-ons wud be doublin'as Witch slippers, too at All Hallows Eve ! Have a libation, fellow Pirates, and put it on me tab ! And fer the jokester ! Yup they be on his feet !
  10. Where might we be findin' Pilgrim shoes....with a tongue, and a silver buckle ? Me fingers do the walkin' but they not be findin' Pilgrim shoes. The makers o Garb have ta see that all people does not fit one syze. Arr ! Pyrates come in all syzes. Ideally...garments shud be adjustable..ta accommodate the lean and rich tymes..any leads ta the shoes will be appreciated by this Wench.
  11. "I be a moderne Pirate, but me troubles begin out o' the blue when I feel me kin callin' me from beyond the sands o' tyme. I find meself wishin' I cud help 'em thru the troubles they had, and I find meself wishin'...they wud jes pluck me up from a traffic jam..an' plunk me back a century or two...so's we can have some closeness. Wryters think about these things....one leg in moderne tymes..and the other leg way back...somehow..maybe connected thru a common emotional state o' mind. Kinda like when ya look up at the clouds an' think free thoughts...not like the ones all programmed into yer head by the chains of a non-thinkin' society...."
  12. Captain Iron Faith. Thrift shoppes are me favourite haunts. Many are dreadful collections of polyester, and old Gargantuan tennis shoes. Bein' a collector of Vintage clothing meself...I try ta find small towns, and search about. With innovation, many items can be converted inta Pirate Garb. You sound like a resourceful individual.
  13. RumbaRue.....Pleased ta be of assistance ! Dunno how I come across tha site....sailin' along thru cyberspace.on a web ring..or a link..a word catches me eye..an' I clicks...the shirts ne'er be found at "Walrus Martus"..and it be truly sad..cos' the masses be lookin' too much alike...me thinks..then..lo and behold, I sees a Pirate or a wench in authentic Garb..and me heart starts ta flutterin'. Gittin' teary eyed....cannot wait ta hit the road..an head West..I be happy fer ya and yer new shirts. Sewin' be a fyne art. Too much o tha synthetic sleaze is killin peoples brains...some o them wouldn't know quality if it bit em
  14. How many times...in yer honest estimation..have ye said Arrr, Aaarg, or Yarr in yer current human lifetime ? Me own estimation = 156
  15. Great Monkey...kind o ya ta post a image that be so sharp, and eye pleasin'....I see he be no stranger ta floss !
  16. Pirates are "Borderline".....and I love the speech patterns, the tales, the variety....multiple personalities : "Manifestin' themselves fer the flavour of the occasion at hand yarr !" From orderin' a new ships figurehead..ta swabbin' the deck wit me favourite cabin boy (or girl be the case) under a full moon...in me skivvies...with a keg by me side...I seen Pirates as a child..and the sight of 'em "imprinted like a gosling on his mother" The Garb be a large factor on me imprintin' thusly.....bein' such a hungry eyed fool !
  17. I gots meself a monkey coconut....he's a funny one...I'll leave it up ta yer imagination !
  18. It be a big Universe, Lads and lassies. If a Pirate be sincere....it be enough fer me. I wish ta have a cornucopia o' choices at me fingertips. Stereotypes be fine. A Gay Pirate be fine....and fine to be the Devotees o Authentic..down to tha last stitch...impressin' tha crowd with a quality not seen ever at Walrus Martus....yar ! Me hat's off ta Hollywood..and details...and the eyeliner wouldn't be botherin' me.personally at all..(the liner is used me Buckos..ta cut down on solar glare)..ask a desert dweller about glare then, ask yerself..."am I sincere about me Piratin' ?" One dislike o mine..be..too much o the synthetic sleeze.(it don't breathe too well)...a small artificial embellishment be fine..and we are sometimes a bit scarce in pocket dubloons...so's we not be mockin' a tad o poverty...happenin' to befall a fella'....and a rubber cutlass be fine, too fer safety's sake.....we want ta live thru a fight...so's we can hunt the Frock coats and Tri Corns o the future......
  19. http://www.garbplus.com/GarbPlus/gppoets.html Romancin' Dancin' Wordin' and Skirtin' Shirts like me never seen at Walrus Martus....har har
  20. These salty tears now mine for years... I cannot shake the constant fears my children died upon the sea I hear them callin' out to me At cliffs edge I now do stand.. my eyes are focused on the sand the waves are crashin' upon the rocks the seaweed like the hands of clocks "It's time to go" they whisper now I hesitate and balk somehow The dog runs up and "barks me big" (he's tellin' me to fix my rig) I think hes right that dyin's no good I see my family they understood their spirits convinced my treasured hound "Keep our Dad from meetin' the ground" C May 25 2004 Dream Wench
  21. I be thankin' ye, King's Pyrate ! The site is a place fer hungry eyes which be huntin' great Pyrate Garb.....jest when me thinks the end o the road be me final stand...another door opens up !
  22. Pirate costumes fascinate me. There are many varieties. Part of me wishes to dress as a Wench, in feminine attire, but "there be times a wench needs ta grab hold of a musket" and hike up her skirts...and be a man" Ya know what I'm gittin' at ! We like the sight of a Pirate so much, we can't resist the urge ta look like one ! Arrr I am partial to tri cornered hats, with a bit of embellishment..a maribou edge (or gold trim) to catch a hint of a breeze. We should wear a hat to enhance our confidence. If we feel "stupid" in it :..wrong hat....A Pirates hat is a constant companion. I like tights..with knickers that tie below the knee...shoes with buckles...and a moderate heel...a wonderful vest...a flouncy drapey shirt.....and the coat always gives me a tussle....I am small, and a heavy captains coat won't be easy to showcase properly..I am leaning toward a plain...revolutionary style...flared, open, and form fitting..a real "watch this action" coat....It pays to buy quality. However, the most expensive may not offer the most bang fer yer dubloon ! How many of us have longed to approach a Pirate, and ask "Where did ya get tha togs ? " We know he won't say "Wal Mart".....and choosing the right colour combination is important. I am hoping someone puts out the "Coffee table book of truly Spectacular Pirate Garb...." Pardon me words fer wanderin'..I jest had ta share me feelins about tha garb....
  23. I found Hollywoodcostumes.com a few weeks back. Quite a selection. Many price ranges, and yes..Pirates Garb....fer all ages...Annies costumes..is very good...as well...
  24. Tied in knots just below the deck a giant rope around his neck his nerve are jangled he's a wreck he feels he can't get out The rats could gnaw and set him free but his head is resting upon his knee he calls the jailer "heed my plea" but she never hears him shout "Wash the water from the sand hang my broken heart from the mast" he sings a delerious love song 'cos he's living in the past The pelican gives him the "hairy peeper" and calls him an "old side eye" "Damn my sox and curse your feathers I think it's time to die" The pelican brings him a cutlass and a little bit o grog the ship and dock are hidden now both covered up with fog The pelican leads him up the ladder one slow step at a time our captive now released and free struggles with his climb His jailer lies upon her bed but shes nothing more than bones he knows the ship is out to sea and so he sits and moans The pelican then goes over the side to catch them both some fish our hero sets the table with a tankard and a dish His jailer walks into the galley and licks her lipless lips she reaches for her cutlass but finds two bony hips The three of them are quite adrift and oh the ship is slow But fate steps in as fate does at times and sends a UFO The aliens watch the pelican move his well honed beady eyes from one side to the other beneath the starry skies Our captive hugs his skeleton girl as the alien scratches his chin how did I come up with this crazy poem ? and when did it begin ? C May 19 2004 Dream Wench
  25. I be deeply appreciatin' yer appreciatin"...Fine Gents ! I will gladly share me limes....they be Key Limes....fer the pie....I'll be bakin' under a Full moon....when the time is right....Aye.
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