Dream Wench
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http://www.vintagemartini.com/clothing/cos.../pages/117.html Some o these were made fer tha show Wishbone.....Tha pattern is a good one..The ties in tha back...an buttons..make all the difference. It puzzles me why things be so pricey.....but these be reasonable. I did buy dresses from this site....an no complaints at all ! havin' the UPS man at me door is a thrill....providin' he be bringin' me vintage Clothing !
Thrift shops be popular what wit tha economy bein' sorely plundered..but..I will try ta not git inta politics..lest it ruin me mood...at this pleasant time. I have a few suggestions about thrift shops. Many o the popular ones be too high priced..an a lot o tha inventory stays on tha hooks.never movin' or reduced in price..some not even sized....I usually head fer tha white blouses, an knickers..an vests..which wer popular durin tha hippie days. I check fer broken zippers..an overall quality. Sometimes I am so depressed...'cos the synthetics be creepin' me out...I be filled wit joy at a silk blouse in a poets mode...it's excitin ta beat someone to a find..an watch their eyes fill with resentment, an envy..all part o bein' a Pirate..but I been on tha other end...watchin a lass walk off wit a velvet flared coat..it's not likely many vintage things make it to the main floor..Methinks a few end up goin inta a special box... but smaller towns off tha beaten path often have a few spectacular finds...in time..we develop an eye fer the unusual....we grab up a hat fer a buck..an see tha same thing on a website fer 80 bucks...'cos they added a feather ! I do believe things sell faster if they be easy ta see..an' I like them on a wall.lined up.....or a mannequin...(me own mannequin is on me profile pic)....anyway....try ta stick wit natural fibres..if possible..an avoid a lot o elastic..as it deteriorates easliy..some be easy ta replace..tho....an it be a good idea ta lear a little basic sewin'. Ployester fibres tend ta git little balls on 'em...not like a tomcat...but...the threads break down, an ball up...it's not good...cotton, rayon, flax, an raime be good fibres...along wit wool...an Flax...an silk..but silk be a bit cruel ta tha silkworms...I hear tell...I wish ye luck henceforth....tha money ye save..leads ta the ultimate shiny object...in savins. Arrr ! Vintage Martini website does have a costume section, http://www.vintagemartini.com/clothing/cos...umes/page1.html It be takin hours ta hunt down stuff....
Heaving bodice..held together..not with laces..but scorpions....darin' any man ta assume liberties.....
Thank ye kindly, sir ! I could live in Vegas fer a spell..in me RV....with a swamp cooler....I find I be tha desert type. If I have a few years left on me meter..I be happy ta live there...Thanks fer tha warnin' on high priced libations..I do not drink a lot..but I like a fair swig fer me buck...it be depressin' ta see greed thrivin'...the merchants act like the Universe be runnin' out a time or summin'. Heres to ya, Privateer ! An another fer Las Vegas Pirates......Wayne Newton be gittin shinier every year ! He'd be a good Pirate...tha Pyrate Hat be roomy enuf fer his Pompadour !
Will it be worth a scratch ta see the Pirate show in Las Vegas, or is it too Touristy, an plastic ? I don't like plasticky...overpriced...I likes tha real thing inasmuch as a human shares it...I don't mind payin'...but I hate ta see nuttin' but tha back of a mans head...as he blocks me view...Vegas be less crowded after labor day ?? Crowds git me shivers in a timber...if they be crushin' and mashin'..a tiny wench..what's not even 100 pounds !Har Har..Me moons in Virgo...a bit fussy, I be....
Good one ! Scurvy Dog. Ya picked up on tha essentials !
Pirates Pirates...love them all.....make 'em short..or make 'em tall....dance about and sail the seas....ask them with a "pretty please".....treat them the way ya wants ta be treated....they'll be there when really needed..
http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Costumes...nd_Renaissance/ I don't remember whether I shared this or not. Most of the sites are active, a few seem to have folded. There are hundreds of patterns, and resources. One place has fantastic shirts...from overseas..but the shipping made it a bit too steep for me.....I have fun looking around, at any rate. Most are somewhat affordable, with many ideas.
well..I likes 'em all...pretty much..exept them musicals...where tha lady sailin' on a Pirate vessel..been thru a terrible storm..an not a hair out o place...on deck in a satin dress..and she be surrounded by scurvy dogs, an' a tune comes out of her like there be no tomorrow....bores me ta sleep....'specially when an old mate looks at her an sighs when she hits a high note...makes me want ta douse her with a bucket o chum..and tell her to make herself useful..an peel some spuds....
Life's not begun but it's no longer fun under the sun I take out a gun No need to run..I ain't gonna shoot It's an old Pirates gun.. jes part o me loot June 7 2004 Dream Wench
Ha Ha..funny Phil ! I love to fracture things... En Garde Tar-get ! Or Burger Sling Blade ! Or Tastee Freeze..or I'll shoot !" I could go on..but, I'll spare you...words are fun..and the creative energies are like a river...we never know what's around the bend...
Qwee Qweggs to the Captain: "Polyester skivvies are no good....they get fuzzballs, or whatever" Captain back to Qwee Qweggs: "Aye....Let's look for cotton...or better still...Hemp" Qwee Qweggs to the Captain: "Hemp available at Wal Mart? Will miracles never cease?" The Captain entered the front doors, and quickly embraced the old man (greeter) wearing a blue smock with the name "Virgil" emblazoned across the back. Virgil was hoisted, spun with glee, and placed back onto the floor, where he immediately took a heart pill. (Virgil was 82 and a sweet man) Ahab was in a fairly good mood. He wanted to buy something for his companion. "Yo! Qizzkeg or Qwetzleqwattle, or what ever yer called...help me find some skivvies" The two men sauntered up and down the aisles, and stopped in front of a woman holding white sheets in the air, while examining them for flaws. Captain Ahab had a sudden flashback, saw Moby Dick inside his head, and begain to flail his hairy Captain arms about. Losing his footing (when his pegleg became lodged in the open mouth of a Batman Slipper,) he accidentally Speared the sheet lady in the rump. She wasn't hurt, and told reporters she thought it was one of those "falling prices" Wal mart is famous for. The Captain found apair of skivvies but decided to buy a "multi- pak" featuring The Littlest Mermaid, Davey Jones, a Huge Octopus, and Amelia Earheart flashing a big smile, and a peace sign. Qwee Qwegs bought a styrofoam ice chest in case they ever had another ship wreck because of that "Dang Blasted Whale!" At least he could survive another day to shop at Wal Marts. No Longer must they fret about the Jetsam and Flotsam of a contaminated, monster-laden, besotted community full of people who don't know much about anything except beer, greasy food, polyester knits in neon green, bright lemon yellow, and hot pink. No more honking horns, emaciated dogs, gunshots, mindless sit-coms, info-mercials, Maury Povich, cigarette butts, Tang, falling prices, or ignorant men and women who continue to victimise, and blame one other for their woes. The Ocean waves gently lap the side of the ship, with the promise a new tomorrow. Life and Mother sea cured all ills. The scurvy dog had 400 limes at his disposal, and the Captain had a new Cabin Boy, a Cabin Girl, and plenty of Dubloons, and pantaloons, and tunes, and many moons to see him along on his journey. Qwee Kwegs had a nifty styrofoam coffin....with a picture of Virgil on it....for "emergencies". C June 6 2004 Dream Wench ( revised )
I likes ta see a man gittin' inside a womans head.....an' pointin' out tha subtleties o' bein' independent in her thinkin'.....
I found the perfect Pirate Pants they promised me a true romance have you seen them? yes ? per chance I illustrate a nifty dance Don't be shy do take a glance the light hits right it does enhance that be a button and not me lance ok girl let's sail to France The pants wore out when I got to port I had to cut the hems real short pardon me I need a stitch like they say now Life's a bitch ! I'll swab the deck on my hands and knees but now I ask you pretty please peek all you wish at me bottom feet but me pants dear maid ain't got no seat C June 5 2004 Dream Wench
Cire......I be an odd one....an proud o diversity in personalities. Me mind be an open one ! Here's to tha unique ! I be thinkin' we need ta design a Pirate costume...half male on on side, and half female on the other fer our special friends. I treasure all me mateys, an I am sure ye do as well. A bit o' each...a little more o' one...an' sometimes a lot o' tha other. It's fyne ta wear yer hat full or half cocked !
Multiples gots ta have a say ! Give 'em a wardrobe, an a buffet. Pirates be a bit borderline..an' I be fyne wit such a state o Bein'. We kin be a tad o each...I 'aves me male side even tho I be in a wench body....he kin see thru a cad faster n a bat after a bug....an he be warnin' me ta steer clear o' the scalliwags ! Duality an' tha Sea go hand in hand...or tentacle in tentacle...aye !
A puuurfect waye ta starts me day......I be thankin' ye kindly !
Photos from the Carnaval San Francisco Parade 2004
Dream Wench replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in June
Wonderful ! I love pictures ! Got me ol octopus in a spin ! -
I be land locked....fer some time ta come...I git vertigo sometimes...thanks fer tha 411 on tha studdie thing...sounds like a plan !
I am Impressed ! I be impressed. What a fyne impression ye Poets be makin deep in me mind.....Love an tha sea go hand in hand like whipped cream, and key lyme pie. I be plum out o gold stars..but here be a gold dubloon fer each o ya ! Good o ya Phil ta give that Tricksters tha real thing at Halloween. They will remember it... Mermaids...help a man ta git a lot off his chest.....
I agree Peter was rather..bland. The actor who played him looked like he could have been picked out of the short line at Mc Donalds....by a talent scout... "Hey kid..ya want to be in a movie ? ya busy this week end..uh wheres yer mom?? I'll ask her" Okay I am mean..but what do ya expect from a pirate Wench whats always dreamin?" Hate me for 10 minutes..then let me buy ye a libation.
Watched it last night. A little too "cutsey pie" in places. (hey I am over 10, it happens)..but great costumes, and acting. The ship is perfect. That's the sort I like....with a protruding "rump house" Wendy is a dish. Hook was very fine..and the Scarlett Frock coat was fantastic. The colour overall..excellent. I tend to focus on set decorations, and costumes.....I give it 6 swords !! (out of a possible 10) Arr!
I imagine the topic o sea sickness has come up before. I had it once. All I wanted...was ta get back to shore (no brainer)..and drink dill pickle juice, and cola syrup...I would have murdered someone to make it go away. I felt like I was about to die..then it got sooo bad, and I feared dyin' would bever come! arr!
http://members.aol.com/randwhit/patterns.htm Found a site what's got patterns.....arrgghh ! Not a Bad selection. MoiRandall's I be fond o tha dropped sleeve, they called it. The shoulder seam set lower on tha arm. Like Middy blouses as well....oh...yes...and tha little bellbottoms that ended just past the knees...look cute...striped...what be tha appeal o Nautical Wear ? Masculine, and feminine combined...some what....fyne wit me..
We love our Pirate Poets and all the things they share we love them short we love them tall with ribbons in their hair So if you hear them carrying on don't think that they're all daft jes give 'em a box of gold dubloons and a rigged and ready raft Nudge 'em gently out ta sea so others can pick 'em up within an hour an' a hearty meal you're bound ta lift yer cup Yo ho ho and a Poet Pirate here's me rum lad would ya likes ta try it? Share the tales in words which jingles but if yer dreadful tha blood sure mingles C June 3 2004 Dream Wench